Episode 64

[‘Son In-hyuk’ teacher’s private room]

The private room of ‘Son In-hyeok’ inside the academy.


Someone knocked on the door.

“Yes. Come on in.”

Son In-hyeok said.


Soon a man opened the door and came in.

His hair was red.


Son In-hyeok tilted his head and said.

“Yes. Hello.”

“What happened? Would you like to sit down?”


Soon In-hyeok Son handed him the car he rode with his own hands.

“Thank you. I will drink well.”

Kane sipped his tea.

“By the way, what did you come for?”

Son In-hyeok was puzzled.

Right now, Kane and Nam Do-yoon’s ranking match is scheduled for tomorrow.


Son In-hyeok looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

The current time is 9:00 PM.

Now is the time to go to bed to manage your condition tomorrow.

By the way, why did you come all the way here?

“Teacher. Can I ask for one thing?”

“Yes. Can you tell me one more time?”

“I’m going to try some proper genjutsu tomorrow.”

“Of course, I have to use proper magic.”

“No. When I say proper magic, I mean magic enough to kill him.”

“…What is that?”

“Something happened where I had to kill him.”

Kane said, widening her eyes.

“Does that mean that you will use the phantasmagoric forbidden by the ‘Kayen’ family?”



There are several deadly illusions in the ‘Kayen’ family.

That phantom magic is enough to take a person’s life.

However, such illusions were forbidden in the ‘Kayen’ family except when dealing with enemies.

Because that’s too dangerous.

“That sounds like a bit difficult.”

Son In-hyeok said.

The test supervisor is himself.

If an accident happens there, you will be solely responsible for it.

Son In-hyeok did not want to do such a troublesome task.

“Teacher. In return, I’ll give you an heirloom from the ‘Kayen’ family. I will give you the magic skill book that the former head of the household used.”


Son In-hyeok’s eyes sparkled.

“Yes. The previous head of the family entrusted it to me.”

“…..Then let’s do this.”


“There will probably be quite a few students attending Dalian tomorrow.”


“…Because there hasn’t been any proper research on phantom magic yet.”


“Let’s write the scenario like this. There was a part of illusion magic that you didn’t even know existed, and Nam Do-yoon died because of it. Like this.”

“Is it possible?”

“Then, of course. In fact, the only family that knows a lot about phantom magic is the ‘Keien’ family.”


“Then, unless you get advice from the ‘Kayen’ family, I can’t prove that you killed it on purpose.”

“Yes, I understand what you mean. Because I am from the ‘Kayen’ family.”

“Yes. Just make sure that no advice comes from the ‘Kayen’ family. That’s all you need to do. I’ll take care of the aftermath.”

“Yes. All right.”

“…Now, let’s ask one thing we’ve been really curious about.”

“Yes. Please tell me.”

“Why did you suddenly hate Nam Do-yoon to the point of having to kill him? Surely you were planning to do it in moderation until yesterday, right?”

“…Ah yes. Obviously it was.”

“By the way?”

“That guy stole my ‘thing’ that I cherish.”


Son In-hyeok made a blank expression.

That was something I couldn’t understand.

“Yes. Well, it’s not something I’m involved in. As long as you give me a sure reward.”

“Yes. Don’t worry about that. I will definitely prepare it.”

“Yes. Then just go in.”


Kane bowed her head and came out.


The day of the ranking match between ‘Nam Do-yoon’ and ‘Kane’.

Two men stood in the center of the Colosseum.

It was ‘Nam Do-yoon’ and ‘Kane’.

A few first-year students filled the stands at the Colosseum.

They were looking at Coliseum Kane and Nam Do-yoon.

“Hey. Who do you think will win today?”

“Of course Kane. You’re also a promising member of the magic family ‘Kayen’.”

“But you can just cast reflection magic on illusion magic.”

“Reflective magic?”

“Uh. If you cast reflection magic before casting illusion magic, it will be applied to the other person.”

