In a critical moment, Lin Hong quickly took her to dive, avoiding the roaring monsters.

"Almost eaten." Xu Shengnan looked a little excited.

"...It's a bit dangerous, or let's go up first."

Lin Hong let out some air to push away the surrounding molten slurry so that he could see the situation clearly.

A lot of weird fish gathered nearby. They had no eyes and looked fierce. They seemed to want to eat themselves and others.

"Isn't this more fun?" Xu Shengnan didn't care, but happier because of it.

"There must be nonsense... Forget it, you just have to be happy."

Lin Hong frowned slightly, and said helplessly when she saw her raise her hand.

If you are strangled by this circle in this situation, you may be inadvertently eaten by a strange fish.

This circle is very strange, no matter what the realm, as long as you are strangled, you will suffocate in a short time, and after a long time, you will die.

Taking Xu Shengnan down, he releases oxygen from time to time.

This is why Xu Shengnan can breathe: "Where does this air come from?"

"I hiccuped it."

Lin Hong answered casually, speeding up, relying on diving to avoid the strange fish.

"Each of these black fish is equivalent to the realm of human beings, be careful." The heart demon said at this moment.

"Um...I will."

Lin Hong nodded lightly with a wry smile.

He suddenly noticed something, and said in his heart: "Shui Xuanjue seems to be practicing faster."

"Of course, the further down, the higher the temperature of the molten slurry, the more beneficial it will be for you."

The inner demon responded, so the cultivation will become faster and faster.

"It turned out to be like this..." Lin Hong chuckled and dived while practicing.

"Is there any baby?"

Xu Shengnan glanced around, but he had nothing except the strange fish that he occasionally saw.

She was boring in every way: "Shall we go up without catching a few fish?"

"Didn't you say you want to go to the bottom? You have to stick to it to the end."

Lin Hong refused directly, but couldn't say too clearly.

"Do you dare not listen to me?" Xu Shengnan was angry because of this.

"If you have the ability, kill me, and see if you can get out after you kill me."

Lin Hong suddenly figured it out, chuckled, and confessed to her that it was the relationship between the boat and the oars, and no one could do without.

Xu Shengnan's clenched hand gradually loosened: "Dare to threaten me..."

The annoying thing is that he hasn't even been able to argue.

"There seems to be something, wait, will produce oxygen?"

Lin Hong used the system to detect something. It was a weird plant that was emitting oxygen.

"It's funny, come and take a look." Xu Shengnan was still in his arms.


Lin Hong nodded lightly, and headed over there. After a while, he reached the place.

This is something similar to coral, except that there are many small holes on it, and oxygen will come out of these small holes.

"Oxygen coral, a kind of good baby, can provide oxygen, can be used to make oxygen cylinders or something." The heart demon said.

"In this case?"

Lin Hong plucked the oxygen coral directly and held it in his arms as well.

Xu Shengnan frowned: "What is this for?"

The coral is very hard, and there are many branches, it is cold and painful when sticking to the body.

"This thing can produce oxygen, which saves me from burping back and forth."

Lin Hong couldn't help but understand, this would be much more convenient.

"What exactly is oxygen?"

"It's air."

"Oh... let's continue diving!"

Xu Shengnan started to get excited, but no matter what, he finally made a discovery.

Lin Hong nodded softly: "We actually only dived halfway down."

"It's great, there must be danger underneath!"

Xu Shengnan is even more interested and can't wait to hurry down.

"How is that fellow Huo Qilin now?" Lin Hong asked in his heart while speechless.

"Still sleeping."

The demons quickly answered.

After that, Lin Hong took Xu Shengnan into a dive and encountered several dangers, but all of them were turned away.

He smiled bitterly: "How can I go back later?"

It's easy to get down, but you need to swim slowly to get out.

Suddenly, a roar came, shaking the bottom of the molten lava.

"Danger is coming?"

Xu Shengnan took out the divine sword and was ready to fight.

"I don't want to die here..." Lin Hong swam in the opposite direction of the voice, somewhat helpless.

"What's to be afraid of, take me over and have a look!"

Xu Shengnan was reluctant and began to struggle, clenching his fists directly.

In an instant, the collar around his neck tightened, causing Lin Hong to suffocate for a while: "Are you trying to die here with me?"

At least the strength of that monster was a true immortal, he wasn't enough in the past to stuff his teeth.

"To die together? It's not to die with the lover of your dreams, it's a pity more or less..."

Xu Shengnan was a little bit guilty.

"Then... let me loose it quickly." Lin Hong pulled the collar around his neck.

"Life is always going to be a pity, hurry up, take me over and take a look."

Xu Shengnan's clenched hand loosened, and the collar loosened.

Lin Hong frowned, cursing in his heart, and led her to the direction of the sound.

"What kind of monster will it be? Will I be the first person to see that monster?" In Xu Shengnan's heart, an inexplicable comparison heart rose.

"It will be a monster that can eat us."

Lin Hong felt helpless and stopped suddenly.

The roar came again, this time, it was very close.

Xu Shengnan patted him: "What are you waiting for, hurry over."

"It's already here, haven't you noticed that it's not magma anymore?"

Lin Hong couldn't help but shook his head. With the air from the oxygen coral, they could see the red skin in front of them ~ with some golden streaks in it.

"Wow..." Xu Shengnan stretched out his hand and touched it. "It's so soft, but it's a bit slimy."

"It should be the secretion used by this monster to prevent molten slurry."

Lin Hong guessed that this monster was very, very big, and he was waiting for someone near his waist.

Xu Shengnan suddenly took out the Excalibur: "Hehehe."

"Stop! Can I call you elder sister?!"

Lin Hong was a little surprised. Is this planning to attack this huge monster?

"Call my master, or avoid talking." Xu Shengnan said, about to draw out the sword.

"Don't even think about it."

Lin Hong directly led her down, away from the huge monster.

"Huh--" However, Xu Shengnan had been prepared for a long time, and directly drew the Drifting Sword at the huge monster.


There was a roar, and the huge monster began to wriggle.

I saw that there was an extra bright wound on his body, which was extremely eye-catching.

Lin Hong glanced around: "It's over, I can't see it anymore."

Molten is everywhere, and you can't see the enemy's movements at all. Can only rely on the system to distinguish.

"Inner Demon, leave it to you!"

He pursed his mouth, said directly, then closed his eyes.

"Hmm..." The inner demon replied, "What did I say, what did you do."

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