I Am the Swarm

Chapter 535 Anxiety

Although the Yuntu tribe had already noticed the spiders and war worms in the swarm, they also noticed the thin spider silks. They knew that at this time, it was impossible for the Zerg to come up with something meaningless. These small combat units can directly exist in the space environment, and the technological content is not low, and they must have a unique role.

But at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and it is impossible for them to stand still because they don't know the role of the spider and war bug.

The unmanned fighter planes did not stop, and they continued to move forward bravely. Soon, they rushed into the spider web formation. At this moment, the effect of the spider web was revealed.

The space version of the spider war worm looks like a spider, but in fact, it has almost nothing to do with spiders except for its appearance. Its basic template is the magnetic structure organization of atmospheric organisms. There are no messy internal organs and digestive systems inside. It can store a certain amount of energy itself, and can also use some magnetic field-related abilities.

And those spider silks are not ordinary spider silks, they are magnetized substances with high metal content. Though thin, they are actually very strong and, at the same time, magnetic, being attracted to nearby metallic substances. Then "stick" to it.

In fact, these spider silks themselves are not sticky at all. The reason why they stick to metal objects is that the spiders and combat insects achieve "bonding" by switching the magnetic properties of the spider silk to attract it to the magnetic field of the target object. the goal of.

As long as this kind of "bonding" does not stop outputting energy, the "stickiness" of the spider is beyond imagination.

When the spider silk catches an object, the spider warpworm at the other end of the spider silk will first distinguish whether it is an enemy. If it is confirmed to be an enemy, it will use the magnetic field to pull itself towards the target unit at a very exaggerated speed.

When approaching the target unit, the spider warp actively cut off the spider silk, and then used the inertia and its own magnetic field to lightly land on the target.

The unmanned fighter planes of the Yuntu family have already been disassembled by the intelligent bodies, and the information was authorized by Luo Wen to be sent to all combat units in this battle simultaneously.

The spider warworm crawled to a special position on the fighter plane, raised a jointed limb, and stabbed it directly.

In order to reduce the cost of this special unit, the spider warworm has eight arthropods all over its body, seven of which are relatively common, and only this one is extremely special.

This was created by the swarm after absorbing the technology of Potter Metal Star, adding previous technologies, and combining biotechnology. It can be said that this arthropod is the essence of the space version of the spider war bug, and it is also the pinnacle of the current material science of the bug swarm.

In front of this arthropod weapon named the polymer spider blade, although the fuselage material of the Uniform Fighter is also very extraordinary, it is still a bit inferior after all, being directly pierced by the spider blade.

The Yuntu fighter plane had an obvious freeze, but continued to fly tenaciously. But at this time, the magnetic field of the spider war worm erupted, and the berserk current entered the inside of the fighter along the sharp blade, directly burning many precision parts.

The fighter jet emitted some black smoke, and then the propellers on the tail and wings flickered a few times, and finally went out. The fighter jet completely lost power and continued to move forward by virtue of its inertia.

An adult stretched out its arms and legs to grab the unavoidable drone, flicked it hard, and threw it back to the original path. Although their interiors were destroyed and their engines and control systems failed, the dark energy mines they carried still had the possibility of being remotely detonated. Therefore, they are still dangerous and must be kept away from the Primordials.

The spider war worm did not leave the Yuntu fighter plane, it quickly moved to the belly of the fighter plane, and opened a metal baffle with a few blows.

After the baffle was lifted, the dark energy mine with a special shape leaked out. Seeing it, the spider war worm didn't stop at all, and immediately started the removal work.

Although the adult's speed of throwing the fighter back is very fast, it is far from the charge speed of the Taikoo class. If they are left alone, the Taikoo class will rush to its side soon.

If they are left alone, and the Yuntu clan chooses an opportunity to detonate them remotely, the consequences will be disastrous, so they must be detonated completely or detonated in advance.

The Yuntu tribe quickly discovered the swarm's intentions, but the current situation made them a little embarrassed.

Because the circuit system of the unmanned fighter was burned, some functions were destroyed, and the drone could not feedback its own status. This made the Yuntu tribe only detonate all the unmanned fighters that were in a disconnected state.

Flashes of explosions flashed across the battlefield, slightly hindering the charge of the ancients, and while blowing up a large number of spider war insects, many adults and larvae were also affected, causing some losses to the insect swarm.

However, the Yuntu tribe is not having a good time. They also have many unmanned fighters implicated, but the number affected by the explosion is very small, most of which are due to some special systemic reasons.

Because of various explosions and energy shocks, a complex battlefield environment has been created. In this case, it is very frequent and normal for the communication system to be disrupted and the combat units to lose contact for a while.

However, the Yuntu clan detonated all the lost fighters, which caused some normal fighters to be bombed by mistake because they could not report their own status in time.

But the Yuntu clan was also forced to do nothing, the spiders and worms attacked too quickly, and they were extremely familiar with the structure of their dark energy mines. If you don't hurry up and delay for a while, the mine will be detonated and detonated.

In this case, not only will the unmanned fighter planes and dark energy mines be lost in vain, but the spiders and war bugs will still be alive and well. In contrast, letting them play together is the best choice.

Even if it takes some innocent guys for this, it will not hesitate.

However, the Yuntu tribe still made a mistake in their judgment. A large number of dark energy mines exploded at the same time, creating a crazy energy storm, which caused communication interference in a wider area.

More innocent unmanned fighter planes were detonated, triggering a stronger energy tide. After a few rounds of chain reactions, the Yuntu clan destroyed more fighter planes than the insect swarm...

But then the Yuntu clan discovered that it was not too bad to do so, because although many drones and dark energy mines were detonated, they also slowed down the charge speed of the ancients, allowing the fleet to fire several salvos with peace of mind.

In terms of long-range weapons, the Yuntu tribe has undergone a qualitative change due to the energy system, and the power of the artillery fire is much higher than that of the swarm. The dark energy shells of the main cannon, the Taikoo-level shells, will cause minor injuries if they are scratched, and serious injuries if they hit, and they will lie dead directly after two shots. Each round of their salvo will cause huge damage to the swarm troops.

However, the Taikoo-class energy cannons are not very effective against the armor of the Yuntu warships. There are only more than a thousand Yuntu warships that were destroyed by a round of salvo. At this speed, the Yuntu fleet of 50 million ships will last until the Year of the Monkey.

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