The resentful spirits on the wall were cleaned up.

   The city lord who had almost recovered to hear the news, couldn't help nodding.

   He opened his mouth and said: "Let them help guard, I will pass."

   "Then what... they asked me to bring you a message."

   The soldier who came to report was embarrassed.

   "What?" The city owner was a little curious.

   "They said, let you guard the city wall, so you can jump off the city to meet the enemy and resentful spirit!"

   The soldier couldn't help but said.

   The city lord was taken aback, patted the table and got up: "It's a nonsense!"

   After he finished speaking, he quickly put on his armor, rushed to the wall with the Fangtian painted halberd, and looked out.

   Lin Hong and the four are killing the Quartet.

   "So cool..."

   Fu Jiaojiao jumped into the wraith spirit pile, waved her hand, hundreds of wraith spirits were cut off.

   "You guys come up quickly!" the city lord said loudly.

   "It's finally here, can you ask the city lord for something?"

   Lin Hong glanced at it, Lin smiled.

   City Lord nodded: "You guys will come up first!"

   "Before that... solve the crisis here, remember, don't reveal my identity."

   Lin Hong chuckled lightly, then clapped his hands after speaking.

   Fu Jiaojiao and the others understood, stepped back and jumped onto the city wall.

   "What are you guys?" The city lord was even more puzzled.

   Could it be that Lin Hong was left alone to die outside?

   "It's time to end..."

   Lin Hong looked at the endless resentful spirits, chuckled, and released the light in the small world.

   This is the most powerful murderous aura for them.

  In an instant, he was smashed into a straight line, and wherever he was found by the light, all the grieving spirits died tragically and vanished in smoke.

   Lin Hong dangled the light.


  A few kilometers ahead, I can't see the resentful spirit.

   "It's... it's him, the one wanted!"

   "You can attack with light."


   The soldiers recognized it.

   Hearing this, the stunned city lord shook his mind: "This..."

   "If my husband's identity is revealed, I will kill you."

   Fu Jiaojiao looked at him coldly.

   "Don't say such things, although I am absolutely loyal to the Palace of the Dead, I haven't reached the level of betraying my savior." The city lord spread his hands.

   "It's pretty much the same, count it as a man."

   Fu Jiaojiao puffed up her mouth and picked up her shoulders.

   The city lord turned to look at the lieutenant who had followed up: "This matter must never be passed on, you know?"


   The pair will be mindful, and he retreats to arrange.

   half an hour later.

   Lin Hong jumped on the city wall and looked at the city lord: "The soldiers are almost recovered, right?"

   "Um... Next, leave it to us."

   The city lord nodded first, and then motioned to the soldiers who were resting to stand up.

   This is the last critical moment.

   As long as you hold on, you can live.

   "That man is a wanted man... but he saved us."

   "Is it an enemy after all?"


   The soldiers talked a lot.

   City Lord frowned: "It's all quiet!"

   "Do you think I should stay here, or run quickly?"

   Lin Hong's voice was filled with a bit of playfulness.

   The reason why he didn't persist until the end was because he wanted to leave himself some time to ensure safety and prepare to retreat.

   "It's okay." The city lord said seriously, "I have already ordered that things about you will never be spread."

Under the recommendation of   , the novel app I am using recently, and both Android and iPhone support!

   "Thank you... Then why did I leave?"

   Lin Hong said with a light smile, and took Fu Jiaojiao and others back to the inn to rest.

   The city lord saw this: "You have the courage."

   A few more hours passed, and the resentful spirit finally passed.

   Although a lot of them are left outside, they only need to be cleared up later to return to the previous state.

   "I thought these resentful spirits would fill up the entire central area, but I didn't expect it..."

   The city lord was a little bit emotional, and a bit tired after the **** battle.

   "City Lord, letter from the Palace of the Dead!" The lieutenant rushed over.

   "Hey... as expected."

   The city lord looked at the letter, and it said that besides his own city, all villages and towns had been destroyed and turned into ruins.

   Besides, the other half of the central area was defended.

   because my news is timely.

   City Lord shook his head: "Where is my news in time, it's him..."

   In the inn at this time.


   Lin Hong sneezed inexplicably, feeling that someone was talking about himself behind his back.

   "Master, this is a super luxurious meat feast brought by the city owner's trustee." Gu Zhu said expectantly.

   "Try my craft, right?"

