I Am the Swarm

Chapter 594 Discovery

"That's right, Hummings, it seems that we need to find some other channels. You are sitting over there. Now that you have these guesses, have you found any clues?" Cecil asked with a slight shrug.

Hummings shook his head and said: "I'm still late. Although the Zerg is not very strong, it is a form that we don't understand at all. We can't get involved in social humanities, network information and other links. In addition, other Some unique means, with them occupying LKDW399, it is not easy for us to infiltrate and investigate there. Besides, I have insufficient professional manpower here, so I can only rely on a few people to find a needle in a haystack. Unfortunately, I have not found it yet What noteworthy information."

"Can't we use some diplomatic means to force them?" Cecil frowned.

"The Zerg are taking a biological route different from ours, and it is difficult to implement a scientific and technological blockade. Moreover, they are an extremely closed race, with almost no willingness to communicate. They are also self-sufficient in terms of supplies, and economic sanctions are also difficult. There's no way to talk about it. Military oppression might have been possible before they joined the Union, but now..."

"The rules can't be broken, it's just because the interests are not big enough. If those people know the value of the Zerg, I'm afraid they will start a war immediately."

"That's right, but now they don't know, so we can't..." Hummings showed regret, and the two fell silent.

Just when Sarah felt that the two would end the call, Cecil suddenly raised her head and said, "Maybe we can try other methods."

"What method?" Hummings' eyes lit up, and he asked hastily.

"Hummings, are you sure that this creature also belongs to the Zerg?" Cecil asked Hummings, pointing to the image of Godzilla in the second document.

Hummings made a serious thought, and replied after a while: "This is not confirmed. This creature is just a flash in the pan. I have never seen such a creature in the combat unit of the Zerg. If it weren't for the records of the Riken tribe, I didn't even know it existed."

"Is there any other information? Can I see the source material?" Cecil asked.

"Of course there is no problem. It's just that the Liken tribe had hoped to monopolize the life-prolonging potion at the beginning, and artificially destroyed many records. Even if I used various means, what I obtained was some broken information. You can take a look, maybe you can compare The old man sorted out more." After finishing speaking, Hummings made a quick operation, and the information reached Cecil with almost no delay through the quantum communication network.

Cecil opened the documents one by one, and they were all scattered. However, she had expected that, except for a few members of the Xinji Clan, most of the others were powerful scientific researchers, and Cecil was obviously inclined to information manipulation.

She swiped frantically on both sides, as if she was using some algorithm to retrieve useful information, and Hummings was not in a hurry, and waited slowly.

Suddenly, Cecil's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "This record is interesting."

Hearing Cecil's voice, Humins suddenly opened his dazed eyes, and stretched his disproportionate neck to look over. It's a pity that Hummings couldn't see the specific display in front of Cecil through the communication.

Cecil caught a glimpse of Hummings from the corner of his eye, smiled slightly, and shared the picture for him intimately: "Look here, according to the record of this message, the Riken tribe encountered It is a pity that although there are some pictures of indigenous creatures here, the most important ones have been destroyed and cannot be restored. Otherwise, we can see whether the creatures that attacked them existed in the Zerg .”

Hummings looked over, and sure enough, he said he was attacked by a native gregarious creature, but the specific description and pictures were destroyed. There are several kinds of this kind of creature on almost every ecological planet. It is really impossible to judge whether it is related to the Zerg based on this alone.

"It actually said that they had an advantage in the battle against this kind of creature. If they were Zerg, I don't think Zerg would be so weak."

"Indeed, as you said earlier, Hummings, it was an enemy from another barren planet who came here and defeated them. Could it be that the creature has nothing to do with the Zerg?"

"It's also possible that the reason why the Primordial Season Clan's laboratory was relocated to such a distant location is to avoid those troubles, and the second reason may be that they need various ecological environments to help them experiment. "

"There is a piece of information here that has been damaged. I'll try to fix it." Cecil paused again. Hummings was not a professional counterpart, so he couldn't understand these operations at all.

After a while, Cecil's surprised voice came: "Hummings, if what is said here is true, it may explain why you have never seen that creature again."

Hummings hurriedly looked over and quickly read that part of the information: "That creature was killed by the Rickon tribe, and it was relatively easy. But it's not surprising, this creature looks powerful, but its flexibility is too poor , only enemy weapons can penetrate its armor, it is just a target. This is probably why I did not see it in the Zerg combat unit, because it has been eliminated."

Hearing what Hummings said, Cecil was a little dazed, but she quickly shook her head and said, "Hummings, actually, the reason I wanted to say just now is not what you said."

"Is there any other reason?"

"Haven't you ever thought that there is actually only one such creature, and now it is dead, so you have never seen it again..."

"Is that so? I don't think it's possible. Although I don't have much evidence, one thing you must know is that the Zerg's main combat unit is an octopus-shaped creature. There would be a thermonuclear reaction. I suspect they have the same thing as this monster."

Hearing what Hummings said, Cecil also scratched his head a little, and said to himself: "Is that so? But why did the Zerg keep a eliminated guy on this planet? I have read the combat data of the Zerg, they The combat units can even absorb the nutrients of their companions and repair themselves. With their style, they will not let such a big guy waste resources in vain."

"It really doesn't make sense. Maybe this creature has made some great achievements? Or is it just to commemorate something?"

"Making meritorious service? With this primitive thermonuclear reaction, if it really participated in any war, then they would not be able to escape our monitoring and early warning." Speaking of this, Cecil's eyes suddenly widened.

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