I Am the President of the University

Chapter 502 The establishment of Guanghua Venture Capital

Chapter 501 The establishment of Guanghua Venture Capital

The process of technology transfer is still so unfriendly. Fortunately, Chen Hao is used to it and has developed some antibodies.

Half an hour later.

Chen Hao's closed eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

"Optical storage technology is indeed not simple!" He muttered softly, with some emotion in his tone.

The difficulty of photonic chips lies in the optical part, such as light emission, light sensing, light computing, light storage, light presentation, optical materials, optical devices and other fields.

It is not an easy task to overcome these difficulties and apply them on chips.

"The photon chip still needs to be produced as soon as possible. We can't delay it any longer." Chen Hao sighed slightly.

It has been half a year since I returned to China, and the results I have achieved so far are photonic screens and lactide. The most anticipated photonic chip has made slow progress.

As for the MR glasses project, it is more troublesome. It will not need to be thought about in a year or two, and the existing electronic chips and energy sources also restrict the development of MR glasses.

First develop the photonic chip, then focus on conquering the lithium-air battery, and finally tackle the MR glasses.

With photonic chips and lithium-air batteries, many of the technical problems of MR glasses will be solved.

"Guangxin, Guangxin..." Chen Hao then leaned on the chair, closed his eyes, and gently rubbed his temples with his hands.

He was thinking about where to place the chess piece next.

"The Optical Core Research Center is not in a hurry, but the Optical Core Industrial Park is..."

After thinking about it, Chen Haoru woke up from his dream.

It seems that I haven't been to the industrial park for a long time. Although Dr. Liang is coordinating it, I still have to show my face and check the work situation.

"We can't put it off any longer. Let's go and see it the day after tomorrow."

After making up his mind, Chen Hao began to concentrate on outputting the optical storage technology in his mind into a document.

At present, this optical storage technology is one of the important keys to promoting optical cores.

Time passed bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye it was noon the day after tomorrow.


Chen Hao stretched his muscles in the office, and the tiredness on his face was wiped away by the results on the computer screen in front of him.

"Finally finished"

Chen Hao slowly exhaled a breath.

The amount of knowledge involved in optical storage technology is far more profound than he imagined. Even if these technologies are transferred to his mind, it is like a library with more than 10,000 books. He has to sort out all this knowledge, which is not easy. Not an easy project.

Fortunately, he had the foundation of photon screen and optical logic gate computing technology, otherwise he would never have thought of digesting and sorting it all out in two days.

"Print these out and go to Professor Ren Hong's place." Chen Hao muttered, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Although technology is advanced nowadays, academicians still like to do calculations on the blackboard, and they also like to read printed manuscripts for papers, materials, etc. Unless they are on a business trip, they only read electronic manuscripts.

This optical storage technology covers so much, just printing out more than 50 single-sided A4 papers.


While printing, the printer suddenly jammed.

"Why is there no paper?" Chen Hao scratched his head, with a look of helplessness on his face.

He had no choice but to get up and walk to the door, opened the door and looked at Deng Hui outside.

"Xiao Deng, the printer is out of ink."

Khan, it’s not that I don’t have common sense in life, I’m just plain lazy.

If you have this kind of time, it’s better to check the information again.

"Coming." Deng Hui responded.

While Deng Hui was changing the ink, Chen Hao was concentrating on the computer screen, looking at the electronic manuscript of the optical storage technology, and checking whether there were any problems.

As for Deng Hui, after finishing the change, she glanced at the printed manuscript and saw the dense symbols on it, which to her were like ghostly symbols.

After Deng Hui finished changing the ink, Chen Hao tidied up the printing paper on the table, put it down in his briefcase, and then walked out of the office.

After leaving Guanghua Building, I took a white car on campus and arrived downstairs at the Optical Core Research Center.

Go into the center.

"There is something that needs attention in Wenyu's data..."

Ren Hong, who was explaining in front of the students, suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Of course it was because he noticed the arrival of the hot man.

"Wait for me first." Ren Hong said to the students and took a few steps to the side.

When he came to Chen Hao's side, Ren Hong approached and asked, "Principal, what's the matter?"

Chen Hao coughed lightly and said, "Say in the office."

Hearing what Chen Hao said, he lowered his head and glanced at the bulging briefcase in Chen Hao's hand, and his brows suddenly raised.

As if he had thought of something, Ren Hong smiled, and even his walking pace became much brisker.

In the office.

After the two of them sat down.

