“No, it’s not,” Harry said thoughtfully, “Dumbledore is an interesting man. I think he probably wanted to give me a chance. He seemed to know more or less about what was happening here. I think he knew exactly what we were going to do, and instead of stopping us, he secretly handed us a lot of useful things. I think it’s no accident that he taught me that the magic mirror functions. He seems to think that if possible, I have the right to face Voldemort…”

“yes, that’s what makes Dumbledore special.” Ron said proudly, “Listen to you, you must come to the year-end banquet tomorrow.” The scores are out, of course, Slytherin first – you missed the last Quidditch match, without you we were beaten to Ravenclaw – their substitute Seeker, too good – but the stuff at the banquet was delicious. ”

Just then, Ms. Pomfrey broke in.

“You’ve been here for almost fifteen minutes, get me out.” She said firmly.

“Wait a minute, Ms. Pomfrey.” Harry was a little reluctant.

He hadn’t had time to talk to Eugene yet.

“Ms. Pomfrey—” Ron also had a lot more to talk about.

“All out!” Ms. Pomfrey was a little angry.

Eugene quickly pulled out a card from his pocket, “Harry, this one for you.” ”

As soon as it was handed to Harry, the three of them were pushed out by Ms. Pomfrey.

“What did you stuff Harry?” After coming out, Hermione asked curiously.

“Cornelius Agriba’s card.” Eugene said.

“What did you say—” Ron raised his voice, “Agriba? You actually have—”

“Ron, be quiet.” Hermione glared at Ron, “A lot of people are looking at you.” ”

“Eugene, when did you draw it?” Ron put his right hand on Eugene’s arm, “How about we exchange next time you have Agriba?” Which one are you missing? ”

“I’ll go first.” Hermione walked straight away.

Eugene was entangled by Ron, he really didn’t expect Ron to be so attached to Agriba.

It’s hard to understand the card family.

In the end, he could only verbally promise that he would definitely give it next time.

Harry slept soundly for the day.

Early the next morning, Madam Pomfrey was packing up the candy gifts for Harry.

“I want to go to the banquet, can I?”

“Professor Dumbledore allows you to go.” He said disapprovingly. It seemed to her that Professor Dumbledore did not recognize the potential danger of banquets. “Someone came to see you again.”

“Oh, great,” Harry said, “who is it?” ”

He sometimes thinks it’s really boring to stay here.

As soon as the words fell, Hagrid leaned sideways and entered the door.

Every time Hagrid walked through the door, he looked like a behemoth.

He sat down next to Harry, looked at him, and cried sadly.

“Both—blame me—this—stupid!” He covered his face with his hands and cried, “I told that villain how to get through Luffy!” I told him! He knows everything, he just doesn’t know this, and I just told him! You almost died! It’s all for a dragon egg! I don’t drink anymore! I should be kicked out and be a Muggle for the rest of my life! ”

“Hagrid!” Harry said.

He was shocked to see Hagrid tremble with sorrow and remorse, and large tears seeped into his beard. “Hagrid, he always has a way to find out, we’re talking about Voldemort, even if you don’t tell him, he always has a way to know.”

“You almost died!” Hagrid sobbed, “Oh, don’t mention that guy’s name! ”

“I’m going to say, Voldemort!” Harry yelled.

“I once met him face-to-face and I called his name to his face. Hagrid, please, be happy, we kept the Philosopher’s Stone, it’s gone now, and Voldemort can no longer use it for evil. Eat a chocolate frog, I have a whole bunch of them…”

Hagrid wiped his nose with his hand and said, “You reminded me that I brought you a gift too.” ”

With that, Hagrid pulled out a beautifully leather-covered book.

Harry opened it curiously, and it was plastered with pictures of wizards. Smiling and waving at him on every page, it was his father and mother.

“I sent an owl to your parents’ old classmate Song Xin and asked them for photos… Know that you don’t have a picture of them… Do you like it? ”

Harry was speechless.

But Hagrid understood perfectly.

He gently stroked the photo with his hand, feeling as if some liquid was flowing down his throat, bitter and beautiful.

So much so that Hagrid quietly left, and Harry didn’t know.

The year-end banquet is about to begin.

Students entered the auditorium one after another.

The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were in the aisle between the college tables, chasing and fighting.

Eugene, along with Ernie and Justin, arrived at the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was covered with green and silver ornaments representing Slytherin.

After all, the hourglass score in the foyer is the most Slytherin.

On the wall behind the guest of honor, there was also a huge banner painted with Slytherin snakes.

Justin looked a little unhappy, “The last thing I want is the Slytherin House Cup.” Even Gryffindor or Ravenclaw is fine. ”

“Me too.” Ernie said.

“I think your wish will come true.” Eugene said with a smile.

Justin was speechless, “You’re still in the mood to laugh, we’re second to last.” ”

“At that moment, you will have to be the first from the bottom, and you will not cry?”

“Eugene, should you divinate again?” Ernie asked.

Eugene coughed dryly, “That’s natural, the House Cup showdown will be Gryffindor’s.” ”

“Gryffindor has the fewest points.” Justin was a little unconvinced.

“But, their Potter made a contribution,” Eugene said of him, “and Dumbledore will certainly give them a plus.” ”

While a few people were chatting, Harry walked into the Great Hall.

“Look, it’s Harry Potter!” Ernie pushed Justin.

There was a brief silence in the auditorium, and almost everyone’s eyes were on the boy who had just entered the door.

Immediately afterwards, the audience became noisy again.

Under the gaze of countless people, Harry went to the Gryffindor table and sat down between Hermione and Ron.

“He can get out of bed already!” Ernie said.

Eugene nodded, “I went to see him yesterday afternoon and is recovering well.” ”

“I don’t understand, how it feels like the credit is all on him.” Justin said, “That night, you went too, right?” ”

“I want to go and be a hero!” Eugene laughed and said, “I really sneaked into the kitchen that day.” ”

“Going to the kitchen for one night?” Ernie apparently didn’t believe it.

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