Chapter 1396 Strange Results

"The antidote..."

Lin Hong pursed his lips.

He didn't deceive Yudie at all on this point, the antidote was really under development.

How can it be researched within three days?

It just so happens that he is not easy to compromise, let alone accept threats!

Late that night.

Lin Hong left the temporary camp, preparing to determine Fu Jiaojiao's location first.

"Where is this place?"

On the other side, Yudie walked around with Fu Jiaojiao, whose hands were tied, and found that there was no way back.

She scratched her head: "It's strange."

"I take the liberty to ask, how do you get it back in three days?"

Fu Jiaojiao asked after hesitating a little.

For a while, Yudie Leng was on the spot, feeling very reasonable.

She turned around but completely forgot where she came from.

"It's over!" Yudie was crying without tears.

"Are you stupid?"

As a hostage, Fu Jiaojiao almost questioned at this time, biting her lower lip.

It finally came together.

The result was kidnapped.

This way, the kidnapper is still a fool!

Yudie looked over: "It doesn't matter, your man can find us."

After speaking, she sniffed with her nose, but found that the smell had already been broken, so she had to find a safe place to live temporarily.

"There is a bad feeling."

Fu Jiaojiao raised her head suddenly, frowning slightly.

"What?" Yudie was leading her on the road, "I warn you, don't play any tricks."

"Actually, although Lin Hong and I are husband and wife, he doesn't like me at all..."

Fu Jiaojiao snorted, and then began to speak.

Yudie heard the words: "What did you tell me?"

"I know you like him too."

Fu Jiaojiao said.

These words made Yudie a moment of dumbness: "You can't talk nonsense!"

How could he like a human being?

"Is not it?"

Fu Jiaojiao asked back.

"Of course not!" Of course, Yudie said sharply, with incomprehensibility filled her brows, "Finally, you just said...have a bad relationship with him?"

This is terrible.

If Lin Hong is unwilling to exchange the antidote, for the sake of his life, he can only bear the burden of humiliation.


I am afraid there is no chance to bear the humiliation.

A cold sweat was dripping on Yudie's forehead. This time, I won't bet wrong, right?

Fu Jiaojiao nodded: "Yes, so even if I really die, he won't show up to save me."

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Yudie completely took these words into ears.

"Finally found you." The voice suddenly came from right in front.

"Is there another girl I have never seen? Just so, fill up my stomach."

The figure in front said, taunting in his voice.

Fu Jiaojiao paled: "No, run!"

That was the demon he hadn't seen for a long time, and it was obvious that he had already moved his way in blocking their way at this time.

"Why run?"

But Yudie looked at the devil whose head was only the size of a palm.

"Die!" The demon suddenly rushed.

Before he could react, Yudie was stunned on the spot, and his left arm had all been broken.

"It tastes really good."

Standing not far away, the demon had swallowed the cut left arm into his stomach.

To the naked eye, he was a circle older, and he became two slap-sized.

Yudie knew that his arm had become its nourishment: "Who are you?"

"You don't deserve to know."

The demon said like this, wanting to completely cover her and turn her into his own nourishment.

"Damn... In the end, do you lose all the games?" Yudie bit her lower lip and disappeared instantly.

If you run, you can still run, but without the hostage of Fu Jiaojiao, you will undoubtedly die later.

"Running quite fast."

The demon did not rush to chase, but looked at Fu Jiaojiao.

They couldn't be found anymore, but I didn't expect to come directly and get a ready-made hostage.

He said, "Where are the others? Don't tell me, you are separated."

"Yes, it's gone, so you can't find it no matter what."

Fu Jiaojiao looked away.

"Aren't you afraid that I will swallow you a little bit?" The demon sneered with a grin.

"Come if you have the ability!"

Fu Jiaojiao was not afraid, looking at him in the distance.

The demon frowned, and there was nothing to do for a while: "No matter, I'll take you back first, and then look for it slowly."

"Where are you taking me?"

Fu Jiaojiao glanced around, trying to leave any clues.

"You'll know when you wait." The demon smiled cruelly, leading her to disappear instantly. .

"Strange, the clues are all broken up here."

Not long after, Lin Hong rushed over, and after squatting down, his brows filled with surprise.

The heart demon said: "It may be a move like teleportation."

"This Yudie, because I trusted her so much before, if I find it..."

Lin Hong clenched his fist tightly, his anger was beyond words.

"I didn't expect you to be so angry because of that woman." The inner demon was a little curious. Humans are really magical animals.

He obviously didn't show any love along the way, but he was so angry at this moment.

"I really found it."

The heart demon said after hesitating a little.

Lin Hong heard: "Where?"

He knew that he couldn't act rashly, it would be bad if Yudie hurt the hostage.

"I found Yudie, but Fu Jiaojiao is not here..."

There was a heavy voice in the inner demon's voice.

"Could it be?" Lin Hong frowned, but when he used to make divination, it was obvious that everyone had gone out safely.

After hesitating a little, he suddenly thought of something, and once again summoned the circle to start divination.



"Can't see anything?"

Lin Hong was surprised, knowing that his destiny had been changed.

Who did it?

It seems that only the **** of fate can change fate without knowing it.

He pondered a little: "I will divination Fu Jiaojiao again."


Lin Hong sees Jiaojiao will be very safe with herself and others.

"Go and see Yudie first." A fierce light flashed in Lin Hong's eyes.

"it is good."

The demons give a specific location.

Lin Hong went straight there, and soon reached the place. This is a wonderful and beautiful mountain, and the sound of a stream can be faintly heard.

He chuckles: "Aren't you planning to come out? I know you are here."

However, no response was received.

"Why would he come here?"

Yudie hiding behind a giant stone, her eyebrows filled with tension.

She knew that once she was discovered, she would be greeted with the end, and there would be no way to survive.

"Do you want me to invite you out?"

Without changing his expression, Lin Hong scanned the audience lightly, and finally fixed his gaze on the stone.

Yudie was clenching her fists, so nervous that her heart was pounding.

A voice suddenly came from his side: "I found you."

"How did you do it? Why did you find me?"

Yudie turned to look.

She lowered her head and closed her eyes, knowing that she was bound to die.

"I won't talk about the method. After all, the dead know so much, what's the use?" Lin Hong slowly pulled out the Shadow Sword.

"Sorry... I just want to live, I didn't want to really hurt her."

Yudie's body trembled slightly.

Lin Hong heard the words: "Is this your trivial excuse?"

"I don't want to argue, just come if you want to kill or pluck. Anyway, after being poisoned by you, there is no hope of survival anymore."

Yudie said decisively, and gradually stopped trembling, and was ready to die.

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