But Chinese medicine is not like that. Chinese medicine needs researchers to go into the mountains and rivers in person and taste those unfamiliar herbs that may be Chinese medicines.

But if it goes wrong, you may die on the spot!

Just what Tao Anran knows, in order to compile this "Medicinal Herbs Compendium", the Chen family once poisoned dozens of people on the way to find and determine the medicinal properties of medicinal materials. Therefore, once the Chen family's "Medicinal Herbs Compendium" is published, it will attract great attention in society.

Only then can it be regarded as a treasure by countless Chinese medicine practitioners, and the status of the Chen family in the Chinese medicine community can rise sharply.

All this is because the discovery of Chinese medicinal materials is simply too difficult.

Let alone more than a dozen Chinese medicinal materials, even the discovery of one or two Chinese medicinal materials can make you immediately become the focus of attention of the entire Chinese medicine industry.

Because the determination of a Chinese medicinal material is not only that it has the essence of being able to be used as medicine, but also to determine the medicinal properties of the medicinal material.

Is it cold or hot, and what kind of medicinal properties it is used to treat.

Is it to reduce swelling and dissipate blood stasis, or to clear away heat and relieve pain, or is it beneficial to the treatment of diseases such as cancer!

Therefore, Tao Anran is also cautious and wait-and-see about Xia Liang's popularization of Chinese medicinal materials.

Because he is an old Chinese medicine practitioner with decades of experience, he can understand the difficulties here too well!

When Chen Boan heard his son's words, he sneered.

"Humph! I am very optimistic about Doctor Xia. He will definitely surprise the old man. Just wait and see.

He can point out the mistakes in our "Medicinal Herbs Compendium" and can also discover newer varieties of medicinal materials."

Chen Linjie shook his head.

"Dad, you are a little angry. He pointed out the mistakes in the "Medicinal Herbs Compendium" is very powerful! However, that is also based on the "Medicinal Herbs Compendium", not his own newly discovered medicinal materials!"

Chen Boan asked unconvinced.

"Then tell me, in the prescriptions he prescribed, many Chinese medicinal materials I have never heard of. Don't you think that these Chinese medicinal materials were discovered and found by him?"

Chen Shuize thought about it.

"Not necessarily, maybe he saw it in an ancient book. Chinese medicine is not something that can be learned for no reason. Behind every Chinese medicine practitioner, there is a guide!" Chen Boan argued again. "Then tell me, what kind of Chinese medicine can cultivate such an amazing Chinese medicine practitioner like Doctor Xia!" Chen Linjie was frustrated and shook his head. "How should I know?" Chen Qingjun, who was standing next to him, couldn't stand it anymore and quickly stopped him. "Grandpa, Dad, you two should stop arguing. Doctor Xia is about to start. You two can just watch when the time comes. Why do you have to argue here?" One is grandpa and the other is dad. Chen Qingjun is really uncomfortable being caught between the two. Moreover, both of them are people she can't offend, and one is more stubborn than the other! Fortunately, Chen Qingjun is more favored by the old man in the Chen family, so she dares to speak like this. If it were any other younger generation of the Chen family, they would have been driven away long ago if they spoke to the old man like this. "Okay, let's just watch! Chen Boan snorted coldly, which was considered to be a face for his granddaughter. Although Chen Linjie didn't say anything, he was actually very unconvinced in his heart.

He wanted to see his father being slapped in the face with his own eyes!

Leopard Tooth Platform Supervision Department.

At this moment, Chen Ran and others became very relaxed.

Xia Liang had just finished diagnosing five patients live, which was like a series of wonderful dramas, which made them excited.

At this time, Xia Liang was busy picking and dispensing medicine, so they had free time to rest.

There was a cup of coffee in front of Chen Ran, which was already the third cup of coffee she drank.

She decided to accompany Xia Liang to the end of the live broadcast tonight.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to take a rest first? You have been working all day today. If you stay up late at night, can your body bear it?

Didn't Doctor Xia say that? Although you are taking medicine for your disease, you must pay attention to rest, otherwise it will recur."

One of Chen Ran's subordinates couldn't help but persuade him.

"Haha, it's okay. I know my body is fine. After taking Doctor Xia's medicine, my illness has almost healed. Okay, I know you are all kind-hearted. I will leave after another hour. Doctor Xia is popularizing Chinese medicinal materials. I don't want to miss such an important thing." Chen Ran said with a wry smile. "Well, Mr. Chen, to put it bluntly, I have learned a little about Chinese medicine in the past few days and looked up some information about Chinese medicine. At present, the only book on Chinese medicine and Chinese medicinal materials that can be found on the market is the "Medicinal Herbs Compendium" compiled by the Chen family. There are no other books on Chinese medicinal materials. This book contains 220 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials. Basically, the current Chinese medicine treatment methods all use the Chinese medicinal materials listed above to prepare medicines. Therefore, I don't think Doctor Xia can bring forth new ideas!" A subordinate couldn't help but interrupt. This subordinate Qu Chenran worked very hard and was very talented. He was one of Chen Ran's most capable right-hand men. Hearing his words, Chen Ran was stunned and shook his head.

"Probably not. Many of the Chinese medicinal materials Xia Langzhong prescribed for me were not recorded in the "Compendium of Medicinal Herbs". When I bought the medicine, I went to many drugstores in the imperial capital, but I couldn't find it. Later, I bought it from other channels. Even the people who sold my medicine didn’t believe that it was from Chinese medicinal materials. Therefore, I believe that Xia Langzhong will definitely surprise us!

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, but he hadn't thought about it that much.

At this moment, after hearing Chen Ran's words, he couldn't find a reason to defend himself.

Because what Chen Ran said is right.

After all, Chen Ran is a person who has experienced it and is a beneficiary of traditional Chinese medicine. He has studied more than himself and definitely knows more than himself.

"Well, since Mr. Chen said so, I am somewhat looking forward to seeing what kind of surprise Xia Langzhong can bring us!"

The subordinate smiled slightly.

"Well, just keep an eye on it.

Chen Ran said confidently.

In the live broadcast room.

Xia Liang is busy in the front store at the moment. He is dispensing medicine for Xiaojun and others.

During the live broadcast of the medical treatment just now, he promised Xiaobao and the others that he would pack the medicinal materials and mail them there.

Moreover, Captain Wu along the coast also gave himself the address.

Naturally, Xia Liang cannot be careless for a moment, because the earlier the medicinal materials are prepared and the medicinal materials are distributed earlier, the earlier Xiaojun and others can take the medicine, and the body can recover earlier.

He is now dispensing the medicine, and after the live broadcast of the popular Chinese medicinal materials is completed, he will be able to mail the medicinal materials directly when he wakes up tomorrow morning without taking up extra time.

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