“By the way, Nam Do-yoon can use it?”

“You will know that when you see it.”

“Come on. Then, would you like the students to come this way?”

Son In-hyeok, standing in the center, said.

Soon, Nam Do-yoon and Kane stood facing each other.

“This is just sparring. Are you both aware?”

Nam Doyoon and Kane both nodded.

“However, since it is sparring, accidents may occur unintentionally. Are you aware that it could be?”

Son In-hyeok tried to hold back his laughter and said.

“Come on. Then we will start now.”

Kane glared at Namdoyun, her eyes burning.

‘I’ve been liking Ha-yeon since 8 years ago.’

Kane fell in love with Jeong Ha-yeon at first sight when she first saw her at the academy.

She followed Hayeon Jung for a long time.

Although Ha-yeon did not repay her love, he was certain that she would reciprocate sooner or later.

Because my love was sincere.

‘Without that bastard.’

But in the meantime, that guy suddenly intervened.

After investigating the background, it is not that the family is good or the grades are not outstanding.

But that stupid guy took the seat next to Ha-yeon?

‘Ha-yeon must have been threatened.’

Something must have caught Ha-yeon’s weakness.

Because he grabbed her weakness and threatened her, Ha-yeon had no choice but to go out with him.

Other than that, I can’t explain why Ha-yeon is dating such a foolish guy.

Even to the point of abandoning me.

‘I have to step on that damn bastard properly.’

If I can step on that guy properly, Ha-yeon will give me her heart again.

It’s because Ha-yeon is only dating that guy forcibly.

‘They would rather like me.’

I will take care of the villain who shakes Ha-yeon’s weakness?

Then how happy Ha-yeon will be.

And that joy will soon be replaced by love for me.

Kane looked at a woman in the distance.

She was Jeong Ha-yeon.

‘Are you here to look after me?’

Kane was happy.

She pretended not to be interested, but, after all, she was interested in me.

However, contrary to his thoughts, Jeong Ha-yeon’s whole body was covered with goosebumps.

Cha-yoon Cha, who was next to me, said.

“…Are you okay?”

“Uh.. Yes. Are you okay. More than that, Jiyoon.”


“Can Nam Do-yoon win this time? Nam Do-yoon stands still for 10 minutes, and only Kane can attack.”

Cha Ji-yoon smiled.

Nam Doyoon loses?

Absolutely not.

He is fighting the ‘Requiem’ alone.

Perhaps the power he is hiding is formidable.

I can’t imagine him losing to a single student like that.

“…Yeonah Ha.”


“…That person will definitely win.”

“But, how? Illusion magic can be destroyed by using reflection magic, but I’ve never seen Nam Do-yoon use that.”

“…..No. I don’t need that either.”

Cha Ji-yoon shook his head.

“You don’t even need that?”

“Maybe you solve it by inverse calculation.”

“Reverse..San solves it?

“…Uh. The reverse calculation destroys the entire structure of magic in the first place.”

“…But is that possible?”

“..That person would be able to do it.”

Cha Ji-yoon said with a grin.

Kane started spinning around Nam Do-yoon.

It was to detect what kind of magic that guy would use.

It’s difficult to use even reflection magic.

However, Nam Doyoon stood still.

He didn’t even deploy any magic.

He had to already cast a spell to memorize magic in order to deploy the reflection magic.

“Hey. Don’t you know how to cast reflection magic?”

Kane said.

“Reflex magic? What is that.”

Nam Doyoon said.

Kane chuckled.

‘I don’t even need to use family magic.’

It seems that even basic genjutsu magic is enough to kill him.


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Soon, a magic circle began to form in Kane’s hand.

The color was purple.

As soon as the magic was activated, Nam Doyoon’s expression was frowned upon.

Kane grinned.

‘Looks like you went in properly.’

This ‘illusion magic’ is a magic that ties the opponent to a chair and stabs the whole body with needles.

And that pain is transmitted to the brain as it is.

Nam Doyoon started rolling around the field.

