I Am the Swarm

Chapter 509 Attack

Because the swarm's previous ground combat experiments on the Duoqi star were carried out under the heavy cover and cover of the space force. Although the Star Sea Alliance has been trying to explore, they have been blocked. What happened above, the Star Sea Alliance still does not know.

Therefore, the scene that appeared on the LKDW262 Life Star was the first time that the ground troops of the swarm were shown to the world.

At night, because of the Zerg's airdrops, the cities on Motuo Life Star strengthened their defenses, not only imposing a curfew, but also increasing the number and frequency of patrols.

However, several rounds of sweeps have been completed, and many Zerg airdrop units have been eliminated. Coupled with the security of more than ten days in a row, the original tense mood of the patrol personnel has been slightly relaxed.

The Motu tribe is a race that pays attention to environmental protection. The sky at night is still clear, cloudless and has a good view. In the distant starry sky, a little flame burst out from time to time. It was the light when the energy furnace of the coalition warship exploded. But at this time, through an ordinary astronomical telescope, looking in that direction, you can even see dense red silk threads flying in the starry sky.

The Meto people on the surface understand that the great battle in the distance is related to their own survival. Therefore, many Meto people have changed their living habits in a short period of time.

They are now out at night because they have a better view of the battle at night. Although they can't help much, they still hope to convey their blessings to the distant fleet.

Patrol personnel are no exception. They raise their heads from time to time, look into the distance, and pray silently for their comrades.

Suddenly a shadow crossed the corner of a patrol member's eyes, and he was about to stare intently when suddenly the left side of his cheek hurt, as if something had stabbed him. He raised his hand to touch it, but just as he raised his hand halfway, his body uncontrollably tilted to one side.

The sound of falling to the ground was very clear in the silent night. The patrol member, who could no longer move his eyes, only hoped that his abnormality would alert his teammates around him.

However, as soon as he fell, the sound of falling to the ground reached his ears. Although he couldn't turn his head and see the scene behind him, he probably understood what happened by virtue of his own experience.

In his final vision, he didn't find out what attacked them...

What was shot was the genetically modified flying insect troops. They were originally scout troops, and their main function was to provide other arms with information services such as guiding routes, discovering enemy situations, marking enemy troops, and early warning.

But they also have a certain ability to attack. The flying insects have stingers coated with neurotoxins in their tails, and can launch them silently, accurately hitting targets within 50 meters.

In addition, they are equipped with optical stealth and noise reduction flight mode, so it is easy to approach unsuspecting enemies and wait for an opportunity to attack.

Being in a comfortable local environment, coupled with the lack of experience in fighting the Zerg ground troops, many patrol soldiers did not wear full-body combat uniforms. They were the first to become victims of the flying insect army.

Of course, not all Moto soldiers are so careless. There are still many wearing full-body protective clothing, and even some elite teams are equipped with simple exoskeletons.

These guys, relying on the flying insect army, can't deal with it alone. At this time, sneak attackers need to appear. Sneakers though are the same as Raiders, using the original Spider Worm template. But if the Raider is a minimalist cannon fodder version, then the Raider is a luxury customized version with high-end full configuration.

Optical invisibility, poison sac stinger, spinning web, wing membrane sliding wing, etc. are all standard configurations. At the same time, the main body is wrapped with horny armor, while the limbs are equipped with exoskeleton armor. This makes them need to go through more than ten shell molts during their growth from larvae to adults.

And such a troublesome growth experience also makes them extremely powerful in combat. Not to mention various auxiliary functions, the horny armor not only increases protection, but also increases its own weight. The body with a diameter of nearly half a meter can weigh more than 30 kilograms.

The jointed limbs covering the exoskeleton are not only amazingly powerful, but their own sharpness is also a magic weapon. Although they are called sneak raiders, they are very capable in frontal combat. It is definitely no problem to fight raiders with one to ten.

Several sentries hidden on the roof did not notice that a few flying insects with optical invisibility turned on were hovering above their heads. On the wall of the building, a few heavily armored insects also turned on optical invisibility. With the claws at the front of the joints, their heavy bodies seemed to have no weight. Guided by the flying insects, they quickly and silently climbed to the roof.

Several sentries didn't notice the danger coming. Although they were dressed tightly, they did not delay in the slightest to exchange some experience that had nothing to do with combat through the communicator.

Suddenly, a sentry suddenly fell to the ground. His good physical fitness did not help at this time. Although he wanted to struggle hard, he was pressed tightly.

He screamed in horror, intending to notify his companions, but just as he opened his mouth, his body suddenly stopped, and he could see something protruding from his open mouth, the blood seemed to be condensed in the void, and a faint outline was drawn. contour.

Then the transparent object was slowly retracted, and then pulled out from the back of its neck. There was no hindrance, blood gushed out, and the Mo Tuo soldier, with his eyes wide open, gradually fell silent in unwillingness.

At the same time, similar killings befell his companions beside him, this city, and all over the planet.

Finally, maybe because the sentinel did not reply for a long time, or maybe because the sentinel's body was discovered, the alarm rang over the entire city, and quickly connected together, waking up all the Meto tribe on the planet.

The sky gradually brightened, and the sun shone on the earth. The Mo Tuo tribe, who had been sleepless all night, pushed open the door in horror and walked out slowly, bathed in the morning light, as if welcoming a new life.

Last night was a night of horror. Mo Tuo's high-level executives, who noticed the abnormality, quickly organized more people and went to check everywhere.

But on the way they marched, new people kept losing contact, and nothing was found at the scene except for the victims. Panic gradually spread, and the invisible enemy reminded people of terrifying legends.

But many Moto tribes realized that this was the Zerg's comeback and made another move. The environment at night was very unfavorable to them, and a large number of flares were fired into the air, only to slightly stop the signs of killing.

But in some shadows, there are still people who are being attacked and killed. Patrols were stopped, people were gathered together urgently, no one dared to rest, and finally lasted until dawn.

Under the sun, nothing seemed to have happened, but the corpses that were constantly being discovered told the terror of the Mo Tuo tribe last night. Finally, the remains of most of the victims were found, and they were gathered together, waiting for professional examination.

Thank you Li Yunfei from Guangzhou for tipping 100 starting coins.

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