I Am the Swarm

Chapter 738 Competition

Although the vision is poor and there is no sound, Sarah is by no means the only one or two ways to find the enemy. Through other methods, she still knows that she has been spotted from the details of the soldiers' limbs.

Sarah is not someone who just sits and waits to die. The moment she realizes that she has been exposed, all the cells in her body have already begun to mobilize. The mimetic protective layer faded, and the negative energy blade stretched out. With a light swipe, the drill bit of K2N9 was cut off in half. The half bit away from the main body was still in a state of high-speed rotation. Sarah pulled it aside and plunged into it. in the mud layer.

Afterwards, the sharp blade attacked again, dismembering K2N9 in a few blows, Sarah kicked hard, and the kick was so fast that it even produced a sonic boom. Under this high-speed impact, a piece of K2N9 wreckage flew out like a shell, and directly smashed the soldiers of the Ji clan who were still dreaming of being promoted and making a fortune several meters away, and then fell deeply into the soil.

Because she was annoyed that the soldier had found her, Sarah kicked extra hard. Seeing the tragic condition of the soldier, she calmed down a little.

Throwing or kicking some other convenient K2N9 wreckage not only cleared away the metal objects blocking the way, but also dealt with some fast-footed soldiers of the Ji clan.

This passage was excavated temporarily and has not been reinforced, so staying in it is like a turtle in a urn. But what Sarah has to do now is not to escape from here, but to delay the time as much as possible.

"Ah!!!!!!" A scream came out of Sarah's mouth, and the sound quickly transitioned from harsh to silent, but its destructive power multiplied.

The unreinforced passage couldn't withstand the ultrasonic attack at all, and the mud and sand fell down, quickly submerging the passage.

The soldiers of the Ji clan who came excitedly watched the passage disappear. They had no ability to dig holes, so they could only wait outside the passage, waiting for the K2N9 to arrive.

However, Ji clan soldiers and metal objects surrounded from all directions have already surrounded the target. Now they only need to narrow the encirclement step by step, and sooner or later they will be able to catch the target.

Sarah also understood this truth, so she didn't do some useless work around. Instead, he had polymer claws in one hand and a negative energy blade in the other, digging downwards at the fastest speed.

In fact, the fastest way is to put a negative energy shield under her feet. As long as she has enough energy, she can even go all the way to the center of the earth. But this method consumes too much energy, and she can't hold on for a few seconds at all. Moreover, excessive consumption of energy will cause her other skills to be unusable. Under the current circumstances, it is not a wise move to exhaust one's blue bars.

Therefore, she didn't even use the dual negative energy blades to dig holes, but also for the purpose of saving energy. However, in terms of digging holes, negative energy blades are not necessarily better than polymer claws. In the end, Sarah found that this operation is not as smooth as two claws pulling together, and it saves energy.

The more energy, the less energy. After changing to the double claws, Sarah's energy is almost no longer consumed. At the same time, the small dark energy furnace in her body is also working at full capacity to store more energy.

"She was stalling for time, ordering the front-line troops, stop the ink, and hurry up and grab the target."

"The tunnel worms below are crazy! According to the current speed, it won't take long for them to devour the safe soil layer." The so-called safe soil layer is the soil layer that has not been contaminated by X-576 radiation. As the product of ordinary biological templates, the boundary line of the radiation range is their insurmountable forbidden area.

But as long as they hollow out the soil layer outside the forbidden area and pull the forbidden area deep underground, their mission is over. For other things, there are naturally corresponding arms to complete.

"I think it is necessary to detonate an X-576!"

"I disagree. As I said just now, once those tunnel worms are killed, they lose their support and the target area falls. In that case, the chances of the target escaping will be greatly increased."

"That's right, we have now discovered the target's location and surrounded her. What we should do now is to catch her as soon as possible. Before that, don't make any troubles."

"But we are too passive in this way. The Zerg may cause the collapse of the target area at any time. But when we detonate the X-576, we can take more initiative."

"Heh, what initiative do you have in your hands? Once it falls, the Zerg will have arranged something below. In this case, can you ensure that you still control the situation?"

"Yes, if that happens, it means that the breadth of the battlefield has increased several times. Our current strength is not enough to support a war of this magnitude, let alone, we only have two days."

"Stop talking, come and see!"

After Sarah turned on the negative energy blade, its special energy fluctuations were easily captured by the related radars of the Ji clan. Even if she later switched to the double-claw mode, the vibration generated by the digging would still allow her to show her figure on other instruments.

"Target is moving down!"

"What are those idiots doing? Serena? Serena? Plan a route now and let those idiots stop the target for me!"

At this time, Sarah was digging a hole, and she seemed to have experienced the joy of Lord Juggernaut at this time. This was the echo of her heart, but it was a pity that she was interrupted by the Ji clan just as soon as she echoed.

Under Serena's overall coordination, K2N9 quickly arrived at the designated location and intercepted the Zerg queen who was crazily pulling.

"My Lady Queen, don't hold back, you are already surrounded, you should surrender quickly, lest you suffer more."

"That's right, Your Lady Queen, we just want to ask you to have further exchanges, to promote our mutual understanding, and to resolve past misunderstandings."

"My Lady Queen, please move."

Although the two sides did not meet face to face, the Ji Clan's persuasion to surrender has been passed through the sand and soil through the loudspeaker. Although the meaning of these trash words is meaningless, they are not useless to Sarah.

The echolocation system was fully turned on, and with the help of the noise made by these loudspeakers, the surrounding situation and the distribution of the Ji clan's troops had already taken shape in Sarah's mind.

With the help of the swarm network, Sarah's computing power is no less than that of artificial intelligence, and she quickly planned a most suitable escape route.

But her position is also transparent to the Ji clan. According to her position changes, Serena is also making new encirclement paths for many Ji clan soldiers and metal creations.

On Sarah's side, the facts will change according to the changes in the Ji family. Therefore, before the two parties have really contacted each other, the competition in terms of computing power has already begun.

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