"The situation is very bad now. We need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Can you please take us there? I will pay you the fare when the child is safe!"

Obviously, compared to women, this middle-aged man is much calmer. Although his anxiety caused him to speak quickly, he expressed the situation clearly.

Xia Liang glanced at the little girl in the man's arms, and saw that she was breathing non-stop, and her face was still slightly purple.

He immediately frowned, canceled the order with a swipe on his phone, and said in a deep voice.

"Hurry up and get in the car!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man quickly hugged the little girl and got into the car. Since there were only two seats in the car, the woman stayed behind for the time being. She then took a taxi to catch up, and she took the child one step ahead!

Xia Liang is quite familiar with the road conditions in this area. He knows that there is a hospital about ten kilometers away, so it should be the nearest hospital!

Xia Liang turned the front of the car, stepped on the accelerator instantly, and the Audi A3l let out a roar, galloping away like an arrow off the string!

It was already twelve o'clock at this time, and the children had all returned home from school at noon. The road was full of traffic, and Xia Liang relied on her god-level driving skills to continuously slam the steering wheel and shuttle between the crowded traffic to the limit!

However, no matter how good Xia Liang's driving skills are, it is impossible for him to drive the car in the air. Facing the traffic jam, he has more than enough heart but not enough power!

He turned his head and glanced at the co-pilot's position, only to see that the little girl was getting worse and her complexion was getting more and more purple.

Xia Liang hurriedly poked his head out, shouting loudly towards the front.

"The car in front, move to the side! Let me go first! There is a child in my car who has asthma and needs to go to the hospital! Please make way!"

"The car in front, move to the side! Let me go first! There is a child in my car who has asthma and needs to go to the hospital! Please make way!"

"The car in front, move to the side! Let me go first! There is a child in my car who has asthma and needs to go to the hospital! Please make way!"

Xia Liang yelled three times at the top of his voice, and the cars in front immediately started to move, voluntarily giving way to both sides.

Some cars even drove onto the edge of the road, and forced to drive the car onto the sidewalk to give way!

The drivers in front couldn't hear Xia Liang's words, so these drivers who gave way took the initiative to pass the words forward, and several drivers took the initiative to get out of the car to direct,

One by one to knock on the driver's window in front!

One of the big trucks got off a burly man with tattoos all over his bare upper body. He looked quite fierce, like a street gangster!

He first took a closer look, then walked forward without hesitation, and knocked on the window of a BMW in front of him.

"Hey, did you hear the shouting from behind! There is a child in the back who is going to the hospital urgently, so hurry up and get out of the way!"

"What? You say you're in a hurry? I'll overtake your mother! If you're in a hurry, will the kid behind you be in a hurry?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and get out of the way! I'll give you ten seconds, or I'll just run over your car!"

In the end, after "friendly negotiation", the Audi quickly moved out of the way.

The man waved at Xia Liang and said.

"Let's go! Let's go! The safety of the child is the most important thing! Go to the hospital!"

Xia Liang didn't hesitate either, immediately slammed on the accelerator, and galloped along the road that countless vehicles in front of him spontaneously gave way to!

At this time, the man sitting on the co-pilot holding the child gradually lost control of his emotions. His eyes turned red slightly, and he kept thanking the vehicles on both sides of the car who offered to give way, and his words were even a little confused.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, really thank you, you are all benefactors of the child, you are all benefactors of mine, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, to trouble you!"

About a minute later, Xia Liang passed through the traffic jam, ignoring the red light and rushing forward!

At this time, it was only three kilometers away from the hospital, and the next section of the road was going straight, and there were not many vehicles. If nothing happened, it would take two minutes to reach the hospital!

However, just as Xia Liang was speeding up to overtake, the Porsche 911 in front suddenly changed lanes, blocking Xia Liang again abruptly!

Xia Liang didn't care too much, and continued to change lanes and speed up to overtake!

The next second, the Porsche 911 also changed lanes immediately, and continued to get stuck in Xia Liang's position!

Xia Liang frowned immediately, and continued to try a few times, only to find that the Porsche 911 in front was deliberately stuck in her!

At this time, in the co-pilot seat of the Porsche 911, a woman with heavy make-up poked her head out and made a face at Xia Liang!

At the same time, the driver's seat also stretched out a left hand, raised a thumb and pointed down.

Obviously, this is a deliberate provocation!

Xia Liang's complexion darkened, he thought that his temper was not bad, and if he met him on weekdays, he might still be interested in playing with him, but right now, he has no intention of talking to him at all!

Xia Liang suddenly let go of the accelerator to slow down, and at the same time turned his head and said to the man beside him.

"Fasten your seat belt and sit tight!"

The man hugged the child in his arms subconsciously, and at the same time freed up one hand to hold the handle tightly!

In the next second, Xia Liang changed his ways, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, the output was at its maximum in an instant, and the roar of the engine was deafening at that moment! Sure enough, the Porsche 911 ahead also continued to change lanes.

In the driver's seat, a well-dressed young man smiled disdainfully and raised his eyebrows at the woman beside him.

"How, I said, if I don't let him pass, he can only follow behind my ass forever! A little Mercedes still wants to race with me?"

As he spoke, he looked in the rearview mirror, waiting to see Xia Liang honestly slow down and continue changing lanes, but soon, his expression changed!

In the rearview mirror, not only did the Mercedes-Benz A3l behind him not have the slightest intention to brake to slow down, but it was driving faster and faster. He could hear the roar of the engine clearly across a car!

"Fuck! He's crazy!"

The young man panicked immediately, and hurriedly swung the steering wheel in an attempt to avoid the maddened beast behind him!

However, it was too late!


The Mercedes-Benz slammed into the rear of the Porsche 911. The young man only felt a huge impact coming from the rear, and his whole body swayed violently.


On the co-pilot, the woman let out an ear-piercing scream. In the collision just now, she was caught off guard and her forehead directly came into close contact with the car, and it quickly became red and swollen.

The young man firmly turned the steering wheel, and after a few seconds, the car finally stabilized.

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