“What’s going on here?” Filch walked through the crowd and came to the encirclement.

Obviously, he must have been attracted by Malfoy’s shout.

When he saw himself standing upside down, suspended in the air, his face turned pale.

“Oh—no—” Filch hissed, “my cat—how did my Lady Lores become like this.” ”

His eyes were red, and he turned to look at the three of Harry, and finally his gaze locked directly on Harry.

“Harry Potter!” Filch squeezed the name out of his teeth almost from between his teeth.

“It’s you! It must be you! Killed my cat! I’m going to—”

“Argus!” At this time, Dumbledore also arrived at the scene.

In the blink of an eye, other teachers also arrived one after another.

Eugene followed everyone and gave way to Dumbledore and the teachers.

When he stepped back, Eugene found that Justin’s face was ugly, and his body seemed to be trembling.

Ernie also found out, and he reached out and put his arm around Justin’s shoulder, hoping that Justin would calm down.

Dumbledore walked over and took Lady Loris down directly.

“Come with me, Argus.” He said to Filch, “And you, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger. ”

At this time, Lockhart stepped forward, looking anxious.

“Nearest in my office, Headmaster, upstairs—you can—”

“Thank you, Gildero.” Dumbledore said to him.

Then Dumbledore said to the students who were watching, “Everyone go back to rest first!” We’ll take care of that. ”

With that, Dumbledore led Harry and Filch away from the road they got out of the way.

The deans of the other four houses followed.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night.

“Why did that happen?” Justin hid under the covers, shivering, he was clearly frightened.

“Don’t worry, I won’t find you.” Ernie comforted, “You see, Eugene isn’t very scared. ”

Afraid? Well, in fact, Eugene felt that as long as he didn’t look into the eyes of that big snake, he wouldn’t be afraid.

But the question is, do you have to walk with your eyes closed?

Obviously impossible.

Justin knew what “Mudblood” meant, and he had heard Ernie say it before.

When Malfoy shouted out, Justin was genuinely afraid that he would be next.

“I didn’t expect—I really didn’t expect—” Justin even cried a little as he spoke, “Harry Potter would do something like that.” ”

“He didn’t do it.” Eugene retorted.

“But everyone saw that the road at both ends of the corridor was blocked by us-” Justin was a little excited, “everyone was in the auditorium, except for them.” ”

“I don’t think they have the ability to petrify a cat.” Eugene said, “As long as you don’t mess around, you’ll be fine.” ”

Ernie sat down next to Justin and patted him on the back, “It’s okay, just stay away from them.” ”

Saying that, Ernie also glanced at Eugene, but said nothing.

Eugene could sense that Ernie and Justin had developed a noticeable sense of distance from him.

Because he had a good relationship with Hermione, he was often in the library with Harry and Ron.

For the next few days, everyone seemed to be discussing the events of that night.

Both Ernie and Justin, and even Stebbins, did not dare to say much to Eugene.

They generally believed that Eugene and Harry had a good relationship and were worried that Eugene would tell Harry something.

That way, maybe Harry would find a way to deal with Justin.

Eugene also heard many rumors, and a large part of the people felt that Harry did it.

Because Harry once defeated the mysterious man, it is also the most normal to petrify the cat directly.

On this day, Eugene was reading books in the library as usual.

I saw Hermione again searching for books in the library.

Now the whole school, except for Eugene, everyone is concerned about the problem of the “secret room”.

“Eugene, did anyone near you borrow Hogwarts: A History of the School?” Hermione spotted Eugene and immediately walked over.

Eugene was reading a book on alchemy when it happened to mention dragon blood, which could make something better.

“No, they haven’t talked to me much lately.”

“Oh-” Hermione sighed, sat down next to Eugene, and found him reading a book on alchemy, “something you learned in sixth year, you now – oh – forgot – you know Mr. Flamel -”

Hermione’s eyes lit up, and something suddenly came to mind, “Eugene, do me a favor.” ”

“Help what?”

“You help me ask that friend of yours, Eleno. Ask her, do you know anything about the secret room? ”

“She’s busy, and she’s from Ettel, so she shouldn’t have gone to school at Hogwarts.”

Hermione was a little lost.

At this time, Harry and Ron entered the library.

The two came to the vacant seat next to them and sat down.

“Hermione, what have you been up to lately?” Harry finally asked what he wanted to ask these days.

Because her recent actions seem too mysterious.

“I’m looking for something about the Chamber of Secrets.” Hermione was helpless, “It’s a pity that Hogwarts: A History of the School has been borrowed, and it is still scheduled for the next two weeks. ”

“Why do you want to see it?” Harry asked.

“For the same reason as anyone else,” Hermione said, “I wanted to look up the legend about the Chamber of Secrets.” ”

“What is the Chamber of Secrets?” Harry asked.

“I’m trying to figure it out too,” Hermione said as she bit her lip, “I don’t quite remember if it’s in there, but I’ve looked at the other books and didn’t find it-”

“Hermione, let me see your essay.” Ron looked at her with begging eyes and then at his watch, as if it was almost time for class.

“No,” Hermione simply refused, “you had ten days to finish writing. ”

Ron took the ruler and measured his parchment, “But look, I’m only two inches away—Eugene, lend me yours.” ”

Ron suddenly remembered that there was a second grade next to him.

“Ron, you have to write your homework—” Hermione turned on training mode again.

At this time, the class bell rang.

“Go, go to class.” Ron stood up and rolled up the parchment.

Eugene also put the book back on the shelf and followed them to class.

This section is a sleepy history lesson in magic.

Today’s class is still so boring that it makes Eugene sleepy.

Professor Binns, as usual, opened his book and read it dryly.

After he said it for half an hour –

Hermione finally couldn’t help it, and she raised her hand.

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