Second-graders read:

Standard Spells, Level II, by Miranda Goshak

Breaking with the Ghost, by Gilderoy Lockhart

Traveling with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart

A Vacation with the Domina by Gilderoy Lockhart


Four Gilderoy Lockhart books are omitted from above.

After reading this book list, Eugene felt that how to look at this, there is a feeling of strong buying and strong selling.

I don’t know, I thought that the teacher of their Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts class was a huge fan of Lockhart.

“Eugene, recently I’m going to Big Apple City tomorrow to handle business, so I can’t accompany you when I go to buy you things for school this year.” After returning home from work, Benson expressed regret when he learned that Eugene had received the school notice.

From the room, he handed Eugene the key from Gringotts.

“Sorry, I’ve also been a little inseparable lately.” Dora said, “However, I heard from Mrs. Granger that they are going to accompany Hermione, and when the time comes, you will follow Hermione and them!” ”

Eugene felt that this should not be the case.

I’m afraid they’re a little shadowy of last year’s trip to Diagon Alley.

For example, that little cart in Gringotts is enough to make them unforgettable.

On the afternoon of the second day, Hermione came to Eugene and told him that the following Wednesday, she would go back to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks.

Let him be earlier.

“Eugene, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been angry before.” Hermione suddenly apologized to Eugene.

“Are you angry?” Eugene said, “I thought you were like that all the time. ”

Hermione lowered her head, and after half a ring, she spoke, “I was also in a hurry, I just received a letter from Ron a few days ago, it turns out that Harry is really trapped – I shouldn’t blame Koeman.” ”

“It’s okay,” Eugene said, “I didn’t really pay much attention to it. ”

Hermione told Eugene about what happened to Harry.

The Weasley twins drove Mr. Weasley’s modified car to get Harry out of the “cage.”

At present, Harry has gone to the Burrow to live with the Weasley family.

“Then — so said — next Wednesday, we’ll go to Diagon Alley together.”

That evening, Benson took a ship to the Big Apple.

Eugene and Dora stood at the dock and waved goodbye to him.

“Alas, he may not be back until Halloween.” Dora didn’t look over her head and touched the corner of her eye to avoid being discovered by Eugene.

“Halloween?” Eugene said, “Could it be a little too long?” ”

In this case, when he goes to Hogwarts, Dora will be the only one left in the family.

Eugene suddenly realized a problem.

“This can’t be helped, the company is dispatched, in order to live, he must go.” Dora sighed and became much sadder.

“Mom, haven’t you considered having a brother or sister?”

Dora was stunned, they didn’t think about it, but their hopes were a little slim.

“You saw it that day, my friend named Ron, they really have a lot of children.” “He has five older brothers above him, plus he has a younger sister. ”

Say not envious, that’s impossible. Dora and Benson have always wanted a baby, and they have Eugene, but they are always worried about Eugene leaving them.

“Do you want a brother or sister?” Dora asked.

Eugene nodded, “Of course. ”

Dora took Eugene’s words to heart.

After so many years, maybe it can be solved medically again?

Dora’s expression, Eugene saw in her eyes, and knew that she actually wanted a child very much.

Thinking, wondering if the potion can solve their problem?

Eugene also kept a heart.

After Benson’s business trip, Eugene felt that time had passed a little longer.

However, it was finally Wednesday.

After breakfast, Eugene went to the station to wait for the Granger family of three.

After waiting about three minutes, they appeared.

Hermione was wearing a floral dress today and looked very energetic.

After seeing Eugene, she trotted over, her shaggy hair, flying behind her.

“I thought you would be later than us.”

“My mother was urging me to hurry up early in the morning, so I can’t cause you trouble.”

“How so?” Mrs. Granger smiled, “Dora, she has helped us a lot.” ”

“I heard that there was a book signing for Gilderoy Lockhart this afternoon.” Hermione said, “We’re going to buy a lot of his books in this issue, how about we go and check them out then?” ”

“He’s the teacher for our Defense Against Magic class for the coming year.”

“What do you say-” Hermione’s voice was a little shrill “is this true? – Where did you hear the news? ”

“I saw it in the Daily Prophet Today when I went to Devonshire. One report said that the book signing party and the recruitment of a Defense Against Magic teacher at Hogwarts were successful. ”

“So that’s it!” Hermione was a little excited.

At this time, the car came.

The group of four got on the bus and headed to the stop at the Broken Axe Bar.

Because I was worried that there was no place to park, and there were not many things they had to buy this year, I didn’t drive myself.

It is more convenient to take buses and subways.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Eugene and Hermione’s family arrived at the Broken Axe Bar.

Through the wall of the patio, you enter Diagon Alley.

Although they have some experiences in the past year, the Grangers still feel new.

However, it was more sedate than Benson and Dora.

Maybe it’s because of age and experience!

When you get to Diagon Alley, the first stop is to go to Gringotts to withdraw money.

Eugene has a vault and a key, and it is relatively convenient to handle it.

The goblin took him directly to the vault to withdraw the money.

Hermione was surprised to see that Eugene had the key.

She began to be a little suspicious.

How could Eugene have a vault? And there are also keys.

If it weren’t for her parents here, Hermione felt that she would definitely follow Eugene to find out.

The Grangers have to go through the exchange procedures here, which is a little troublesome.

Eugene withdrew the money, and the Grangers were still waiting in line here.

Eugene and Hermione were out of Gringotts, and they were going to go outside to see if the Weasleys had arrived.

“Your money has already been withdrawn?” Hermione asked tentatively, “How did you have a vault?” ”

“Elenor, you know that, right?”

Hermione nodded, she had seen Eugene write to her.

“It’s a friend of my parents, and this vault was given to them by a friend of Eleanor’s friend.”

Direct to the vault? Hermione finally felt unreal.

Just as she wanted to continue asking something, she noticed a tall figure in the distance—it was Hagrid.

And Harry who followed him.

It’s just, Harry looks a little embarrassed.

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