“Becoming a squirrel that saves villains” Episode 5

“What’s wrong? Why is the book like this?”

Tezen was making a fuss since morning.

I yawned and pretended not to know, looking away.

“Why is it torn like this….”

Tezen furrowed his brows and turned to me.

“Slave, do you know why the book you had here is like this?”

How foolish. Even if you ask me over and over again, there is only one word I can say.


Of course, it was true that I did it yesterday, but I trusted the scatterbrained behavior of a naughty fourteen-year-old boy.

He must have been looking for it clumsily and forgotten it at some point.

“What….did my magical power go out of control while I was sleeping?” I shook my head, listening to Tezen’s completely useless worries.

“Now I can’t even sleep comfortably. Those who have power are always suffering.”

It was a voice full of sincere anguish, believing without a doubt that he was a great magician.

“Wow. I should have believed in arrogance rather than scatterbrained behavior.”

While I bit my tongue inwardly, Tezen searched the entire room for the torn bookshelf.

And I started hiding the almond cake the maid had given me in the corner of the room, despite knowing that there was no need to hide it. Maybe it was instinct.

“Oh… it’s not here. Where did it go with my magical power?”

After searching here and there for a long time, Tezen lay down on the bed panting and then looked at me with a conceited look.

“Hey, come and calm me down a bit.”

“What are you talking about? What should I calm down?”

I frowned and looked at him, digging into the corner to hide the food.

“I used too much magic, so I’m a little tired.”

Hmm, it seems like he used his physical strength instead of his magical power… When I tilted my head, Tezen suddenly got angry.

“Why aren’t you coming quickly? Mother paid a lot of money to buy you, so you should do your job!”

It was impossible to calm down someone who was tired, but Tezen’s yelling was too noisy.

So I took a deep breath and ran over to him and raised my front paw on his forehead.


Tezen muttered, tilting his head.

“Does this really calm you down?”

No, it’s not.

“Just stay here for a while, slave. It seems like I can breathe a little bit.”

“That’s because you’re lying down and resting, stupid.”

However, I didn’t want to offend Tegen’s feelings unnecessarily, so I impolitely placed my front paw on his forehead.

“Is Johann reading a book? He seems to have torn up the part Tegen was reading. I need to figure out whether he gave it to him on purpose or not, since I don’t understand the text.”

I pondered, tilting my head.

“I have to cooperate with him for the next 50 days, but it’s uncomfortable since we can’t communicate.”

That’s when it happened.

With the sound of pitter-patter, the sound of rain began to be heard.


Tegen, who had been lying down and out of energy, suddenly opened his eyes. “Is it raining?”

His voice was full of anticipation, unlike when he was irritated all morning because his book had disappeared.

“What’s wrong with him? Does he go crazy when it rains?”

I grumbled to myself, but Tegen happily put me on his shoulders and ran to the window.

“Slave, I’ll show you something fun.”


“Look over there. On rainy days… it’s the start of a patient walk.”


I looked at the sight in front of me with surprise and hit the window.

“Are you excited, too?”

Tegen giggled and tapped my head. It was almost like he was hitting me, so my small head floated up and down.

But that wasn’t the important thing now. The sight outside the window was too pitiful.


I expressed my anger as if I was bewildered, but my feelings didn’t get through.

“It’s fun, right? Right?”

Johann was being led by a maid and getting drenched in the rain.

If it were a normal situation, Johann wouldn’t have been dragged around by a maid like that. He was a 16-year-old boy, tall and strong.

But even if he stayed still, it was a painful situation as if his whole body was being torn apart.

So he was stumbling along, following the maid as she led him around.

The maid was even using an umbrella.

“He’s a sickly child, so the doctor said it’s good for him to get a little wet.”

What kind of illness requires one to purposely get soaked in the rain!

“It’s good for the body and helps build stamina,” Tegen said with a grin.

Is that a treatment method? I stared at Tegen’s mischievous face in disbelief.

Seeing Tegen enjoy himself like this, I realized that this was his way of coping with the prison life.

Tegen stormed out of the room after ripping off his robes.

Left alone in the room, I felt a pang of frustration and banged on the window again.

It was beyond cruel to let someone suffer from a magic overload and then torture them like that…

“Withholding treatment to make them weaker…that’s just obvious. ”

Wearing such thin clothes in this weather and getting soaked in the rain was a recipe for catching a cold.

Although I hadn’t known Johann for very long, I felt empathy and anger that any human would feel. And Johann was kind, gentle, and truly innocent. It was sad to think that he would grow up to become a villain.

“But it’s natural for someone’s personality to become corrupted when they’re constantly rolling around in an environment like that. How can a child grow up straight and honest in those conditions?”

Thinking of Johann’s sorrowful purple eyes and sad smile, the conclusion came to me.

“Innocent, Johann is innocent! Anyway, innocent!”

I shook my head, thinking of the later parts of the original where he would try every trick to win over the heroine.

“What should I do? If even Tegen joins, it might get even more painful.”

There was nothing left to think about.

I grabbed an acorn and slipped out through the window, landing on a nearby tree.

Before Tegen arrived, my plan was to take care of the maid holding Johann.

Feeling the rainwater beating against my skin, Johann bit his lower lip in pain.

The worst thing for a magician who was experiencing a magic overload was hypothermia.

The Highlord’s personal physician, who was bought off by Ella, must have known this fact and prescribed such medicine.

If that could even be called a prescription.

And showing such a pathetic state in front of the servants was a clear sign of who the current owner of Highlord was.

Fortunately, thanks to the help of the squirrel god, the pain was much less severe than last time.

“Just a few more laps, sir.”

As the cold rain began to pour down, the maid who was leading him said nonchalantly.

“Wait, just a moment…just rest for a moment…”

Johann begged for a breather, but the maid didn’t listen.

Ella and Tegen were probably watching from somewhere, seeing him hobbling around the garden.

“No, sir. You have to get better…”

Ella didn’t even want to think about sending Tegen to that place.

That’s why she wanted to weaken Johan little by little and keep him alive, like a spare in the castle.

“Come on, let’s go.”

Johan sharpened his gaze at the back of the maid’s head.

Soon, Tegen would come and make things even more painful.

Whenever they went for a walk on a rainy day like this, Tegen, his greedy little brother, would show up and cause all kinds of mischief.

“…Let’s endure it.”

Before, he only writhed in pain, but now he had hope.

If the squirrel deity kept calming him down and organizing his overflowing mana, and he learned to use magic, then everyone in this mansion would kneel at Johan’s feet.

That was also because he knew his mana was tremendous.

“Tonight… if the squirrel comes, things will get better…”

He took a deep breath, thinking of the squirrel that had put its paw on his forehead.

And then, naturally, he thought of its round, pink eyes, cute face, and chestnut-colored hair.

Suddenly, a strange feeling rose in him.

So, they were both just using each other…

To keep himself from thinking that the squirrel was on his side, Johan gathered his waning spirit.

That’s when it happened.

“Ahh! My eye!”

Suddenly, the maid who was leading him screamed and covered her eyes.

Johan raised his head unconsciously.

Somewhere, a chestnut hit her other eye.

He watched the chestnut roll on the ground, unaware of what he was doing.

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