Jun Huailang had no time to think about who was going to harm him.

    The man happened to know that he was in the corner building, such a coincidence, he must be following him all the way. They can also know that Jun Linghuan is different from Jun Huailang, and he knows the relationship of the Jun family like the back of his hand, and if he can send such a powerful maid, he must be a noble in the palace.

    But what did this noble man do to him?

      According to the current temperature, the Taiye Pool should be covered with thick ice, but the lake is surrounded by living water, and it is not freezing even in the coldest days.

    The cold lake water wrapped him in it in an instant.

    He doesn't know how to swim, and he wears heavy winter robes. The robe was soaked with water and pressed heavily on his limbs, causing him to struggle and dragged down.

    He choked a few more saliva in his mouth, followed by a little confusion in his mind. He barely opened his eyes, and vaguely saw the lights swaying on the water, reflecting the sparkling waves, and the shore was already empty.

    Jun Huailang saved the last bit of sanity and thought hard that the palace maid should have left.

    If she wants to secretly harm others, she will definitely not dare to make too much noise, and she needs to flee the scene as soon as possible. At this time, I tried to find a way to float to the surface, trying to call for help, there should be a chance of survival.

    Thinking about this, he held his breath and tried to swing his arms in a systematic way, allowing himself to swim upstream to the lake.

    But he overestimated his physical strength and underestimated the temperature of the water in Taiye Pool in winter.

    He only floated up a little, and his limbs were already numb. Coupled with the heavy robes that were soaked in water all over his body, he was heavily wrapped around him, making his movements even more difficult.

    He was pulled down by a suffocation and extreme cold. He only struggled hard for a moment, his limbs were too heavy to lift, and his consciousness began to become numb and chaotic.

    Following, his numb legs began to cramp.

    He couldn't hold his breath and choked again.

    However, the pain didn't last long and was numb from the freezing of the lake. He began to fall uncontrollably, and in the dimness, a thought came into his mind.

    Is he going to die in this place today?

    It's ridiculous, he died in the previous life, and he knew who killed him, and in this life, he thought he had handled the mistakes and omissions of the previous life well, but his own disasters were more The previous life was so many years earlier.


    I broke that person's plan, and this time I must be revenge.

    Jun Huailang held on, and began to struggle again.

    He can't just die.

    His family is still in the dark. He can't let his aunt and his parents and younger brother be killed in this life, even if he wants to die, he can't die at this time.

    However, the lake water of Taiye Pond will not be discussed with him.

    Jun Huailang struggled hard, but his consciousness gradually became blurred.

    The boundless darkness at the bottom of Taiye Pond, with a biting cold, dragged him straight down.

    His eyes closed weakly.

    In a trance, he seemed to see a figure jumping into the water and swimming towards him.

    But Jun Huailang had no energy to see if it was real or an illusion.

    There is no one here, how can anyone save me?

    It was an illusion.


    It was Xue Yan who jumped into the water.

    He felt that something was wrong with the palace maid just now, but he looked up and down the other side and didn't see any problem.

    He just felt that his heart was a little blocked, and he felt that this palace maid was coming at the right time, and subconsciously, he wanted Jun Huailang to stay with him.

    So, as soon as Jun Huailang left, the discomfort in his heart was quickly magnified.

    This broken fireworks, what can a person see.

    Xue Yan did not hesitate for too long, then went down the corner tower. Even if the palace maid is fine, he is not in the mood to stand alone on the high platform blowing the cold wind and watch the same broken sparks in the sky.

    He walked back along the same path.

      Xue Yanyuan was still thinking that when he saw it, he would stick behind him so that Jun Huailang would not find it, but he walked all the way back, but he never saw Jun Huailang.

    Xue Yan gradually realized something was wrong.

    He picked up his pace and simply searched along the road. He quickly searched for a few forks, and at the Taiye Pond, he saw tiny ripples that were almost invisible.

    The ripples are different from ordinary water waves. At first glance, there is a living thing falling into it, and it is brought up by the struggle.

    But after a while, the ripples disappeared.

    Xue Yan's heart almost stopped along with the disappearing ripples.

    …Could it be Jun Huailang?

    He stepped forward quickly, and immediately saw the foot marks on the shore that only appeared when pushing and shoving. When looking in from the water, through the mottled light, he vaguely saw a shallow Cyan hem.

    It's Jun Huailang.

    Xue Yan's mind was instantly empty. Before he could think about it, he tore off the thick cloak that was in the way, and jumped into the water.

    The robe was instantly soaked in water, heavy and sticky, dragging his movements, but Xue Yan was unaware. He paddled the water and dived rapidly, swimming all the way to the bottom of the pool, and saw the blue figure in the distance.

    There is no movement, and it slowly falls, like a downed bird.

