Make a circle around the entire central area.

Lin Hong frowned: "I can't find it at all."

No trace was found either with the naked eye or the system.

"What kind of existence is the God of Destiny?"

Fu Jiaojiao was curious about this.

"I only know that she is a very powerful person." Lin Hong replied.

"The limelight has passed, and fewer and fewer people are looking for us."

Off said at this moment.

However, the existence of the flying saucer has attracted the attention of the entire undead world.

This is no wonder.

After all, technology products are almost non-existent in the undead world.

As long as it appears, it is a sky-high price!

Lin Hong hesitated a little, and muttered in his heart: "It seems that I shouldn't let the Demon Lord go and call the Lord of the Undead to come back."

If the God of Destiny is not found during this period, everything will be embarrassing.

Even death.

"You are not doing things properly now."

The demon couldn't help but say.

"Didn't you also agree at that time?" Lin Hong was a little speechless, otherwise he would have let himself refuse.

"Ahem, let alone that, after so many days of analysis, I have roughly guessed where the God of Destiny lives."

The inner demon coughed lightly, then said.

Lin Hong heard the words: "Where are you? Don't be too slow."

"There are five inaccessible places in the central area of ​​the undead world. According to your previous speculation, he is likely to be in one of them."

The demon said.

"Hurry up and tell me." Lin Hong raised his hand and took out a map of the central area of ​​the undead world.

He got this from Gu Zhu.

"it is good……"

The demons responded and said the five locations one by one.

Soon, Lin Hong controlled the flying saucer and went to one of the locations: "I hope everything goes well."

"Master, I can take the liberty to ask, what do you want to do when you go to find the God of Destiny?"

Gu Zhu showed sincerity at this time, and obviously wanted to know very much.

"What does it matter to you?" Fu Jiaojiao glared at her.

"I want to find the God of Destiny because of something I have to do. I can't say exactly what it is."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and put her hands behind her back.

Gu Zhu heard the words: "I'm sorry, master, I was abrupt."

"It's okay, pay more attention later."

Lin Hong waved his hand casually.

"I'm afraid I can't build a city of my own in this central area." Off sighed suddenly at this moment.

This was a relatively heavy blow to him.

"Although there is no city, at least you still have friends like us."

Fu Jiaojiao smiled and looked over.

Ove nodded: "Maybe it's time for me to let go of the obsession of the city."

After spending these days with Fu Jiaojiao and others, he has a feeling of returning to his youth.


This feeling is good, he wants to continue, otherwise he won't come to them.

"You are officially welcome to join."

Lin Hong walked to Ove and shook his hand.

"If you have anything, just send it." Off replied with a chuckle.

"Don't worry, I won't let such a master as you go."

Lin Hong smiled softly.

The atmosphere was pleasant, and soon, they reached the first point marked by the heart demon.

Here is an endless wasteland.

There is no life everywhere.

Lin Hong nodded: "That guy may indeed be here."

Although resources are poor, at least they are inaccessible and will not be disturbed.

"This place is so desolate."

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but say.

"Master, do you want me to go down and look for it first?" Gu Zhu spontaneously asked Ying.

"Everyone, go in four directions, and meet here in half an hour."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he put the flying saucer away.

He randomly picked a direction: "Pay attention to safety. If there is a danger, immediately run back and ask for help from others, you know?"

"Know it!"

Fu Jiaojiao seemed a little impatient and left.

"Master, I don't know if I should say something." Gu Zhu seems to have something unspeakable.


Lin Hong looked over, a little puzzled.

Gu Zhu sighed: "The hostess seems to be angry with you, but I don't know why, it may be that you don't have more to accompany him."

"Are you finished?"

Lin Hong hugged his shoulders.

"That's it..." Gu Zhu nodded.

"Then move quickly."

Lin Hong raised his hand and knocked on his head.

Gu Zhu responded, and then ran away. After choosing a direction, Ove also went to explore.

Lin Hong exhaled.

The reason why he wants everyone to go out for exploration is because he has concerns, and he is afraid that the reason he can't find the **** of fate is because she can't be detected by the system.

after all……

The God of Healing didn't know what method was used, so that he could not find the master.

Lin Hong walked in the direction where no one was exploring, and looked around carefully. The ground here was a bit hot, but it was acceptable.

"Signs of life detected." The heart demon said suddenly.


Lin Hong's heart moved slightly, and there were signs of life in this barren mountain, and it was very likely that he was the **** of destiny.

The inner demon replied: "It disappointed you, it was just a monster, but I suggest you go and take a look, maybe you will gain."


Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows.

Soon, he found the monster: "Then, what do you want me to do?"


The monster is soft, like a pile of plasticine.

"So..." Lin Hong saw that he could talk and walked slowly over, "Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you something."

"Will it hurt me?"

The monster asked quickly, obviously scrupulous.

Lin Hong nodded: "Don't worry, no."

"That's good...If you have any questions, please ask."

The monster was obviously relieved.

Lin Hong smiled inwardly, this monster was quite funny and polite.

He asked: "Have you ever seen a human, female, very powerful here."

"Female? I seem to have actually met..."

The monster thought about it, then pointed to the distance, and squirmed quickly.

Lin Hong had to follow closely behind.

Gradually, the monster stopped: "It's here."

The entrance of a hole in front of me was impressive, and there was a faint gleam in it, as if there was something.

"Someone inside?"

Lin Hong couldn't help asking, leaning over cautiously.

"Once I saw a woman come out of it with my own eyes, but strangely, I can't get in." The monster said like this.

Lin Hong frowned, and when he walked over, he found that there was something similar to the formation at the entrance of the cave, blocking everything.

"It should be here, be careful."

The demon couldn't help but say.

Lin Hong nodded, stepped back slowly, and made plans after preparing to gather other people, not blindly.

"Then I will leave." The monster left.

When he left completely, he changed his appearance and turned out to be a clone of the demon!

"Huh... go find the **** of destiny, when you find it, it's when you die."

The demon snorted coldly.

Behind the stone on the side, Zhu Wenkang came out: "I haven't been here for a long time, are you okay?"

"Don't look at me so cowardly, if I have a chance, I will kill Lin Hong and the stinky woman, the **** of fate!"

The demon's mood was obviously not so beautiful, and he yelled.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Wenkang: "What do you plan to do next?"

"Push the boat along the water and let Lin Hong find the God of Destiny, and then... it's when he is desperate."

The demon sneered, and the laughter made people shudder.

Lin Hong found others: "I have found out."

"Find the God of Destiny?"

"It went well."


Fu Jiaojiao and others were very surprised.

"No, it's a hole in the ground. I met a monster on the road..."

Lin Hong told the general process.

Ove frowned: "How can there be a monster in this barren mountain? It's too strange, isn't it?"


Fu Jiaojiao also frowned Anyway, we'd better go over and take a look at that place, let's go. "Lin Hong twisted his neck.

According to the monster, the people in the cave have already left. Just be careful, there is no danger.

Soon, everyone came to the entrance of the cave.

"It's dark, I can't see what's inside."

Fu Jiaojiao looked inside.

Lin Hong exhaled: "There is a formation blocking it, of course you can't see it inside... Wait a minute, I'll break the formation."

After he finished speaking, a beam of light was directly emitted, which accurately shone on the formation, and with the sound of ‘pop’, the formation shattered.

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