I Am the Swarm

Chapter 547 Recall

Through unremitting efforts and multiple achievements, the swarm has successfully changed its image in the Star Sea Alliance from a mindless beast to a cunning hunter.

Therefore, for the sudden and inexplicable retreat of the swarm, whether it is the Yuntu tribe or the Ketuo tribe, the first reaction is whether there is any conspiracy in it.

The worm swarm's stealth technology is unparalleled in the world, maybe there is a big trap waiting for them somewhere, and now it is to lure them over.

But what confuses the Yuntu and Ketuo tribes is that the behavior of the swarm doesn't seem to be luring them. After all, according to the normal process, shouldn't it be a fight first, then evenly matched, then defeated, and then fled? Only in this way will the packaging be fresh and tender enough to make people want to eat.

But what the hell is it now? More than 300 million insect swarm troops, fully staffed and in full condition, there is no prelude, and they go straight to the point? Now this bait is quite attractive, but its strength is too strong. It has changed from a theoretical sashimi feast to a living shark. Before people bite, they must first examine their own strength.

After comprehensive consideration, this matter is too dangerous. If it is your own business, then you can give it a try, but now this matter is purely for helping out, so it is better to be on the safe side.

The Yuntu tribe became the biggest winner of this contact, and the fleet, which was thought to be hopeless, had about two million left. And the Ketuo tribe didn't gain nothing, not only completed the tasks assigned by the above, but also won the favor of the Yuntu tribe for nothing. It's really hard to say how much it is actually worth.

And the Zerg seemed to be the only loser. Some of the meat in their mouths was spit out, and the bait hadn't worked, which was equivalent to losing their record in vain.

However, after thinking about it, it was still too strange. In the film and television works of various races, there are often plots such as parasites. Although they are somewhat magical, they have to be guarded against. As a civilization whose technology tree focuses on biotechnology, it is very possible for the Zerg to come up with some messy things.

Therefore, the Yuntu clan on the two million battleships that were rescued had not fully enjoyed the feeling of escaping from death, so they were forced to sleep and arranged for the battleships to be transported away.

They will be under the closest scrutiny at the rear. Not only the body has to be thoroughly checked by various instruments, from the inside to the outside, repeatedly. Ideologically, they also have to go through a rigorous review, and their glorious deeds from childhood to adulthood have been asked all over the place. Many Yuntu tribes were subjected to a second round of review because the time was too far away and they forgot some questions.

At the same time, all shipboard monitoring instruments have to be reviewed frame by frame. Although the data shows that the Zerg is not good at playing these, but what if? Therefore, make sure that all monitoring has no traces of modification.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, they were finally convinced that the Zerg didn't do anything tricky about this matter. But that was a long time later.

"They'll be all right, I'm sure!"

"I hope so~"

Looking at the hibernation cabin being sent away, Meade and Al had different moods. Those rescued Yuntu tribes not only had to go through inspections, but even the warships they drove back were stored separately, waiting for the robots to scan the entire ship to see if the Zerg had hidden anything on it.

The Zerg will not do unnecessary things. Behind their inexplicable actions, there must be something hidden. If they don't figure it out, they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

In fact, this time the swarm really didn't have any traps or anything like that, it was just a very simple retreat. It's just that the Zerg's previous record is not good, which is why the Star Sea Alliance has a lot of doubts.

However, the current situation is also intentional by the swarm. The reason for this battle is not to destroy the vital forces of the enemy army, but to delay the time. Now that the goal has been basically achieved, it is natural to reduce its own losses, just like the deduction of the Ke Tuo clan, if they continue to fight, the swarm will most likely suffer. So, if you don't run now, wait when.

It's just that it would be even better if we could take advantage of the last wave of retreat, plus some of the enemy's own people to fan the flames and delay for a while.

Now it seems that the insect swarm's strategy was very successful, and the coalition forces of the Yuntu and Ketuo tribes did not pursue it, but stationed in place. Even three months later, when the third middle circle civilization arrived here, the remnants of the Yuntu tribe retreated backward instead.

In fact, it’s not surprising when you think about it. The remaining troops of the Yuntu clan are all ruined, with serious wear and tear and missing parts. The protection of the battleship has dropped to a low point. I need to go back and fix it.

The Ketuo tribe and the newly arrived middle-circle civilization named Tia, although the total strength of the two families has exceeded 100 million, and they are strong and in good condition, they still remain on their feet and silently wait for the follow-up friendly troops.

It seems that they have completely put away their contempt, and they must muster all their combat power and advance together. Although this will take more time, the focus is on safety.

However, this is also the purpose of the swarm. The swarm troops did not retreat suddenly for no reason. Apart from the fact that they were severely damaged in the fight, another reason was that these troops had to go back to upgrade their combat readiness.

The swarm has conducted research on dark energy-related technologies a long time ago. Over the years, the self-development of the intelligent body, coupled with the scattered information shared by its own people hidden in the enemy camp, the swarm has already achieved some results.

Thanks to the dismantling of the finished products of the ten Yuntu battleships harvested by the swarm at the beginning of the war, the intelligent bodies finally connected the research results of many years and summarized a complete theoretical system.

After obtaining the finished mechanical product, Luo Wen joined in the research, and relied on his rich knowledge of biological transformation to transform the mechanical result into a biological result.

In a short period of time, a new generation of dark energy furnaces and dark energy cannons were born, and the swarm finally equaled the army of the Star Sea Alliance in terms of hardware.

With new equipment, it is natural to change all the staff. Benefiting from the magical swarm network and unified gene template, it is very convenient to update the swarm troops.

As long as you find a location with sufficient energy and safety, Rowan authorizes a remote update of the genetic code. Those old versions of the ancient class can grow the atomic furnace in the body into a dark energy furnace by themselves in the sun. Of course, other components are similar.

The ancient level is the product of time precipitation. Although the combat units of the swarm are relatively cheap, those large combat units must have a growth process, so there is a high time cost in it.

Therefore, the old Taikoo grades on the front line are very precious, so naturally they cannot be wasted and must be recalled.

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