In my vision, this boxing starts from the first level and can be practiced forever, from the second level, the third level, the fourth level to the tenth level, the hundredth level, and even the thousand, ten thousand, billion. However, now I only deduce the first level. three hundred

Ying Zheng still didn't say a word, and almost every minute, he was able to deduce an important point.

This technique is most suitable for a solid foundation, even the most stupid person. In the initial stage, he can still be powerful. Every time this fist is cultivated to a level, the muscles, bones, flesh and blood will be tempered once. It is most suitable for gradual progress. With repeated practice, the strength and wisdom will grow bigger and bigger

Qin Fist is not the most powerful, nor is it the most powerful attack, nor is it the fastest in speed, nor is it the strongest in defense, but it is the most suitable for continuous cultivation to improve aptitude, physique and physical and mental health.

As time goes by, you will nurture the righteous qi, no evil will invade, and all bad luck will not bless your body.

It is the most suitable way for all people in the world to practice, and it is the only way to improve the country's fortune, people's self-cultivation and physical fitness.

One to ten weights are exercise skin

Ten weights to twenty weights are exercise meat

Twenty to thirty weights are exercises for bones

From [-] to [-], it is always exercise

After practicing again and again, I finally achieve the same strength in the whole body, the skin is as tough as a drum, the tendons are like strings, the bones are forged into steel, the marrow is practiced like frost, and the blood mercury plasma can be achieved. Heavy, it is equivalent to saying that you have exercised all the skin, muscles, muscles, muscles, bones, blood and marrow membranes ten times.

If you can do this, you already have the strength of the innate peak.

And even the most unqualified people can practice Qin Quan without anyone's bottleneck. As long as anyone works tirelessly, they can cultivate the seventy-level Qin Quan.

Together with the seventy-level Qin Fist, one's essence reaches a peak, and at this time, one can enter the realm of refining and transforming Qi, refining the essence in the body and turning it into true essence

From the [-]th to the [-]th layer, it is equivalent to the strength of a grandmaster

And the [-]th to [-]th layers are equivalent to the strength of the great master

The [-]th to [-]th layers are equivalent to the Martial Dao Heavenly Man

Anyone, even if their aptitude is hopelessly poor, can train at the [-]st to [-]th level. Ying Zheng estimated that if the aptitude is a little better, they can train to the [-]th level in one year, but the aptitude is hopelessly poor. , can be practiced within three years

On the other hand, from the [-]th to the [-]th level, it is slightly more difficult. People with medium or upper-level aptitude have almost no barriers for them. If it is the kind with poor aptitude, it will take longer.

Because if the aptitude is very poor, Qin Quan needs to subtly change the aptitude, and the speed of improving the aptitude will not be very fast, so it will take longer.

With this kind of exercise, the people of the world are blessed..." Zhuang Zhou sighed, happy for the people of the world, that he met such an emperor

Ying Zheng glanced at everyone, but saw that some people had already described themselves as withered, even Donghuang Taiyi, Xun Kuang and the others had tired faces, which shows how much energy they have spent over the past month: "Every guest has worked hard for over a month. Now, there will be no shortage of rewards I deserve.

Thank you very much, Your Majesty!" Dong Huang Taiyi saluted in place of the Secretary General Keqing

Hearing the reward promised by Ying Zheng, everyone was overjoyed, and the original fatigue seemed to vanish.

Chapter 349: I Created the Xianqin Multiverse Empire

Except for GOD, a pure seeker, this month has been really like a duck to water.

Who in Tongtian Temple didn't work so hard for the reward that Ying Zheng promised?

Or for all beings in the world, but only for a small reason

Ying Zheng is also proficient in the principle of "if you want a horse to run, you must feed the horse", and the promised reward is sufficient.

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he stepped out and left Tongtian Hall, and when he appeared in the Qilin Hall, he let out a soft murmur: "The space seems to be a lot stronger... The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is also a lot richer.

Ying Zheng's rough estimate is that based on the people who have just entered the broken realm, they could have spanned fifty miles in one step, but now they can only span thirty-five miles at most, and the aura is about [-] times the original.

And he can clearly feel that the space is still slowly strengthening, and the level of aura will become more intense every moment.

Yes, the world level is improving, the space will naturally become stronger, and the spiritual energy will naturally become more intense.

The Shattered Void can cross space in this world, but if you fly to the post-ascension world, if you want to shatter the space, you have to smash your head, you can only fly honestly

In that high-level world, the requirements for breaking the space are too high

Ying Zheng moved and flew towards the sky.

How fast was Ying Zheng, he reached a height of [-] zhang in the blink of an eye, and he was still flying, [-] zhang, [-] zhang, and finally flew to [-] zhang, Ying Zheng only felt that one. layer barrier

Looking down, Ying Zheng's eyes widened in vain. After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief. This world is actually a round place, not a planet.

He has been able to fly for a long time, but he has not thought about this problem, but he takes it for granted that this world is a planet, and at this time, standing at an altitude of [-], he overlooks and looks down. After clearing the outline of this world, I realized that this world is the world of heaven and earth

A hemispherical barrier was buckled upside down on the ground, passing through the barrier, Ying Zheng immediately felt the extremely intense wind, enough to tear the Great Grandmaster's wind in an instant.

Looking around, Ying Zheng can only feel the endless silence, cold, empty, boundless, vast

The endless vast starry sky is dotted with countless stars, and the countless stars form an immeasurable cosmic galaxy.

When people look up at the stars, they feel how small they are

When Ying Zheng was in the starry sky, he also felt how small his own universe was. He sincerely sighed at the vastness of the universe, the diversity of heaven and earth, and the insignificance of himself.

But then, Ying Zheng's heart rose again

When will I be able to take the universe in my hands

Ying Zheng looked around, and there were countless unknown, swirling air currents, ups and downs, some of which had a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, and some that were enough to instantly freeze the great master into slag.

It can be said that beyond the barrier, there is an endless hell below the martial arts gods. Even the martial arts gods will not survive in this cosmic starry sky for long.

Standing in the cosmic starry sky and looking at the world in the barrier, it has completely changed at this time. The whole world is composed of layers of space, which are folded layer by layer.

The master of breaking the void can tear apart these layers of space and make space jumps

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