"Also, in front of you is the Changkong Plank Road, which is the most dangerous road in Huashan Mountain."

"Oh? Take us there quickly and take a look."

With that said, everyone continued to move forward, and soon, led by Xia Liang, they arrived at the Changkong Plank Road.

The Changkong Plank Road is located outside the Nantianmen. It was the first generation master of the Huashan Sect. He Zhizhen, a high-ranking Taoist in the Yuan Dynasty, in order to stay away from the world and cultivate immortality quietly, he inlaid stone nails and built wooden rafters on this cliff. It is one of the most dangerous roads in Huashan. risk.

Although as a tourist area, the risk has been reduced a lot, it is still dangerous.

If ordinary people come here, they don't have enough courage. They will feel dizzy just by taking a look, let alone passing the plank road.

Kawai Shochiku and others were obviously very courageous. When they saw the dangerous plank road in front of them, these guys all looked eager to try. They were already walking towards the plank road before Xia Liang could say anything.

There are overhanging rock cliffs above and below the plank road, and iron cables hang horizontally. You need to face the wall and lean against the belly, holding your breath while moving. If you relax even a little, you will fall into the abyss. Even though Kawai Shochiku and others are confident, they are also cautious in such a dangerous place.

The plank road is divided into three sections. The upper section is twenty meters long and the path is only two feet wide. It is carved against the cliff.

The middle section is more difficult and dangerous. Iron rods are inserted into the gaps in the cliff, just like hanging ladders. If you want to cross this section, you need to hold on to the iron ropes and descend step by step.

In the lower section, stone holes were dug out in the cliff. Stone piles were embedded in these stone holes. Three wooden boards were placed on these stone piles. They were only one foot wide and could not accommodate even one person. Able to walk sideways facing the wall, but although this place is dangerous, it is not a big obstacle to Kawai Shochiku and others who have good skills, but the walking speed is a little slower.

"Mr. Xia Liang, this Huashan Mountain is indeed one of the five mountains of your Xia Kingdom. There are so many dangerous roads. I don't know how these roads were built hundreds of years ago."

After passing the long sky plank road, Kawai Shozhu came to Xia Liang and smiled.

"Although this kind of project is not difficult now, soil separation was indeed difficult hundreds of years ago. I am also very curious about Mr. Kawai's question."

Xia Liang replied with a smile.

While talking, everyone had already passed the long sky plank road, rested for a while, and then continued to set off.

At this time, the sky had also darkened. It took more than ten hours to get there.

Soon everyone arrived at the West Peak. There was a cableway here. Everyone sat on the cableway and felt a sense of emotion as they watched the sunset on Huashan Mountain. This beautiful scenery is really rare.

After coming down from the ropeway, there was a special car that took everyone down the mountain along the road into the mountain. After that, Xia Liang drove the bus and took everyone to register at the nearest hotel.

"Mr. Xia Liang, I'd like to trouble you this time and have a good rest tonight. We have to go to Zhongnan Mountain tomorrow."

Kawai Shochiku smiled.


Nodding, Xia Liang also returned to his room and began to rest. The next day, everyone set out again, heading towards Zhongnan Mountain.

Zhongnan Mountain, also known as Taiyi Mountain, is also a famous Taoist mountain, famous for its strange peaks, caves, and ancient temples with clear ponds.

When they arrived at Zhongnan Mountain with Kawai Shochiku and others, everyone was once again surprised by the majestic beauty of Zhongnan Mountain, which was like a splendid painted screen.

There are many scenic spots here, the first is Taiyi Pool, which is said to have been caused by an earthquake during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty. It is surrounded by peaks, the pool surface is rippling with blue waves, and the scenery is very beautiful.

You can also go boating on it and travel between the peaks, enjoying the natural beauty.

.There is a wind tunnel to the west of Taiyi Pool, which is made of two pieces of Taiyi granite. When everyone enters the cave, the breeze is blowing and the air is cool, which is quite interesting.

To the north of the Wind Cave is the Ice Cave. Even in summer, there is ice condensed here, making it extremely cold.

After that, Xia Liang took everyone to Cuihua Temple to have a look. Even though there was no temple fair at this time, it was still very lively.

There are many scenic spots on Zhongnan Mountain, such as Nanwutai, which the ancients called the most beautiful place in Zhongnan. On the top of the mountain are the five peaks of Guanyin, Manjusri, Qingliang, Jinshen and Lingying. Among them, Guanyin Tower is the most famous. In Guifeng Mountain, I saw Gaoguan Waterfall. The height of this waterfall is more than 20 meters, and the torrent splashes loudly like thunder.

When night approached, everyone left Zhongnan Mountain, but today there is still no difference among these Sakura people.

In the next few days, Xia Liang took these Sakura people to check in at the surrounding attractions. These Sakura people loved mountain climbing and basically visited all the nearby mountains.

Xia Liang, who has been observing these people from Sakura Country, still hasn't noticed anything strange in the past few days, but this is also the strangest thing.

He didn't believe that a group of people from the Sakura Country who had killed people came to the territory of the Dragon Country just for tourism.

Thinking about it, Xia Zhizheng was about to do the math, but found a problem.

The places these guys traveled were all near the Qinling Mountains. He had also introduced other peaks far away from the Qinling Mountains before, but they were all rejected.

"Their goal is to enter the Qinling Mountains?"

Xia Liang narrowed his eyes.

"No wonder they want to climb up. I'm afraid they just observe the topography of the Qinling Mountains by climbing high and looking far away."

Xia Liang smiled. It must be said that these people from the Sakura Country were hiding very deeply.

"But what are they doing in Qinling?"

The Qinling Mountains are revered as the dragon vein of the Xia Kingdom's civilization. Needless to say, its importance is rich in resources. The first-level protected animals of the Xia Kingdom, such as giant pandas and golden monkeys, can be found in it.

In addition, the Qinling Mountains are also very rich in mineral resources. Not only are there abundant reserves of gold ore, molybdenum ore and other resources, but there are also a large number of non-metallic minerals and building materials and stones.

"Are these people from the Sakura Country going to the Qinling Mountains for the mines? Or for the rare animals?"

Xia Liang shook his head. Even if these Sakura Country people really caught giant pandas and golden monkeys and discovered Jutai's mineral veins, they would not be able to bring them to Sakura Country.

"We've almost visited the mountains around the Qinling Mountains. I guess the people from the Sakura Country will take action in the next two days."

Xia Liang didn't make any calculations. Anyway, with him here, it wouldn't be too late to take action once he figured out the true purpose of these guys.

The next day, just as Xia Liang had guessed, Kawai Shochiku found him.

"Mr. Xia Liang, I heard that there is a Dragon King Pond near the city. I wonder if you can take us to see it?"

It's fine if ordinary tourists want to go to Longwang Lake, but if these guys want to go to Dragon King Lake, it's not easy.

Because Longwangtan is located in Jiuyu, one of the seventy-two valleys in the Qinling Mountains, these guys probably don't want to see Longwangtan, but want to enter the Qinling Mountains.

Is it finally time to take action?

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