Lin Hong thought for a moment, but he was relieved.

There are a lot of   , and when you run away later, it happens to play a role similar to ***.

   Into the underwater canyon, the wedding is approaching, here has been inlaid with various decorations, lively and lively.

   "Eat catfish dinner today." The sea snake immortal king said in the front.

   "I heard that the catfish tribes in the surrounding seas have also been taken in one pot."

   There is the fairy king realm and said, it seems to be interesting.

   Lin Hong subconsciously touched his neck when he heard the words, and mourned for two seconds of silence for the catfish clan.

   is too miserable. A few days ago, he was dominating one side, but now it has become a delicacy among others.

After   , he ate catfish and was sent to a room: "You live here, and the wedding will begin tomorrow."


   Lin Hong responded softly, glanced around and found that everything was available, so he sat on the bed and said nothing.

  What I have to do now is to wait until the old Sea King arrives, and then run away, to delay enough time for the mermaid.

   Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

   "Xianzun...what's the matter?"

   Lin Hong looked over and found that it was the Heiyu Emperor, so he couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

   Heiyu Emperor slowly walked closer: "Nothing, just look at you, nothing more."

  He doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, he doesn’t show any kindness or malice at all

   Lin Hong seems to be seen as a commodity, but he can't say anything and can only take it passively.

   Not long after, Hei Yuhuang left thoughtfully.

   "Heart demon, did he find anything?"

   Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

   The heart demon pondered for a long time and replied: "He knows everything about you, including the storage ring."


   Lin Hong gently stroked the storage ring, frowning.

   Not wanting so much, he simply closed his eyes to rest, and settled if he came.

   Unknowingly, at night.

   The dinner is still catfish, this thing is sticky, but it tastes good.

   "Heart demon, where is the old Haihuang? You can't release pigeons, right?" Lin Hong asked puzzledly.

   "He is coming soon, and he will definitely be there before dawn tomorrow."

   The heart demon quickly replied that the old Haihuang encountered some trouble on the road, so he wasted time.

  Lin Hong exhaled, as if he was locked up in a prison here, without the slightest freedom at all: "Where is Heiyu Emperor now?"

   "I am eating and drinking."

   Mind Demon borrowed the system to probe, and soon got the answer.

   "Are you there?" Just then, the door was knocked.

   "You guys are..."

   Lin Hong opened the door and found a bunch of black fish in the realm of the fairy king, including the sea snake.

   The Sea Snake Immortal King said: "We have decided to help you elope with the mermaid princess. You can't let the emperor dismantle others just because you like it.

   The righteous Lingran he said was actually only for the benefit of the Heiyu tribe.

   Elopement, it's muddy!

   "No, no need."

   Lin Hong twitched the corners of his mouth, unexpectedly they were still thinking about it.

   "Can you be a bit stubborn?" The Sea Snake Immortal King said angrily, "We have already done this. Is it possible to tie the mermaid princess to you first?"

   In fact, they are easy to be spotted by doing so, and thus bear the wrath of the Hei Yu Emperor.

   But there is no other way. If you really get married, the Heiyu people will have a hard time in the future!

   Lin Hong still wanted to refuse, but was surrounded by a few immortal kings: "You...what are you doing?"

   "Huh, isn't it obvious?"

  The Sea Snake Immortal King snorted coldly, and Lin Hong was **** by five flowers.

   can't resist at all, there are too many immortal kings here, more than twenty.

   "You are forced to elope." The heart demon teased at this moment.

   "Shall we discuss not to do this?"

   Lin Hong was grasped by a sea clan, with helpless words in his words.

   But soon, his mouth was gagged.

   "This rope... so strong." Lin Hong tried to break free, but found that the rope tied to his body was so strong that he couldn't break free.

   "The emperor is attending the banquet, not with the mermaid princess."

   fiercely, a few black fishes in the realm of the fairy king swam over.

   Lin Hong frowned slightly, it was obvious that this was a collective cause by the Heiyu Emperor's many subordinates.

   "Then let's go over quickly." The Sea Snake Immortal King said, and the immortal kings quickly rushed to the depths of the canyon with Lin Hong, where a delicate house stood tall.

   The clay doll pretending to be Camilla lives in it!

   "Quickly, call out the mermaid princess, and then send them back to the mermaid clan."

   Sea Snake Immortal King said, this time it is stuck for a moment, when the old Sea King arrives, even their Black Fish King will not be so easy to **** this bewitching monster back.

   Lin Hong was helpless, knowing that he was used as a shield, and then he could be said to be the mermaid princess he rescued.

   They are really clinging to abacus, don't suffer a loss, they are completely smashed.

   "Why are you here? Hurry up, or I will shout!"

   Helpless, Lin Hong called out the mud doll and told her to say so.

   "Princess Mermaid, look, this is a mermaid!" The Sea Snake Immortal King hurriedly said, dragging Lin Hong to try to persuade him.

   "Why don't you mess up? If you don't leave, I really want to shout!"

   Mudwawa said again, Lin Hong still asked her to say it.

   For a while, the Sea Snake Immortal King looked ugly: "That's disturbing, let's go now..."

   There is no doubt that if she shouted, Hei Yuhuang would definitely come over, and it would be miserable then.

   "Damn, I can't help it anymore, what the hell!"

   There is a fairy king who is pats the mud doll straight.

   circling around, it’s better to just come down this one, don’t you just die, I will bear it!

   "Are you crazy?!" There was a fairy king black fish who was surprised.

   If the Heiyu Emperor knew that the mermaid princess had died in the hands of his subordinates, she would collapse after being furious, and the situation would be worse by then.

   "You subordinates are really tired."

   Lin Hong put the gagging thing into the storage ring at this time, and borrowed the system to learn about their worries.

   In addition to solving the trouble of the beauty, it is also necessary to stabilize the mood of the black fish emperor. This is one of the reasons why you want to tie yourself.

   "Peng——" Fiercely, the black fish fairy king who was attacking the mermaid princess exploded instantly and turned into debris.

   is the body protector of the mud doll that was bestowed by the black fish emperor at some time. It can not only protect itself, but also counterattack. It is extremely powerful.

  Other than that... there will be a warning sound.

   The huge warning sound can be heard almost throughout the canyon, but in an instant, the Heiyu Emperor descended.

   "You guys don't want to live anymore?"

   Hei Yuhuang stopped in front of the mud doll, his face was cold, he changed his former happiness, and now he is full of anger.

   Lin Hong put the rope on his body into the storage ring: "Black Emperor, you should hurry up and teach these subordinates, you'd better kill them all."

   took this opportunity to add fuel to the fire, maybe it would really kill.

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