Ren Hong was impatient, his eyes fell on Chen Hao's bag, and he couldn't help but ask: "Principal Chen, is it in this bag?"

"There is something you like." A smile appeared on Chen Hao's face, and he packed the briefcase in front of him without any hesitation.

He took out a stack of printed manuscripts as thick as a book and placed them on the table.

Professor Ren Hong took it, but after seeing the content on the first page, his pupils shrank instantly.

"This, this is..."

Professor Ren Hong's hand holding the information trembled, and his tone of voice was also excited and trembling.

"Professor Ren, how about this gift?"

at the same time. \b

Ludao, Optical Core Industrial Park.

In the lucky coffee store on the first floor of the building.

Meng Zhou was paralyzed on the chair like a boneless creature. Only at this moment could he take a breath.

He complained weakly to the colleague next to him: "Old Chen, do you think Guanghua can do it?"

"If we can't figure it out, will we all stay here and play house with them?"

Meng Zhou is an engineer at China Microelectronics Corporation. Chen Nian, who is sitting opposite him, also comes from the same company as him.

I can only take a break at noon every day.

Since the launch of the Optical Core Industrial Park, major domestic chip-related companies have received talks from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

If it is a state-owned enterprise or a central enterprise, then naturally there is no need to say anything, and the order will be directly issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

On the contrary, some private companies can only rely on mobilization.

Whether it is the feelings of family and country or the future of optical core, companies on the list jointly submitted by Chen Hao and Liang Yiqing, such as China Micro, BGI Jiutian, Changdian Technology, etc., have settled in the optical core industrial park.

Moreover, the top scientific research teams from major companies were recruited.

The purpose is of course to cooperate with Guanghua to build and complete the optical core industry chain.

But I have been here for a few months, and every day I am either 996 or 007. Although I am given a lot of money for working hard, everyone is unsure.

They are almost done with it here, but the optical core has yet to be broken through.

Although major companies in previous China forums have also been invited, the hope of optical core breakthrough is very high, but on this issue of time...

Still quite annoying.

Moreover, the system for building the optical core is completely started from scratch.

"Lao Meng, you've said it before. If Guanghua can't produce optical cores, then TSMC and Qualcomm can't." Chen Nian shook his head and said.

"I know this, but without optical cores, how can we cooperate in building an optical core industry chain?" Meng Zhou couldn't help but complain.

Their chip manufacturing industry is a downstream industry of chip design.

Only after the optical core is created can they be put to use.

"Anyway, only the BGI Jiutian group is like chicken blood. They get off work after 10pm every day." Meng Zhou said somewhat speechlessly.

"We are not the only company. The company's senior management all believes in Guanghua, so of course we have no choice but to believe." Chen Nian said comfortingly,

"I know this too, I just want to vent my complaints." Meng Zhou sighed in a low voice.

Chen Nian on the side felt the same way, but at this moment all they could do was believe in Guanghua.

Chen Nian changed the subject and said: "Don't talk about work during lunch break, talk about something relaxing. Did you know that Wu Xuan has become popular recently?"

"The one who came back from South Korea? What's so popular?" Meng Zhou asked.

"Mine is very big, just bear with it. Then it will be over in three minutes. It's so funny."

The two chatted about the star Wu signed and burst into laughter.

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting next to the two of them put down his coffee, stood up and left.

When walking out of the coffee shop, Liang Yiqing sighed.

He heard the conversation between Chen Nian and Meng Zhou just now.

Although they are full of hope for optical cores, the following researchers are not necessarily so.

Everyone has emotions, and this is normal.

Thinking of something, Liang Yiqing left the Optical Core Industrial Park and drove to Guanghua University.

The entrance of the Optical Core Research Center.

When Chen Hao walked out satisfied, he unexpectedly met Liang Yiqing.

"Dr. Liang, what's wrong with you?" Chen Hao asked.

"Principal, you are here too. I had something to do with Professor Ren, and now we can talk about optical cores together." Liang Yiqing was overjoyed. He was originally looking for Professor Ren Hong, but he didn't expect that Principal Chen was here.

Chen Hao, who was about to leave, entered the Optical Core Research Center again because of Liang Yiqing's arrival.

Office of the Director.

The three of them sat and talked about optical cores.

In fact, Liang Yiqing was talking most of the time, and the two of them just added questions from time to time.

"Dr. Liang, your idea is to expand the optical core industrial park and expand into the optoelectronics field?" Chen Hao asked with a frown.

