Eugene noticed that Hermione was holding a copy of The Power Potion in her hand.

They must have just recently asked for autographs from Lockhart and borrowed books in the forbidden section.

The forbidden book area requires the teacher’s signature and consent before younger students can enter.

“Hi, Eugene.” Hermione greeted with a smile.

“Hermione, Harry, Ron.” Eugene greeted the three in turn.

“Eugene, I’m sorry to let you be dragged down.” Hermione looked guilty, “I’ve heard Parvati, she heard it from Padma.” ”

“It’s okay,” Eugene smiled, “I can understand it.” ”

“Your ability is so good.” Ron said.

Harry pulled Laron, “Sorry, but we really didn’t do it. ”

“I believe in you.” Eugene said.

Harry was very moved, because except for the Gryffindor people, the students of the other three houses avoided him.

Especially recently, he met Justin in the library.

They had worked together in herbology classes before.

But he stepped forward to say hello, and Justin ran when he saw him, avoiding him like a plague.

“Thank you—Eugene.”

“But don’t forget, we fought together half a year ago.”

Harry nodded, “Yes, that’s right. ”

I don’t know why, Harry felt that seeing Eugene made him feel very relieved.

“So, if you encounter any difficulties, you can ask me for help.” Eugene said, “I’ll be happy to help you.” ”

“I’m sorry, I misunderstood you before.” Ron said, “I’ve always felt like you’re connected to Malfoy. ”

Eugene smiled wryly, “I really don’t have any connection with him, he’s been getting more and more disgusting lately.” ”

“Yes, yes, I think he-”

“We’re short on time,” Hermione reminded, “Sorry, Eugene, we’re in a bit of a hurry, and we’ll have time to talk.” ”

“Okay.” Eugene nodded, and they chimed in with Hermione.

“Wait—” But Eugene didn’t take a few steps before Harry stopped him, “Eugene, wait a minute.” ”

Eugene turned around, not knowing what Harry was going to do when he suddenly stopped himself.

Harry said to Ron and Hermione, “I want Eugene to join in.” ”

“No—” Hermione objected immediately.

“I think so.” Ron said, “He’s no worse than you. ”

“Why not?” Harry asked.

“Because… Because…” Hermione couldn’t say why, she was worried, in case something happened—in short, she wasn’t at ease.

“Two votes.” Ron said, he walked over and took Eugene’s hand, “You’re welcome, but these are secrets, you can keep them secret.” ”

Eugene mechanically shook hands with Ron, he hadn’t agreed yet, why was he pulled into the gang?

Too tough, right?

He already knew that he would not talk to them, nor would he mention the matter of the Philosopher’s Stone half a year ago.

Mouth owes!

Five minutes later.

Eugene followed them to the abandoned women’s bathroom on the second floor.

“Why are you here again.”

As soon as Eugene entered it, he encountered the ghost of a short, stocky girl.

She had a melancholy look on her face, a gloomy look. He has long straight hair tied in a low double ponytail.

The thick, pearly pair of glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose was particularly conspicuous.

“And brought in a new man—” She floated over to Eugene and stared at him for a long moment.

Eugene felt like he had been observed by a goblin with a magnifying glass in Gringotts.

Count how many pores you have on your face.

“She’s a crying myrtle.” Hermione explains, “I’m here a lot. ”

“Hello, Myrtle.” Eugene waved at her.

“Hee-hee—I like handsome guys the most—” Myrtle came to Eugene, her head slightly tilted towards Eugene’s shoulder, looking as if she was leaning against him.

Hermione’s face was a little gloomy, and she lowered her head and opened the book.

Start looking for the compound decoction you need.

“You still haven’t told me what your name is.” Myrtle asked.

“Eugene – Eugene Hill.”

“Wha—” Myrtle screamed, “so you’re Eugene!” ”

She was excited, floating around the bathroom, and then came to Eugene.

“I’ve heard of you, Fat Friar and Nick have been praising you.” “Nick said you helped him a lot by setting up the venue for his death party. ”

“Nick’s death party, you didn’t help arrange it?” Harry was surprised.

They met in the bathroom that day, and Harry invited Eugene to ask if he wanted to go to Nick’s death party.

At that time, Eugene refused, but did not tell Harry that he helped arrange it.

Harry was thinking at the moment that if Eugene had told him the truth about the death party that day, he might not have gone.

It won’t happen to be touched by the three of them.

“Yes,” said Eugene, “the fat friar asked me, so I helped him.” ”

“If you had told us, we wouldn’t have gone to that party.” Ron said, “Harry won’t hear strange noises either. ”

“Strange sound, what strange sound?” Myrtle asked.

“Nothing.” Harry shook his head, obviously he didn’t particularly want to bring it up.

Myrtle floated to Eugene again, “Eugene, next time, when I have a death, you can also help me arrange it!” She was a little melancholy and gloomy, “It’s just, I don’t know, who’s going to come—they all say I’m noisy.” ”

“You are indeed noisy!” Hermione said suddenly, “Shut up for me now. ”

“Woo-woo – you’re killing me! You murder me! Myrtle cried and jumped around in the toilet.

Finally she was overwhelmed and ran out of the bathroom.

Hermione exhaled, “It’s finally quiet. ”

The other three guys looked at her blankly, completely unexpectedly, she became angry.

Eugene thought that her angry look was really cute.

Hermione didn’t seem to notice the expressions of the three of them, but read the contents of the book.

“This is the most complex potion I’ve ever seen.” Hermione said, “Grass worms, leeches, runny grasses, and two-eared grasses,” she muttered, her fingers still running across the book, “… Some of the herbs here can still be obtained from the student locker, but there are also some rare materials here, and I don’t know how to get them… What tree snakes… Of course, we also want to become a little bit of that person. ”

“I’m sorry,” Ron listened for a long time, a little confused, “What do you mean by that?” What’s a little bit of the person we want to become? If Crabbe’s toenails were in it, I would never drink it…”

“You won’t put your toenails,” Eugene said, “at most it’s a hair or something.” ”

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