That being the case, it is not difficult to have your own Immortal King strength.

Shaking his head, there was a faint noise outside, Lin Hong walked out of the room and checked: "Many people..."

There are stretchers everywhere outside the house, with people in a coma.

"These are people related to the Cthulhu contract."

The demon explained.

"I'm finally awake, this brother, how do you feel?" A boy in white came up.

"You saved me? Thank you, I don't feel anything wrong."

Lin Hong arched his hand, then raised his hand to take out ten high-grade immortal stones and gave them as rewards.

The white-clothed boy opened his mouth wide: "Xiang, fairy?"

And he is still a very rich fairy!

He took the fairy stone, and just turned around, he was knocked on the head.

"Who asked you to collect the money? Go back!"

"But the master..."

"Go back!"

The old man in front of the white-clothed boy shouted angrily.

"Yes..." The white-clothed boy didn't dare to refuse.

"No, these are nothing to me. It's better to build this medical hall."

But Lin Hong didn't want to come back, and looked around, it was so broken.

The old man also wore white clothes: "Guest, I never charge money when I practice medicine to save people. Please take it back."

"This is not for you, but for this medical clinic. What does it have to do with the medical clinic if you are a doctor?"

Lin Hong chuckled, logically.

"This...what's the truth?" The old man was shocked.

"Thank you fairy!"

It was the young man in white, who seemed to be particularly happy for money, and smiled and accepted the top grade immortal stone.

The old man was named Dongfang Tiancheng, and the young man was named Lang An, a pair of masters and disciples who practiced medicine to save people.

At this time, Dongfang Tiancheng sighed, "You are not a good disciple."

"Master, our medical clinic is broken like this. I can't afford herbs, I can't eat food, and I don't charge any money?"

Lang An whispered, holding his clothes and looking away.

"This is for the Eastern family." Dongfang Tianchengdao.

"An aristocratic family who wants horses to run but doesn't feed the horses, Master, can you not be so caring? People have long left us alone!"

Lang An was slapped as soon as he finished speaking. He stared at the master in front of him: "I'm going to cook medicine..."

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back, obviously angry.

"Sorry, I made you laugh."

Dongfang Tiancheng looked at Lin Hong with a wry smile and vicissitudes of life.

Lin Hong shrugged indifferently and asked in his heart what happened to the heart demon.

It turned out that the Eastern family was a powerful family near the border, and for the sake of fame, they sent people out to practice medicine for free.

"I thought there really are benevolent people who practice medicine for free..." Lin Hong's mouth twitched.

"In fact, it's almost the same. The Eastern family has already begun to decline. It hasn't given resources for three years, but this old man still practices medicine for free, taking this as a guideline."

The demon thought for a while and answered again.

Whether this is benevolent or stupid is difficult to determine, and it is also difficult to tell.

Lin Hong glanced around: "They are all poor people who can't afford to find a doctor..."

Most people here are naked, and some are simply beggars.

"Why, I feel relieved and want to help him?"

The demon asked tentatively.

"That's not enough. At most, I will leave some immortal stones. I still have my own business to do." Lin Hong shook his head gently, asking himself that he is not a nosy person.

"Fairy, it's getting late, so just stay in that room."

Dongfang Tiancheng spoke at this moment, pointing to the room where Lin Hong came.

Lin Hong was planning to find a place to sleep, but shook his head: "No, let's leave it to these people."

In contrast, they need a good place to rest more than themselves, so just find an inn on their own.

"It doesn't matter, if they are awake, they will definitely want you to sleep in it."

Dongfang Tiancheng said again.

" is the situation in the immortal world now?" Lin Hong let out a long sigh of relief and agreed.

"It's weird, everyone who used the Cthulhu Contract back then fainted, without exception."

Dongfang Tiancheng said, arching his hands, indicating that he didn't mean to ridicule.

Obviously, he used it before.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly: "Besides, is the immortal world still in chaos?"

"There is no chaos, there is no chaos long ago. First, the immortal king Lin was born, and with his own power, he defeated the raiding group, and then evil people died in large numbers for no reason. The immortal world is safe and there is no harm."

Dongfang Tiancheng immediately said, showing worship.

Dare to ask, who doesn't worship a character like Lin Xianwang?

"That's good." Lin Hong chuckled. The Immortal King Lin in his mouth was himself, but he was no longer the Immortal King.

After chatting with Dongfang Tiancheng for a while, he turned back to the room and rubbed his painful head.

"Are you going to spend the night here?"

The demon spoke.

Lin Hong replied, "Of course, it just happens to be back to sleep again."

He smiled slightly, sleepiness welled up in his heart, but before he even remembered to go to bed, the sound of smashing the door came from outside.

Walking out of the room, I found that the sound was coming from outside the medical hall.

Walking there, he found the white-clothed boy Lang An blocking the door here: "What happened?"

"It's a bunch of **** hooligans... they want us to pay, otherwise they will make trouble every day, it's been months."

Lang An's brows were not stretched. If he used to, he couldn't afford it. Now, if he has money, he doesn't want to give it. Why should he give it to them?

"Let me solve it." Lin Hong said with a chuckle without saying a word.

"Didn't you say you don't care about business?"

The heart demon is speechless, he always has his share when things come.

Lin Hong coughed in embarrassment, "I always have to help if I can help."

In the past, I opened the There were more than a dozen strong men armed with various weapons. They showed hideous faces and hideous scars on their bodies.

"You are always here to harass this medical clinic?"

Lin Hong said indifferently, with his hands behind his back, he found that they were all ordinary people.

Lang An honestly stepped aside.

Outside the door, one of the strong men came forward with a big knife in his hand: "Who are you, the new apprentice of the old man?"

"A guy who doesn't like to be nosy, but is nosy."

Lin Hong chuckled and said lightly.

"What's the matter, get out, or you'll chop it down today." The strong man said, he wanted to bring a group of people in.

"You said, let me go?"

Lin Hong drew out the Yingying sword and waved it casually. The big knife in this strong man's hand instantly turned into **** and fell to the ground.

For a while, this space seemed to freeze.

After a long time, Lang Ancai subconsciously began to applaud: "The immortal is powerful, the immortal is mighty!"

"Xian, fairy?!"

The strong man's body shook, and he knelt down quickly.

The same is true for the people behind him, knowing that they provoke people who shouldn't.

"I asked, who did you send it?" Lin Hong said lightly.

"I want to grab some money and have a good meal."

The strong man opened his mouth and said, his eyes wandering around, obviously not telling the truth.

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