I Am the Swarm

Chapter 518 Corrosion

On the main battlefield, the situation is already very unfavorable to the coalition forces. There is already a gap in numbers, and they are still holding on, so there is not much room for tension.

In addition, the Mo Tuo tribe later transferred some warships and fighter planes. Although they played a small role in the main battlefield, they also accelerated the pace of the defeat of the coalition forces.

"Sir, we can't stand it any longer!" A foreign commander asked.

Since the start of the war, after nearly a month of fierce fighting, the damage rate of the coalition's solid defense facilities has reached more than 95%, and more than 50% of the more than 20 million warships have been destroyed. As for the insect swarm, it is conservatively estimated that there are at least 30 million Taikoo-level insects left.

The multiple of the troops of the two sides has nearly doubled to nearly three times now, and if it continues to drag on, the gap between the two sides' troops will only become wider and wider.

The commander of the coalition forces on this battlefield is General Yarito, who is also a Trout. He is well aware of the gap in methods, and he also understands the meaning of his subordinates, but he has applied to his superiors for evacuation many times, but they have not been approved.

"Sir, when will our reinforcements arrive?" Another foreign commander asked.

The corner of General Yarito's mouth was bitter. Even he wanted to know about the reinforcements. Every time I ask upwards, it is ambiguous, and every quasi-letter.

However, his clever cerebellum deduced that the reinforcements were probably enough, because at the front line, his colleague Diffeke's place was even worse than his place.

Originally, he expected that Di Feck would lead the fleet to repel the Zerg. After all, Di Feck had taken away all the high-end warships, and the combat power of the fleet was much stronger than his side.

Then turn back, flank him on both sides, and eat the Zerg troops on his side.

But what I never expected was to sneak attack the Zerg assembly point with a superior force, and then wipe out the troops at the Zerg assembly point in one fell swoop, and then make an information gap, and eat some follow-up troops while waiting for work.

With such a perfect plan, an easy war of annihilation turned into a war of attrition. As time passed, a steady stream of Zerg reinforcements joined the battlefield. As for Diffeke, the back road has been blocked by the Zerg, let alone returning to attack the Zerg, the Zerg will not pinch him, he is thankful.

However, as the forces of the two sides gradually became unbalanced, the central army that had been desperately stopped by the Zerg at the beginning was rushed to the Zerg reinforcements to encircle it, and now it has been completely lost.

Without the involvement of those high-level fleets, those foreign fleets with the IWC brand are no match for the revived Zerg troops. After being charged by the Zerg, it was scattered, and now it is being hunted down by the Zerg army.

Even in such a tragic situation, they did not receive reinforcements from the alliance, let alone his side.

"Sir, quantum communication is the news from the headquarters." Suddenly, the communication soldier came to report.

Arito, who was pondering the situation, was startled and then overjoyed. Could it be that the reinforcements had faith? This battle was too embarrassing, and an advanced fleet was urgently needed to help him express his nausea.

Ten minutes later, Arito's face was gloomy.

Although the news came from the headquarters, it was not official information. It was just a friend of his who conveyed some news to him through official channels.

The content of the message surprised him a little. First of all, Diffek's team had already been broken up. Diffek gathered some remnants and defeated generals, bypassed the battlefield on LKDW262's side, and withdrew in another direction.

So, on Arito's side, don't think about counting on Di Feck. Moreover, the Mutual Aid Association has withdrawn the assembly point of the coalition forces from LKDW262 to LKDW257.

The star system LKDW257 is located in the inner galaxy of the alliance, and it is also the main galaxy of the Meto civilization, and it is their birthplace. LKDW257 is about five light-years away from 262.

Putting the assembly point over there, the meaning is already obvious, they have been abandoned by mutual aid associations and alliances. Arito can be a commander in the battlefield, and his ability and power are still very strong. The Tro people will never give up on him easily.

However, due to the large number of members of the Mutual Aid Association, there is no way to publicly disclose information or give him instructions, so he can only use the hands of friends to inform him of these information and let him decide for himself.

In fact, Arito had nothing to deal with. This matter was actually very simple. He just learned from his colleagues and looked for opportunities to get out before the situation completely deteriorated.

Most of his own fleet has been sent to the front line. Except for a convoy with only a hundred warships under his command, the others are all foreign troops.

Therefore, abandoning them, Arito has no burden.

But superficial work still needs to be done.

Thinking of this, his mood immediately relaxed a lot, and the tensed facial muscles also eased down. Let the adjutant and a group of soldiers who are good at observing words and expressions secretly speculate in their hearts what news the commander has received.

With the score in mind, Arito's new decision was immediately reflected in the formation of the coalition forces. Compared to the previous conservativeness, at this time they were quite desperate and let go of the feeling of fighting.

As for the swarm, they also clearly sensed the changes in the coalition forces, and they were actively seeking opportunities for a decisive battle. In this regard, the swarm is naturally happy to see it.

As a result, the mechanical parts joined the unknown flesh and blood, floating in space. Dense beams of energy passed through the wreckage. The center of the entire battlefield is like a grinder, crushing the troops of both sides into pieces.

In a great battle, the two sides fought fiercely for seven days and seven nights, and no one retreated. But this kind of consumption, the Zerg can afford it, but the coalition army can't afford it.

Without reinforcements, the commander would have to fight to the death, and the gossip that the battle went to one soldier and one soldier, did not know where it started, spread among the soldiers of the coalition army, and spread wildly.

Having personally experienced the change in the commander's decision-making, most soldiers believed the news. But this kind of multi-ethnic foreign brand fleet, except for the Motu tribe who has the mood of defending their home and country, other foreign tribes think that life is precious, and there is no need to consume it for other races.

As a result, people were panicked, and finally a foreigner was the first to bear the battle losses and asked Arito to order a retreat. With an example to take the lead, other foreigners will naturally follow suit.

They quickly united and collectively forced the palace against Arito.

On the other hand, Arito reprimanded them pretendingly, but was finally forced to obey the public opinion and issued a retreat order.

The foreigners cheered, as if they had defeated the Zerg. But immediately, they, who were still very united just now, began to stumbling others.

This is also impossible. At this time, their fleet is entangled with the Zerg, and if they want to retreat, someone must be in the rear. And none of them wanted to be the queen of the palace.

But when they attacked each other, no one noticed that Arito's flagship and escort fleet had long since disappeared without a trace.

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