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"Xianzun...Xianzun realm?!"

The Dragon King couldn't help being stunned, a little unbelievable.

Lin Hong nodded: "That's right."

"I must report this matter to the Dragon Race as soon as possible."

The Dragon King frowned, confessed something, and went directly to the Mermaid King.

"Dragon..." Lin Hong raised his eyebrows.

"It's a very powerful race, and it's also very mysterious. It is estimated that there is also the existence of Xian Zun.

The heart demon said at this time.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Does Xiaolong have a chance to become the Immortal Venerable?"

"Anything is possible... The blood red treasure chest has been unlocked and is gradually recovering."

The demon said, and turned.

"How strong is the treasure chest?" Lin Hong asked tentatively, heading to the hall.

"The fairy king starts."

The demon replied, with a touch of playfulness in his words.

Main hall.

The generals have already left, and the mermaid king is talking to the dragon king.

Camilla swam over: "Let's go first, Dad won't let us stay here."

She looked a little glum.

Lin Hong responded and followed her all the way to the princess's bedroom.

"Aren't we evacuating?"

Lin Hong was a little puzzled.

"Help me pack up things first." Camilla opened the cabinet, which was filled with all kinds of clothes.

"Oh... OK."

Lin Hong nodded, raised his hand, and directly put everything in the house into the storage ring.


Camilla was stunned for three seconds: "What about things?"

"I put it away for you."

Lin Hong shrugged and chuckled. Now, the house is surrounded by disciples, and nothing is left.

"Oh..." Camilla nodded gently.

As time passed by, a trumpet sounded fiercely.

"It's the assembly number, let's go quickly."

Camilla was refreshed.

Lin Hong nodded, and left the palace with her all the way, leaving the Mermaid Palace.

Countless sea people began to gather, and the scene was spectacular.

"It's over a million..." Lin Hong roughly counted.

"The total is about 1.2 million."

Camilla nodded, and then vented his breath. In the vast sea area, the residents of the Sea Clan only have so little left, which is really sad.

Soon, the migration began.

As the team progressed, it didn't take long for Camilla to notice something was wrong: "Where is my father?"

The dragon king is leading the huge team, but there is no mermaid king.

"It should be somewhere else, there are so many fish here."

Lin Hong glanced around, there were millions of sea people of all kinds, countless.

"'s not right." Camilla said, walking away.

No way, Lin Hong can only follow behind.

"Hey, did you see my dad?"

Camilla found a mermaid.

The mermaid was quite fat, and when he saw her, he saluted first, and then said: "The king seems to be still in the Mermaid Palace."

"What nonsense, it's obviously a step ahead!"

A mermaid swam over quickly.

"Dad..." Camilla was not stupid, turned around immediately and swam towards the Mermaid Palace.

"Inner Demon, is the Mermaid King really still in the Mermaid Palace?"

Lin Hong was a little surprised. They had already left the Mermaid Palace for some time, and all the sea races should have been evacuated from it.

The inner demon answered: "Well, I'm still inside, I haven't come out."

"I'll hold you over, hurry up."

Lin Hongyou came to Camilla's side, saw her look worried, whispered.

"Yeah." Camilla nodded.

Lin Hong hugged her, and then hurried to the Mermaid Palace, where after a short while.

This place, which was still lively and lively not long ago, is now deserted and quiet.

Camilla broke free of his embrace and went straight to the hall: "Dad..."

Main hall.

The mermaid king sits on the throne, wearing a crown and holding a trident.

"Making a fool, why are you back?" He frowned slightly when he saw Camilla, and turned to look at Lin Hong, "Why are you also fooling around?"

If you are sensible, you should take your daughter away forcibly!

"Dad, why don't you leave?"

Camilla put her hand on her chest, puzzled.

The mermaid king closed his eyes: "As the king of the mermaid clan, this is my territory, why should I leave?"


Camilla couldn't say anything, so she looked at Lin Hong and asked for help.

Lin Hong shrugged and smiled bitterly, expressing that love is helpless.

Regardless of race or other, this is the persistence of a man and the responsibility of a king.

"Know something, leave." The mermaid king exhaled long.

"No, Dad won't go, and I won't go either."

Camilla said immediately.

The mermaid king leaned back on the throne: "The surnamed Lin, hurry up and take her away and take care of her."

"Don't come over, otherwise, I'll never talk to you again."

Camilla backed away quickly.

"Camilla..." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

"They are coming soon, and if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

The mermaid king couldn't help but got up slowly, as if a little angry.

Camilla took out the mermaid horn: "I have this."

In fact, this horn is something left over from her previous life, and only she can sound it.

"It's useless, Immortal Venerable Realm, what if there are ten human fish horns?" The Mermaid King shook his head.

Camilla looked and touched the bracelet on her wrist involuntarily.

This bracelet was obtained from the mermaid statue that day, and she has been wearing it all the time.

"They are coming."

Fiercely, the heart demon said.

Lin Hong's heart is not good: "Mermaid King, you hurry up with us, leave the green hills, don't worry about not having firewood!"

"What weird thing are you saying..."

The mermaid king frowned, still refused, and told him to take Camilla away quickly.

"Do you want her to have no relatives in the world?" Lin Hong couldn't help but shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Camilla was puzzled, and turned to look at the mermaid king. "Wait... where's mom?"

"She... She has been sent to a safe place by me."

The mermaid king sighed, his eyes dimmed.

Camilla lost his strength and shook his head: "Are you lying to me?"

Lin Hong was a little embarrassed. He learned from the system that Camilla's mother had passed away, and thought she knew.

"Your mother died when she first confronted the black fish."

The mermaid king told the truth directly, and then looked at Lin Hong.

"Camilla, let's go." Lin Hong pursed his lips.

"I'm not leaving, I want to fight to the end with those black fish."

Camilla said, taking out the mermaid horn, ready to fight at any time.

"You two are enough, don't you just walk here and wait for death? Life is so worthless?!" Lin Hong suddenly roared, "Isn't it time to come back?"

"This is the glory of the mermaid clan, the glory I need to defend."

The mermaid king was not angry because of his offense.

Lin Hong looked over: "The mermaid clan is just like you as an immortal king now, and there are not many immortal monarchs. You died here, can you think about it for the mermaid clan in the future? Glory? All the specials have fallen, where is the glory? !"

This is not difficult to understand, the number of mermaid itself is already very small, it is difficult to be a master.

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