The owner of the    shop stood aside, and the meat feast was made by himself, but the ingredients were made by the city lord.

   Lin Hong nodded: "What are you still doing? Come over and eat together."


   The shop owner just waited for this sentence.

   Lin Hong turned to take out two pots for a long time, and looked at Fu Jiaojiao, “It’s been a long time since I drank it. Drink some today.”


   Fu Jiaojiao nodded happily.

   She wanted to drink it a long time ago, but she suffered from not having it.

   After eating, it was dark, Lin Hong returned to his room and ended up drinking.

   The night of this day is quieter than before.

the next day.

   There was a quick knock on the door.

   "What's the matter?" Lin Hong asked blankly, finding that Fu Jiaojiao was sleeping in her arms, feeling a little speechless.

   "Something big happened."

   The bone Zhu outside the door is a little helpless.

   Lin Hong heard the words, gently pushed Fu Jiaojiao aside, got out of bed, went to open the door: "Say quickly."

   "The Palace of Dead Souls sent people to explore the Wangchuan River, and it turned out... that a huge resentful spirit was crawling out."

When    Gu Zhu said these words, his face paled slightly.

   "How old is it?" Lin Hong didn't care.

   "Two-thirds of the full Wangchuanhe is big!"

   Bone Zhu frowned.

   Lin Hong was taken aback: "So big? Is there a solution for the Palace of the Dead?"

   "No, now I am thinking of transferring, trapping the huge grieving spirit here forever."

   Gu Zhu replied, maybe only in this way can we temporarily escape the danger.

   "Is there any news about Po Meng?" Lin Hong asked instead.


   Gu Zhu shook his head.

   But after listening, the voice suddenly came from a distance: "This time I have it!"

   It's Off, he is in a hurry.

   "Where is Po Meng?"

   Lin Hong couldn't help asking, if anyone can deal with that huge resentful spirit, I am afraid only Meng Po is alone.

   "She... She killed the current deputy head of the Palace of the Dead." Ove panted.


   Lin Hong hadn't spoken yet, but Gu Zhu was shocked.

   Off sighed: "Po Meng also wrote a line in blood, to the effect that when the Lord of the Undead returns, she will kill him."

   "Can you contact him?"

   Lin Hong hesitated a little and asked.

   "How is it possible, the entire central area is wanted for her, there is no news at all." Off shook his head.

   "What's the matter with this, didn't you find us?"

   Fu Jiaojiao walked out of the room, rubbing her eyes.

   She hummed instead: "It doesn't matter if the deputy hall master is dead, he even dared to want us."

   "That's how it is said, but that's the only steward in the central area. Now people can only ask for their own blessings."

   Ofe sighed long.

   "No, as for the steward, one of them will be back soon." Lin Hong exhaled.

   What he said is the Lord of the Undead, and counting the time, it should be these two days.

   "What do you mean?"

   Ofe and others are puzzled.

   Lin Hong smiled without saying anything, without explaining anything.

   Fu Jiaojiao suddenly said at this time: "Are you going to have something to eat? I'm a little hungry..."

   "I want a bowl of warm noodles, what do you guys eat, I'll talk to the shop owner."

  Ofe said The owner has completely taken care of their food, and said that he can say whatever he wants to eat.

   "I will come to the bowl of noodles, too." Lin Hong finished speaking, rubbing his eyebrows, "In this situation, I am afraid I can't stay in the central area for a long time."

   Even the Palace of the Dead is preparing to roll out and evacuate, and staying here is tantamount to waiting for death.

   didn't know that level of resentment, light pipes didn't work.

   Whether it is the resentful spirit, or the Lord of the undead who is about to return, staying in the central area is in a very disadvantageous state.

   "Can we finally go back?"

   Fu Jiaojiao has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

   She was excited: "After I go back, I will persuade my father not to make him angry with you."

   "This...I might not return to the City of the Dead."

   Lin Hong rubbed his nose.

   "Huh?" The smile on Fu Jiaojiao's face gradually disappeared.

   "Just kidding, I will go back with you until the end."

   Lin Hong knew that she had loved herself to the point of being in awe, so she smiled awkwardly, and a ridiculous but very possible thought emerged in her heart.

   Fu Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, but she was very unhappy: "Huh... dare to lie to me."

   "I was wrong, don't be angry~"

   Lin Hong smiled and rubbed her head.

   In a short while, the owner of the shop prepared the food, and everyone went down to eat a hearty breakfast.

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