    It was as if a hand was holding Xue Yan's heart tightly, clenching it so hard that blood came out of it, and Xue Yan's teeth were clenched in pain.


    Fortunately, when he approached Jun Huailang, he saw the tiny bubbles overflowing from Jun Huailang's mouth.

    Fortunately, people are still alive.

    Xue Yan swam forward, pulled Jun Huailang into his arms, and supported his falling body.

    Jun Huailang was extremely cold at the moment, as if he had merged with the icy cold Taiye Pond.

    Xue Yan's teeth began to tremble, bloodshot in his eyes.

    Jun Huailang no longer has the ability to breathe on her own. As Xue Yan dragged him, another bunch of bubbles overflowed from his mouth, and he coughed a few times unconsciously in the water.

    Xue Yan didn't have time to think about it. He circled Jun Huailang with one hand, pulled him closer, held his jaw, leaned forward, squeezed his lips slightly, and poured the warm breath from his mouth into his mouth without reservation. .

    The lips meet, and the soft lips are also cold at this time.

    Xue Yan couldn't care about any charming thoughts, just felt that the person in front of him would disappear after a while. He let out his breath, then pressed down on Jun Huailang's jaw, sealed his mouth and nose, supported him with one hand, and led the two upstream with the other.

    Fortunately, Xue Yan was very good at water, but after a while, he took Jun Huailang to swim out of the water.

    He has always been at ease in the water, and he has never tried his best. He just hated himself for not being able to go any faster, and he exhausted all his strength every time. When he reached the surface of the lake, his swimming hand was full of soreness.

    But he didn't care. Still paddling hard, he swam all the way to the shore.

    He pushed Jun Huailang to the shore first, and then he jumped up on the shore.

      But as if he didn't feel it at all, he squatted down beside Jun Huailang and tried his breath.

    Very faint, with an unnatural blue tinge to her lips.

    He couldn't see the ups and downs caused by his breathing, and he was completely motionless. His appearance made Xue Yan's heart seem to be tightly restrained by several slender strings, constantly tightening, making him panic and pain, and even trembling in his chest.

    He didn't care about anything else, he pulled off Jun Huailang's wet and cold cloak and robe, pulled off the dry cloak he had left by the lake, and took Jun Huailang tightly. Strictly wrapped in the whole.

    Xue Yan felt that his hands were shaking. He tightly wrapped Jun Huailang, trying to use this method to warm him up.

     But Jun Huailang still didn't open his eyes.

    Xue Yan's mind was in chaos.

    He wanted to take Jun Huailang back to see the imperial doctor immediately, but he suddenly seemed to remember that if a person drowns, water will accumulate in the chest cavity, and he must find a way to get the water out immediately , if it is delayed for a long time, it will be fatal.

    He shook his hands again, put Jun Huailang flat on the ground, and tried to press his chest.

    He tightened his arms, like he was touching a piece of fragile china, he didn't dare to exert force, but he was afraid that the force would not be enough to press the water in his chest.

    This is the anxiety and panic that Xue Yan has never experienced before.

    He pressed it carefully, but for a moment, he counted nine cold days, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

     But Jun Huailang never showed any signs of waking up.

    Xue Yan's heart kept falling, forcing his eyes to turn red unnaturally. His mind was empty, he pursed his lips, said nothing, only gritted his teeth and controlled the strength of his subordinates, pressing down on Jun Huailang's chest.

     A buzzing sound gradually sounded in his ear, as if covered with a veil.

    At this moment, he suddenly heard a choking sound, like a hallucination. He quickly set his eyes on Jun Huailang's face.

    It's not a hallucination, it's him coughing.

    Jun Huailang coughed and opened his eyes faintly.

    Although others woke up, they were still drowsy. He frowned, his eyes were full of flowers, his whole body was like falling into an ice cave, and he was so cold that he didn't even have the strength to shiver.

    But then, the world turned.

    He was wet, but wrapped in a thick layer of dry fur. He was pulled into his arms by a person, hugged tightly, and his back was placed on his knees by that person.

    Jun Huailang suddenly opened his eyes and saw Xue Yan's face in the foggy lights.

    His brain was still frozen and numb, and it took a while before he became conscious, and he thought dully, Xue Yan?

    ...How could Xue Yan come over and rescue him?


    He naturally didn't know how much Xue Yan wanted to squeeze him into his arms at this time, biting his lips fiercely, and the fear and heartache that had already forced him to collapse earlier, All vented.

    But Xue Yan held back.

    Jun Huailang could only see, Xue Yan stared at him tightly, her eyes were red, and a mist of water gradually formed in her amber eyes.

    "...you're awake."

    He heard Xue Yan speak hoarsely, followed by a hot tear, which suddenly poured out of his eyes, slid down his cheek, and dripped onto the back of Jun Huailang's cold hand.

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