At present, the partner companies of the Optical Core Industrial Park are all leading companies in the domestic chip industry. However, after Dr. Liang Yiqing mentioned the researchers’ concerns about the optical core just now, he proposed a way to expand the partner companies of the optical core and make the cake. .

"There are still too few companies participating in Optical Core, such as Juguang Technology, Zhongke Micro Precision, Changan Bisheng Laser Technology, Tangjing Quantum, Qixin Optoelectronics, and Safulex, which have done well in recent years." Liang Yiqing He thought for a moment and said.

"It makes sense." Chen Hao nodded and fell into deep thought.

"One more thing." Liang Yiqing said, raised his head and looked at Chen Hao and suddenly smiled, "The company Ruisi Intelligent Core was established in July last year. It has developed well over the past year, and it seems that there are some difficulties in funding. To start the Pre-A round of financing, I think that with Principal Chen’s capital, it is better to win the company Ruisi Intelligent Chip.”

Chen Hao understood what Liang Yiqing meant, which was to lay out the field of optoelectronics and bring some good start-up teams under his wing.

After all, Guanghua has money. Since it has money, it is better to win over some good start-up teams and then move the teams to the Optical Core Research Center to speed up the research and development of optical cores.

If you can't acquire it, then talk about investment and cooperation.

If we can't cooperate, then goodbye, and don't even think about talking about cooperation in the future.

"Establish a venture capital?" Chen Hao became interested.

It's best to acquire it, otherwise invest and bring it into your own camp.

"It seems interesting."

"You can refer to Zhongke Chuangxing on this point." Liang Yiqing reminded.

"I know Zhongke Chuangxing." Thinking of Zhongke Chuangxing, the idea in Chen Hao's mind suddenly became clear.

Zhongke Chuangxing is China's first professional platform focusing on hard technology venture investment and incubation. It was initiated by the Institute of Optics and Mechanics, Dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in conjunction with social capital.

Simply put, it is a venture capital institution that specializes in investing in the field of optoelectronics.

From 2013 to now, it has invested in more than 100 companies, all of which are companies in the fields of optical sensing, optical communications, optical computing, photonic materials, and photonic manufacturing.

"But, will this collide with Zhongke Chuangxing?" Chen Hao asked hesitantly.

"If we hit each other, we'll hit each other. It's the other party who should be worried." Liang Yiqing said nonchalantly.

Chen Hao reacted and couldn't help but smile.

Liang Yiqing's words were indeed correct.

If it were a behemoth like the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he would definitely not dare to offend too much, but the other party was just the Institute of Optics and Mechanics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences system has more than a hundred sons in the capital and across the country, but they are also divided into sons and daughters.

Chang'an Institute of Optics and Mechanics... undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

If you want to judge the quality of the research institutes under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, you can know from the graduate students of the institute.

If you claim to belong to something, that is a good place;

If you claim to be from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and don’t mention the specific institute, then... you know everything you know.

In the capital city behind Guanghua University and the Optical Core Research Center, even if there is a conflict with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there are dedicated people to mediate the conflict, let alone an enterprise involved in optical mechanics.

"I agree with Dr. Liang's idea." Ren Hong pondered for a moment and said in agreement: "For example, the core R\u0026D team of Kunyou Optoelectronics is from well-known universities such as Stanford University, University of Rochester, University of Cambridge, Zhejiang University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The professors and doctors from the Institute of Optoelectronics are still capable.”

"Okay, then I'll go back and make preparations." Chen Hao didn't hesitate to make the decision immediately.

"There are some suggestions I would like to make." Ren Hong looked at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao said: "Professor Ren, tell me."

"The current research team of the Optical Core Research Center is still somewhat lacking in manpower. I think it still needs to expand its recruitment. On the one hand, we can ask the universities in the chip alliance to organize a group of research teams to come and support after this year; on the other hand, the Optical Core The research center can also issue announcements for recruiting researchers.”

As for leaks, there is little to worry about.

Not to mention that Guanghua University is being taken over by Eggy, and the mobile phones and computers of all researchers in the scientific research sequence are being monitored. \u001c

Any contact with foreign forces will be immediately reported to Chen Hao and the comrades of Guoan.

"Okay, Professor Ren, you are right. The center can no longer be conservative. As for the manpower, you can give me the documents that require relevant fields, and I will assign people to deal with them." Chen Hao nodded and said.

The three of them discussed the matter of optical cores, all with the purpose of quickly advancing the research progress of optical cores.

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