I Am the Swarm

Chapter 565 Function

Because of the previous discussions with those civilizations in the middle circle, these civilizations in the outer circle are far away from the battlefield. Even if they advance fully, it will take some time to reach the designated position.

Naturally, the change of the coalition forces did not affect the Zerg. Instead, because of their shrinking formation, the battle damage increased a lot. But they have to give up the passage for the civilizations in the outer circle to enter the battlefield, and these losses can only be endured painfully.

After several rounds of firepower exchanges, the coalition forces keenly discovered the reason why the Zerg firepower was so fierce. Some never-before-seen or rare Zerg units appeared in their battle formation.

For example, a combat unit shaped like a puffer fish, with a slightly fat body, is about the same size as the Taikoo class, but it carries more than a dozen main cannons on its flat back.

This is a new type of Zerg unit called Puffer Fish. It is a long-range support unit that appeared after Rowan wanted to increase targeted units. Its well-proportioned and more mechanical body makes its speed and flexibility even stronger than the space octopus.

But it has no melee capability. The two dark energy furnaces in its body can supply up to sixteen main cannons to fire at full power at the same time. And due to the compatibility of their creep templates, they can freely choose the number of main guns they carry. At this time, because they are close to the base, most of them choose to carry more than ten main guns.

There are a lot of them, there are as many as 500 million, accounting for one eighth of the total force of the Zerg. With such a large proportion, Conrads couldn't help but scold the intelligence collection department of the coalition forces.

The coalition's intelligence department against the Zerg was led by the Ji clan, and all the races on the front line, including the Lashudia, and even those civilizations in the outer circle joined.

Under this configuration, it is impossible to sell the enemy for personal gain. Therefore, the Zerg actually concealed so many new types of arms, no wonder those intelligence personnel.

Because the puffer fish and space octopus are combat units created based on the creep template. They usually huddled together when they were basking in the sun, and the swarm deliberately confused them, so they couldn't tell the difference at first glance.

Each puffer fish is equivalent to several times the firepower of the ancient level with only two barrels. Now there are 500 million of them here, which fully increases the firepower of the Zerg by more than half.

In addition, the giant units that the Zerg have on every star orbit in their territory are also available here. Although because of this star system, the Zerg occupation time is not long, only a few decades, but the giant structure unit has grown to a level of more than two thousand kilometers.

Two behemoths that look like asteroids traverse the orbit of the star. For these Zerg giant structures, after years of remote observation and research, the Alliance has long figured out their purpose.

Those Zerg megastructures are different from the construction of mechanical roads, so blueprints must be prepared and issues such as load bearing must be studied. They should be a kind of Zerg that grows slowly from small to large through the unique advantages of biotechnology. Because of the self-regulating properties of creatures, they eventually grow into giants.

This makes the Zerg do not have to have a high level of technology to build such a giant structure like the Alliance Civilization. The Zerg were able to build these things very early, when they were still young.

And through the retrieval of some early monitoring data, it is shown that the functions of these Zerg giant structures are also very primitive. They are equivalent to a super electromagnetic gun. When the Zerg did not master the advanced sub-light speed engine and warp speed engine, they used them to launch a meteorite-like structure to the surrounding star system to achieve the purpose of expansion.

Because of this research, the Alliance also launched a round of operations to find Zerg meteorites. Fortunately, the ejection speed of the Zerg giant structure is far from the speed of light, and it is only weak to the level of sub-light speed flight. Even if it has been flying for hundreds of years, it has not actually run very far.

Moreover, they basically do not have the ability to change direction midway, so most of them have been crashed in the past. In addition, when the Zerg launched them, the level of technology was still very low, the shielding and hiding of various signals, and the research on stealth technology were far from the current level.

The Alliance took advantage of technology and quickly developed a targeted instrument. With their help, the area bordering the Zerg quickly cleared away the only remaining Zerg meteorites.

What puzzled the alliance's researchers was that the Zerg's gene lock technology at that time made them helpless now. But thinking that the Zerg had accepted some kind of inheritance, they didn't go any further. However, a small number of scientific researchers became interested in what the inheritance was based on to unlock the technology, but because of too little data, they finally let it go.

While launching the Zerg meteorites, these Zerg megastructures also part-time launched the ancient level, accelerating the ancient level to the sub-light speed state. According to the records, in the war between the Zerg and the Riken, the Zerg used this method to quickly deploy troops to the Riken galaxy.

But until now, the role of these giant structures has been negligible, and it stands to reason that these things should have withdrawn from the stage of history long ago. Because the construction of such a giant structure will inevitably consume a huge amount of resources, even if you think about different biotechnology, it will need to consume something.

The Zerg can be forgiven for keeping the mega-units that have already been built. However, they can still be seen in the star system newly occupied by the Zerg, indicating that the Zerg still retains the tradition of building these behemoths.

This is very unscientific, unless this giant structure is something like a Zerg spiritual totem. However, there are very few people who support this point of view. The Zerg fights are all biological weapons. I don't know how many real members there are. How could they engage in such things.

Therefore, these Zerg megastructures must have other functions. But what is the specific function, there are different opinions. Some say that it is a biological hatchery, and the combat units of the Zerg are all produced here.

It is said that it is a Zerg palace, and there are real Zerg living in it. As long as you attack and occupy these giant structures, you may find Zerg treasure.

Some say that this is a large-scale quantum transmitter. The Zerg has an efficient communication system. Although the Zerg has been trying to hide it and showed a multi-primary color communication system, after analysis by scientific researchers, this system is small. It may be useful in ranged battles, but not enough to support large-scale battles. Because this means of visually disseminating information is too easily disturbed by external factors.

There are also some knowledgeable people who say that this is the framework of the Zerg star gate, which is not complete yet, but as long as the Zerg unlocks the relevant technology, they can build the star gate as quickly as possible on the basis of these giant structures.

In addition, there are speculations such as prisons and experimental fields. The number of supporters varies, but generally speaking, everyone firmly believes that these giant structures are definitely not spiritual totems.

Thank you Feng Xilan for tipping 100 starting coins.

I'm taking a day off today, I won't change it tomorrow.

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