I Am the Swarm

Chapter 523 Insufficient

Naturally, the swarm on the opposite side would not be unaware of such a big movement from the coalition forces. A blade conference was held, and many blades gathered in the worm network conference room to discuss countermeasures.

"The Star Sea Alliance is coming aggressively this time, and there are many more advanced civilizations participating. The previous Tero civilization is only at a mediocre level now. Our troops may be taken advantage of by the opponent's speed and range."

"That's right, not only the overall technological level of the enemies has been greatly improved this time, but even the number is not comparable to before."

"There is no need to worry about this. The Juggernaut has arranged for the frontline troops to upgrade themselves. After this upgrade, the speed and weapon range of the Taigu class will be improved. And the Juggernaut has authorized the command of all the troops in our star field. I have transferred some of the troops from the rear to the front line, and we will not be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but they are still on the way, and it will take a little time." Hearing the questions raised by the blades, Sarah said calmly Said.

With the support of a large number of intelligent bodies of the Zerg Swarm, the technological development and growth rate of the Zerg Swarm far surpassed all other foreign civilizations, even the Ji Clan could not compare.

In addition, many of the existing technologies of the swarm have not come to an end, and there is a lot of room for improvement. The swarm has long been able to carry out a wave of upgrades.

But because the previous technological level was sufficient to deal with the enemy, the swarm did not reveal much. Now that the enemy has been upgraded, the swarm must also improve their skills.

Because some corrections and improvements are made on the original basis, there is no need to add new modules or organs, so Rowan only authorizes it remotely, and then the space octopuses absorb energy in the near orbit of the star, and the mutation can be completed, which is very convenient.

As for the number, the troops that the swarm participated in the attack before were all soldiers from the Rickon galaxy, the neighboring galaxy and the origin galaxy, and then including the sandstorm, the big horn, the white worm, and the red ants.

These star systems are the earliest sites occupied by the swarm, and they developed earlier, and they stationed a lot of soldiers, supporting the first wave of the swarm's offensive. Afterwards, these star systems also continued to send troops, together with the subsequent occupied star systems, they expanded outward.

But from the beginning to the end, the troops on the other side were never used. One is because at the beginning, except for the two star systems of Earth River and Heishen, the other star systems were occupied later, and there is no way for Earth River and Heishen to continue to send troops to expand outward and occupy new star systems Send troops to support the other side.

Later, after the newly occupied star system developed, and after finding that the other side had stabilized its position and did not need support, it also sent the excess troops to open up new territories.

This is also the reason why the Zerg Swarm has only captured over 20 star systems on this side, while the other side has already occupied nearly 200 star systems. In addition to unmanned interference, it is also because there are enough troops sent.

But now facing the menacing coalition forces, the strength of the twenty-odd star systems on this side alone is already stretched. Therefore, Rowan authorized the right to use the swarm troops on the other side to Blade Edge to support them.

With these more than 100 star systems as the base, plus the original more than 20 star systems, the swarm will not be at a disadvantage in terms of military strength for a while.

However, due to the long span of the territory, the farthest Zerg base is even more than 100 light-years away from the front line. Even if the propulsion system has been upgraded to the ancient class, it will take more than 20 years to cross this distance.

Therefore, there are reinforcements, but they will not arrive immediately. The blades must make some flexible arrangements based on this.

"According to intelligence, the number of warships in the Star Sea Alliance has reached more than three billion, and we have nine star systems exposed to the front line. On average, each star system will be attacked by 300-400 million warships attack."

"Our current troops on this front are less than four billion. Even if they are all upgraded, it is still impossible to block the attack of almost the same number of coalition fleets."

Because of their size, the individual combat power of the coalition warships is much stronger than the ancient class of the swarm.

The length of the warships of the coalition attacking fleet varies depending on race and technological level. The length of conventional warships ranges from two thousand meters to four thousand meters, and the number of main guns carried ranges from eight to ninety-six. The number is between thirty-two and four hundred.

And some special flagships or functional ships carry more main guns and secondary guns. Better energy and transmission systems allow them to fire more naval guns at the same time.

On the other hand, the Swarm is usually equipped with two to four main guns on the Taikoo class, and the secondary guns are carried by adults. From this number, one can intuitively imagine the gap in firepower between the two sides.

Prior to this, the highest level of opponents that the swarms faced was at the level of the Trojan civilization. Their main battleship is only equipped with more than 20 main guns. At the level of the Mo Tuo tribe, the main battleship only has eight main guns.

Under such circumstances, the swarm relied on more flexible skills, powerful healing and regeneration abilities, and the harassment of countless adults and larvae, and only won a few wars under the condition of superior numbers and constant reinforcements.

But now, it is absolutely wishful thinking to win this war with the original ratio of military strength. The swarm army must be several times the size of the opponent in order to achieve a balance of firepower.

Rowan has also noticed that the swarm space force is currently highly homogeneous, and all battles are basically completed by large and small space octopuses. The richness of arms and the degree of division of labor and cooperation are far inferior to ground arms.

The reason for this situation is that space octopuses take into account the functions of melee, long-range, and transportation. When there is no war, their flexible arms and legs can also allow them to serve as engineering construction arms.

Coupled with the base of the creep template, they have amazing vitality and strong compatibility. No matter how you look at it, they are a pretty perfect unit.

But as the swarm enemies level up, space octopuses are perfect, but they're good at everything, which means in some ways, everything is loose. Let them become more and more weak when facing the enemy.

And Rowan has noticed this, and is currently redesigning some highly targeted arms, such as abandoning melee and transportation capabilities, and being able to carry more weapons, all of which are for the firestorm (beast) of long-range extreme output.

There are also some similarly functional and targeted arms.

But most of them are currently in the concept stage, and there are still many problems to be solved before they can be born, set foot on the battlefield, and show the world. Among them, the most critical is a more efficient energy system.

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