I Am the Swarm

Chapter 578 Experience

But when fighting the space octopus, the mecha's humanoid advantage in close combat can't be brought into play at all. First of all, in terms of softness, can a mecha made of metal be softer than a mollusc space octopus?

Secondly, the mech only has two arms, but the space octopus has at least eight arms and legs, and the arms and legs have no joints, so the steering is more flexible.

Therefore, in this personal jujitsu duel, the mecha was completely destroyed.

However, the mecha is not completely powerless to fight back. There are many organs on its body that open, and high-speed rotating saw teeth protrude from it. The adults or larvae wrapped around the mecha were caught off guard, and their flesh sprayed.

The adults were better, but the petite larvae had a few huge openings instantly torn apart by the high-speed gears. If it is an ordinary creature, with such a tragic injury, I am afraid it will not survive.

But the space octopus based on the creep template, even at this level, can still struggle a little longer. The Zerg didn't know why, in the first battle with the mecha, they could accurately find its life gate, where the cockpit was.

The space octopus stretched out two arms and legs, grabbed its head and twisted it. Mechas that pursue high restoration of the human form also inherit the weakness of the human form's fragile neck.

Even for a larva whose body size is several times different, under the flickering of the arc, the neck of the mech gradually exceeds the critical value. Finally, due to the loss of the bond between the wrestling parties, the head of the mech, together with the cockpit, has been removed.

Only the flickering electric circuit was left on the neck, and the black smoke came out of it. However, the mecha is not a human body after all, losing its head and manipulator, although important, cannot completely make it lose its combat effectiveness.

When a special situation is detected, the auxiliary agent obtains temporary authority and takes over the mecha. The mecha turned around, and the powerful output power made the joints of the waist and legs splatter with electric flames. Suddenly, it froze and was forcibly broken.

And when the mecha turned around, it hugged the space octopus larva, and the energy machine hidden in the chest was overloaded, and the energy reached the extreme of instability in an instant.

The light of unstable energy leaked from the metal gap worms of the mecha. All this happened in a flash. The space octopus was hit hard by the high-speed gear before, and its body was cut in many places, resulting in poor control of the body. Even if it struggles, the effect may not be effective Not so good.

However, the space octopus never thought of dodging. As cannon fodder, their role is to sacrifice. At the last moment when the mecha energy machine exploded, the space octopus took the head of the mecha back to its side, wrapped its arms and legs around it, and at the same time exerted force, the electric light exploded, and the head wheel of the mecha collapsed inwardly under the huge pressure.

At this time, the energy machine of the mech finally reached its limit, and the flames and wreckage of the explosion engulfed the space octopus.

This is just a microcosm of a battle. The larvae of the space octopus are already so difficult to deal with, let alone the adults and the ancient class. Dai Bowen's plan to rely on mechas to deal with space octopuses was somewhat unfavorable.

However, the difference in numbers between the two sides is too great. The adults and larvae that can be carried by a few penetrating Taikoo mechas are limited, while there are tens of thousands of Daiber mechas.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that the training in the virtual world was too real. After a brief panic, the mecha fighters quickly stabilized their emotions. They were not as sad as they imagined for the sacrifice of their comrades.

They quickly regained control of the battlefield, and their cooperation began to show. It is difficult for adults and juveniles of space octopuses to have the opportunity to 1V1 duel.

The fighting style of the pilots has also become much more intense. For example, when they face teammates who are entangled by space octopuses, they will draw their swords without hesitation.

As long as the mech's head is kept intact, the body is just some mechanical parts, and the civilization that controls dozens of star systems will not lack these resources at all.

Soon, the adults and juveniles of the space octopus were beaten to death one by one, and the mecha pilots who changed their fighting style increased the battle damage rate of the mechas a lot, but the casualties plummeted.

Gradually getting familiar with the space octopus's style of play, they will focus on and avoid related attacks, and their teammates will help when they are beyond their reach.

However, the electromagnetic propulsion of the space octopus is sometimes too fast, especially when the whole body of the space octopus is fighting with electric arcs flashing at full power. This kind of attack was concealed because of the omen, and some pilots were killed by the cold.

However, Dai Bowen is very satisfied with this result. After all, this is only the first generation of mecha. With the data of this time, they can definitely improve it even better.

After the adults and larvae of the space octopus were wiped out, although the several Primordial octopuses were powerful in force, they did not cause any trouble in the end. With the cooperation of the mecha warriors, at the cost of blowing up several mechas, all the ancient-level arms and legs were cut off one by one.

The Taikoo-level combat power that lost its arms and legs dropped drastically, and was soon besieged and dismembered by the Daiber mecha.

When the coalition forces on other lines of defense had already dealt with the invading space octopus neatly, it was very obvious that Daiber's slightly protracted and fierce battle here.

The Zerg keenly observed this situation. In the fourth round of projections, it was obvious that many more Archaic grades were projected in the direction of the Daiber civilization.

And with the Daiber civilization attracting firepower, other civilizations are also happy and relaxed.

At this time, the survivors of the third round of ancient-level projectiles had just passed through the wreckage area, but they were still quickly wiped out. Even on the front line of Daber civilization, because of their experience, the time for fierce battles was greatly reduced.

But when the fourth, fifth, and even sixth rounds were delivered, the number of Archaic projectiles flying towards Daber's civilized front increased significantly. The survivors who passed through the wreckage area ranged from a few at the beginning to hundreds of thousands later.

The increase in the number of Archaic grades means that the number of adults and larvae has also increased exponentially. And when the number increases, the space octopuses no longer fight randomly, but show various exquisite coordination.

Cut the battlefield, create a one-on-one reality, and prevent the enemy comrades from supporting. All space octopuses, no matter how big or small, are like one body. Compared with the cooperation of the Zerg, the cooperation of Daiber Civilization, which was quite complacent just now, is too immature.

Moreover, the increase in the number of space octopuses is causing a chain reaction. The Daiber civilization has been unable to eliminate all space octopuses before the arrival of the next round of ancient-level projectiles. This makes the number of space octopus more and more, more and more difficult to eliminate.

In contrast, the number of Daiber mechs is decreasing rapidly. Although their style of play reduces casualties, it consumes too much mecha.

Among all the damaged mechs, almost 30% were destroyed by their own people.

Seeing the rapid erosion of the battle situation, Daibo Civilization had to step up its interception efforts. The main gun and auxiliary gun interception nets that had been released before began to fire at full power.

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