I Am the President of the University

Chapter 98: Hot search again

   "Dingling bell~"

   At 8 o'clock in the morning, the school bell rang again after two months of absence.

   Chen Hao, who just came out of the canteen, looked up at the teaching building.

   "The new semester has finally begun~"

   Chen Hao let out a suffocating breath, and almost two months have passed.

   Although there are not many classes in the first class on Monday morning, there are still many students walking on the road.

   A few people in a group, talking and laughing, the whole campus also has a youthful atmosphere.

   "You are so young~" Chen Hao smiled and noticed that several girls were looking at him.

   is nothing more than the troubles caused by appearance. In order not to cause riots, Chen Hao had to speed up his pace.

   In the principal's office.

   Chen Hao turned on the computer, preparing to catch the fish first before starting to deal with school matters.

   Just as soon as the computer logged into WeChat, I received Qian Jiahui’s message.

   "Great God, your school is on Weibo again!"

   "What? Why are you on the hot search again? Our school hasn't done anything recently, right..." Chen Hao looked innocent and seemed to have forgotten the arrangements he made these two days.

   "Go to Weibo to read it myself, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to continue writing the paper, just a little bit~"

   With the end of this sentence, there is a cute emoticon package behind.

   The corner of Chen Hao's mouth was raised, and after saying 886, the computer opened Weibo.

   As soon as I opened the hot search list, I saw the news of Guanghua University in the 35th place.

  # Guanghua University hires platinum writers as teachers, is it reasonable to break the rules? #

   Looking at the topic initiator, Chen Hao directly wanted to curse.

   "Day, why is this alarming report again? This day, I am scared when I am idle and doing nothing, right?"

   Chen Hao scolded and grinned. Every time it was this guy doing things, it was recorded on the account book. When you catch the opportunity in the future, you must clean up the other party.

   The article tells that Guanghua University will invite top platinum writers in online literature to teach, and will be a full-time lecturer, not a visiting professor.

   As for the two pictures, both are screenshots of the notification group of the two classes of Chinese Language and Literature.

   Sure enough, there was a quarrel in the comment area.

   "This university eats jujube pills! It's really anyone who invites them. Even if you invite physical book writers, web writers are also included in the class?"

   "Cowhide, platinum has been invited, and I don't know which big guy is here? It's a pity that I'm not in the same city, otherwise I will definitely go to the class to listen."

   "Aren't all university teachers with card qualifications? At least Ph.D. degree! What academic qualifications do these web authors have? Isn't this blind Jiebao coming here?"

   "I agree with the upstairs, academics are rigorous! And universities should be more cautious in teaching and educating people!"

   "No, no, no? It's 0202 now, why are people still looking at things from this old society's perspective?"

   "I'm just a lecturer, not a professor. There are so many foreigners in this building?"

   "It's funny how to make a noise."

   The comment area began to polarize. One team supported Guanghua University’s behavior and felt that it should be based on personal ability; the other team opposed it, believing that academic qualifications were the most important.

   On the contrary, the two teams are fighting each other, no one can say who.

   "Now the netizens are really idle, it's okay to entangle this why, it's better to play more games to be interesting."

After    spit out, Chen Hao withdrew from the topic, took a few glances at the hot search list, just when the cross was closed.

   After a pause, he stopped, then clicked on the top ten topic.

  #Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology's collapsed graduate student Tao Wenxin's supervisor Wang Chen resumes recruitment qualification#

   Because of this topic, Chen Hao almost didn't react for a while.

   Fortunately, his memory is good, remembering that incident two years ago.

Tao Wenxin is a graduate student in the School of Automation of Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology. Because of "long-term oppression by his tutor, he was forced to call his tutor's father, buy food and clean up for his tutor, and was prevented from further study by his tutor". In the early morning of March 26, he committed suicide by jumping off a building in the school.

   also because of this time, brought a new nickname to Jiangcheng University of Technology: Jiangcheng Dad University.

   As for Wang Chen, who squeezed Tao Wenxin later?

   In addition to canceling the qualifications for graduate enrollment, there is a compensation of 650,000 yuan, which is gone~

   As for now, it’s more fun. It has only been more than two years. Does this school treat all netizens as fools?

   Chen Hao did not forget, nor did others.

   "Professors with bad deeds should be expelled, and they can continue to recruit graduate students. Can you let the students go?"

   "Is this the mentor who asked the students to call Dad? It really disappoints me... Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology is still a 211 university, and the level of processing is like this?"

   "Is there any memory on the Internet? Only two years have passed. Jiangcheng Polytechnic has begun to desperately test the IQ of netizens. It is really sad for Tao Wenxin. A life will be punished for 2 years, not worth it!"

   "I feel cool about the Chinese academic circle!"

   "Cow! Don't stop me, everyone, I must be admitted to Jiangcheng Science and Technology, and I will send a dad to school. This is too blessed (dog head)."

   Chen Hao really feels disgusting after watching this news. Why is there such a tutor?

   He sighed, but felt worthless for Tao Wenxin. After nearly 20 years of reading, it became a bubble.

Regarding this news, Chen Hao directly forwarded it to his Weibo and commented: “As a college teacher, the most important thing is not ability but morality! Wang Chen from Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology is not worthy to be a teacher. His name will disgust me! As for everything that Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology has done, I am also very disappointed. This is the level of your school? Haha."

   Finally, he did not forget the official Weibo account of @江城理工大学.

   Then, he called Deng Hui in and said:

"Deng Hui, you inform Zhu Chen there and post a notice on the school's official website~www.wuxiahere.com~ about the teacher's morality. There is also the Jiangcheng Polytechnic incident, and I hope to notify the school teachers. We must not appear here. This situation! Once it occurs, it will never be tolerated!"

   "Okay, principal." After Deng Hui remembered all this, he went out directly.

   Chen Hao in the office stood up and stared at the outside scenery from the window.


   Teaching Building of College of Engineering and Technology.

   Zheng Tianyu, all the people in the dormitory came to sit down in the lecture hall.

   What they did not expect is that the first class of school is high math!

   This little fairy with a far lead in the rate of committing a department!

   A few minutes later, class starts.

Listening to the high mathematics teacher talking about the topic, there are 6 people in Zheng Tianyu’s dormitory. Two of them are already getting sleepy, especially Shi Ze, the head of the house, rubbing his eyes and saying, "Brothers, no more, I will squint. Call me for a roll call."

   Shi Ze fell asleep after saying this, but the other roommate fell asleep before he could hold it for a while.

   The other four people have been listening.

   Especially Zheng Tianyu became more energetic as he listened.

Until the bell rang after class, Zheng Tianyu closed the book full of notes and said to the roommate next to him, "Lao Zhang, have you found that the high maths in this semester is easier to understand than before? I feel like this class I understand!"

   "It seems like, I don't feel as strenuous as last semester."

  +50% learning comprehension, the effect of class is beginning to show!

  Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket! Ask for a reward! Almost released the pigeons again!

   is almost 5 o'clock, alas, I am drunk too, I must go to bed early tomorrow!

   The matter of a certain provincial polytechnic university is on the news again. It's disgusting. I can re-enroll students. I vomit??


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