Doesn't this mean that as long as the formation is repaired, you can go out?

Lin Hong thought in his heart.

The God of Destiny seemed to see what he was thinking from his face: "Only I will use and repair this formation."

"This is the capital for you to negotiate with me, so what do I need to do?"

Lin Hong let out a long breath.

"It's very simple, go and collect these." The God of Destiny gave a list.

Lin Hong nodded, already thinking about it, otherwise she came to find herself leisurely.

"You can take the liberty to ask, what will you do after collecting these things?"

Lin Hong asked after hesitating a little.

The **** of destiny heard this: "I refuse to answer, you just need to honestly find the above things for me."


Lin Hong shrugged, turned and left, and found that these things were unique to the central area of ​​the undead world.

A smile gradually spread across his face: "Maybe, there is a place where you can find all these things."

"You mean? The Palace of the Dead?"

The demon asked after hesitating a little.

"Yes." Lin Hong nodded, "Anyway, now the Lord of the Undead is not there, and the monk is dead. No one can stop me."

"I support you."

The demon said after hesitating a little.

Lin Hong chuckled, took the flying saucer, went straight to the Palace of the Dead, and arrived there soon.

He frowned slightly: "Why is it so desolate?"

"Master, don't you know, this place was beaten by a resentful spirit a few days ago. If it weren't for the defensive army, it might not have been ruined here."

A man who looked like a beggar came over, holding a bowl in his hand.

"You know a lot?" Lin Hong took out two undead coins and put them into his bowl.

"This... indeed a lot, even how many people there are in the Palace of the Undead, I know how many underwear the Lord of the Undead wears!"

The beggar nodded vigorously and looked at the two undead coins in the bowl with a smile, in a good mood.

Lin Hong said: "Then I ask, do you know where the treasure is hidden in the Palace of the Dead?"

"Although I know this, but I dare not say it, it will be fatal."

Embarrassment filled the beggar's eyebrows.

"Then what the **** do you want to say?" Lin Hong couldn't help asking.

"You have to add money."

The beggar smiled and raised the bowl, and said solemnly.

Lin Hong shrugged and gave out a lot of undead coins.

At this time, the beggar was happy: "Master, listen to me and tell you carefully!"

In this way, Lin Hong got a position in the Palace of the Dead. According to the beggar, it was the location of the treasures in the Palace of the Dead.

"Explore it with the system."

Lin Hong couldn't help but said in his heart.

"Understood." The inner demon replied.

Lin Hong bid farewell to the beggar, turned around near the Palace of the Dead, jumped up, and mixed in easily.


A soldier is relieved here.

Lin Hong had expected that with a wave of his hand, the soldier would die.

He changed into the costume of a soldier and started to walk in the Palace of the Dead.

After a long time, the inner demon said: "There is a result, there is a heavy guard over there, maybe it is really a place to hide the treasure."

"it is good."

Lin Hong couldn't help nodding.

Unexpectedly, his luck was so good this time, and he knew the location of the treasure house directly.

He looked at the list given to him by the God of Destiny: "Hope, there are these things in the treasury."

Otherwise, you will have to go to war and run around the center area.



Near the treasure house.

As the center of the entire undead world, the treasure house here is naturally the strictest.

Tens of thousands of soldiers guarded him. In addition, there were many masters secretly, and some were even comparable to the monk he had met before.

Lin Hong learned as a soldier.

Since the monk's death, the defense here has been stricter.

Because there are people outside the law who are outside of cholera, I have to guard against it, for fear that he will look at the treasure house.

"One said one, they really guessed it right."

The demon couldn't help but said with a smile.

To put it bluntly, the so-called outsider is Lin Hong, and this defense is also against him.

Lin Hong shook his head: "I still know the rules, okay?"

"If you understand the rules, will you come and steal things?"

The demons couldn't help asking.

"How can it be stealing? This is called taking. This used to be the place of my father-in-law." Lin Hong's eyebrows were filled with a smile.

"My father-in-law? You have never touched anyone else's daughter."

The demon couldn't help but said.

Lin Hong heard: "Although there is no real husband and wife, but at least there is the name of a husband and wife, right?"


The demons were speechless for a while.

Lin Hong chuckled, and then began to think about how to get into the treasure house.

If you try hard, I'm afraid it will take a while, there are many masters here.

He rubbed his chin instead: "There are three defenses at the front, one on the back, but there are actually six. How do I get in?"

"The easiest way is to make shadows. I suggest you put out all the flames."

The demon said after hesitating a little.

Lin Hong glanced around, the so-called firelight was a stone that would glow, and they prevented themselves from entering the shadow world.

He hesitated for a moment: "Just do it."

"I will tell you the location of all the stones."

The demon couldn't help but said.

Soon, Lin Hong began to act. He hid himself, and when he was in a similar position, he performed the magical skill of the finger.

"Pop!" A luminous stone shattered after being hit.


Lin Hong chuckled, this large area was darkened.

Subsequently, he followed the same pattern and exploded the luminous stone in the entire front entrance area.

It only takes three minutes.

The new luminous stone arrived, but Lin Hong had already entered the treasure house at this time.

Before he could be happy, he was warned by the inner demon: "Don't come out, someone!"

Lin Hong swallowed hard, and waited quietly. Soon, a man slowly walked over, looked around and left.

"Who is that?"

Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"A master guarding inside, just noticed you." The demons couldn't help but said.

"So outrageous? I'm in the shadow."

Lin Hong frowned, logically speaking, he didn't show any movement from beginning to end.

The heart demon couldn't help answering: "When you used to be in the Sea Clan, you faced a stronger opponent than yourself and couldn't hide in the shadow at all. Did you forget?"

"That said... this is the world of undead."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, the undead generally don't have such a strong perception.

"But this also shows that the person just now is a master." The heart demon's voice was filled with solemnity.

"It makes sense..."

Lin Hong whispered softly.

He tried to walk forward, and suddenly, the man appeared just now.

Lin Hong was helpless, the secret path was really like this, he could only close his mouth and keep his sense of existence to a He thought of Jade Girl inexplicably.

This guy's ability after becoming a god, if put here, I am afraid it will be very useful.

The man frowned: "Weird, there is obviously no one, why do I always feel that someone is coming in?"


Lin Hong in the shadow was covering his mouth.

"Don't worry, this guy looks a little stupid, I shouldn't expect you to hide in the shadow." The heart demon said.

Lin Hong nodded, still making no sound.

Finally, the man left again. This time he brought a chair and sat in the doorway. He was just looking forward to his position.

"This is bad."

Lin Hong whispered in his heart.

High-speed text, hand hitting me and picking up trash can be a treasure chapter list

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