Kane began to stick out his tongue.

‘That guy must be on the verge of death by now.’

Although it’s just illusion, the pain is real.

And if the size of the pain is too great, death from shock due to the pain.

Kane lifted the display board and looked at his watch.


Only 50 seconds passed.

It looked like the game was already over here.

I didn’t even need 10 minutes.

“Teacher. It seems that the decision has already been made?”

Kane looked at Son In-hyuk and said.

However, Son In-hyeok was looking blankly at Nam Do-yoon, as if something was broken.


Kane was puzzled.

Why is Nam Do-yoon looking at where he fell?

Kain turned his gaze toward it.


To my surprise, Nam Do-yoon was standing there.

That’s incredibly fine.

You couldn’t even imagine he was a guy who had just been writhing in pain.

‘What the hell happened…’

Kane broke out in a cold sweat.

The attack was clearly intended to kill.

“…How did you do it?”


“How did you get out of the illusion magic? It’s clearly set up so you can’t get out.”

“Oh? That? You never fell for genjutsu magic in the first place, did you?”


“Oh? That? Did you just play it?”


“I thought it wouldn’t be fun if the game went too one-sided, so I acted.”

“This… This f*cking bastard.”

Kane widened his eyes.

‘It really kills me.’

‘Illusion magic’ banned from use even in the family

I didn’t want to use it at all.

Just in case something bothersome happens.

However, I changed my mind.

I hate to think about the future.

Kane looked at Jeong Ha-yeon in the crowd.

‘Kill it.’

I want to kill that guy right here and now.

To think he would say such a thing in front of Ha-yeon.

Do you dare insult me in front of Hayeon?


Purple magic began to draw from Kane’s hand.

However, the pattern was much more complicated than before.

Soon before the magic was shot at Nam Do-yoon.

Someone ran into the arena.

Then he grabbed Kane’s hand by the chin.

Both Son In-hyeok and Kane frowned as they looked at the man who ran into the arena.

He was Alvin.

“Teacher. What is this?”

Son In-hyeok glared at him and said.

“Ah. I don’t want to get involved in another teacher’s exam, but this seems a bit excessive.”

Alvin looked at Son In-hyuk’s magic circle and said.


“Isn’t this magic used to kill people? Did you see this being used in Dalian and still not stop it?”

“That was agreed upon in advance with Nam Doyoon.”

“Are you saying that magic that can kill an opponent is also an agreed upon content?”

“Yes. You’re right.”

“Doyun, are you real?”

Alvin looked at Nam Do-yoon and said.

“Yes. I don’t care.”

“…What about you?”

“Thank you for your concern, but I am fine.”

“Come on. Did you hear me now? Then would you please move away?”

Son In-hyeok smiled and said.

If Namdo Yoon did not agree, he would have been in great trouble himself.

But the idiot said he agreed.

Thanks to that, that guy will die.


Soon after that, the purple magic circle attacked Nam Do-yoon.

Kane grinned.

I definitely felt that the magic was properly applied.

Now that guy is unconditionally finished.

10 Seconds.

Nam Doyoon stood up casually.

‘Yes. It’s probably not working properly yet’

If only a little more time had passed.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Time passed just like that.

Nevertheless, Nam Doyoon stood upright.

His expression was infinitely calm.

Kane broke out in a cold sweat.

‘It can’t be like this.’

This is absolutely impossible.

5 Minutes.

8 Minutes.

However, time continued to flow.

There was no change in Nam Doyoon’s expression.

On the contrary, his face showed an expression of boredom, as if the time was endlessly boring.

‘It’s all…Even if it’s some other illusion magic.’

Kain hurriedly began to use other magic.

Illusion magic, which was forbidden in the family, began to be beaten.


However, it didn’t work for Nam Do-yoon at all.

Even so, Nam Do-yoon was just making an expression that looked like he was bored.

Kane slumped into his seat with a devastated expression on his face.

There was no more fighting spirit in his eyes.

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