I Can Enter The Game

Chapter 355: Most people don't believe in the truth! Society is deformed!

Mr. Zhu Wei has seen Qin Lin more than once.

The other party went to his Jade Pavilion more than once to identify jade jewelry.

The biggest impression the other party gave him was that he was a good man. Otherwise, why would he custom-make jewelry for his wife and his mother-in-law and mother?

Like his granddaughter's boyfriend, even his granddaughter's birthday is dealt with with gifts that he doesn't even want to use.

Moreover, the other party can customize tens of thousands of jade jewelry every time. He believes that the other party must also be a very accomplished young man in Youcheng.

But he never thought that the other party was the owner of Qinglin Villa.

Really surprising.

"Grandpa, it's actually Xiao Qin." Zhu Qin couldn't help but exclaimed at his grandfather.

She was a little dumb.

She also discussed the boss of Qinglin company with her friends before.

After all, big figures like Youcheng are the most talked about by young people, just like everyone liked to discuss Papa Ma in the past.

But she never thought that she had already met the owner of Qinglin Villa, or the Internet celebrity Xiao Qin who had been to Grandpa's shop.

"Sir, we meet again." Qin Lin also got up to greet Zhu Wei and shook hands with him.

"Mr. Qin, what kind of jewelry do you want to identify this time?" Zhu Wei also asked immediately and kindly, even with a hint of respect.

Although the other party is young and old enough to be his grandson, the other party's status and contributions can ignore this age gap.

"I really want the old gentleman to help me identify some jewelry this time, please come with me." Qin Lin also greeted Zhu Wei out of the office and went to the inner area of ​​the manor.

In fact, these jewelry for Zhao Moqing don't have to be identified, but it's a bit confusing that they don't know the price of their own things.

It's important to have a good idea sometimes.

Qin Lin led the old man, grandfather and grandson into the hall of the inner area of ​​the manor, and then asked Chen Dabei to take out the several huanghuali jewelry boxes containing jewelry.

Zhu Wei is old. Although he used to be a jade appraiser in a big city, he has rich experience and has contact with various things. He can see the material of the jewelry boxes at a glance: "Mr. Qin, these boxes are all yellow. Made of pears?"

"Yeah." Qin Lin nodded.

Zhu Wei naturally didn't think it was a waste to use huanghuali to make jewelry boxes, because the fact that the box can be made of this material means that the jewelry inside must be very precious.

But when Qin Lin opened those boxes, Zhu Wei was still a little surprised.

The box at the beginning contained a lot of various kinds of jade jewelry. At first glance, the quality of these jewelry was probably no worse than the jewelry that Boss Qin brought him for identification.

In other words, each piece of jadeite jewelry costs tens of thousands of yuan. Although these tens of thousands of yuan seem to be a bit unfortunate for the jewelry box made by Huanghuali, the number of jewelry is really large.

But as the box at the back was opened, Mr. Zhu Wei was also a little uneasy: "Sunny green, hibiscus green, purple blood..."

These are high-end jadeite, and there are not many quantities. This level of jewelry can be distinguished from ordinary jadeite at a glance. The value of one on the market is hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the expensive ones are even millions. .

As for the specific value, we can only know after careful identification.

And the quality of these alone can be seen to be very good and very attractive.

In the last box lay only two pieces of jewelry, a bracelet and a pendant.

The old man was attracted at a glance, and felt a little unable to turn around: "This...this color...that kind of green, and the phenomenon of blood rushing..."

He was a little unsure.

After all, jade of that level is extremely rare.

This may be the best of the best jadeites such as imperial green and blood beauty.

Even many large jadeite collectors have a hard time finding this level of jadeite jewelry collection, but Boss Qin has collected two pieces at a time, plus the high-end jadeite jewelry of Sunshine Green, which will make those big jadeite collectors envious.

"Grandpa, those two pieces of jewelry are so beautiful." Zhu Qin was obviously also attracted by the imperial green bracelet and the blood beauty pendant.

There should be no woman who is not attracted to jewelry of this level.

It is possible that he is not attracted, either he is pretending, or he is really indifferent.

Qin Lin also said at this time: "Father, I want to give these jewelry to my wife as a betrothal hardware. Because I was very poor before, we got the certificate secretly first, so now we have to compensate her."

Zhu Wei immediately sighed when he heard this. Good men are daughters of other people. Look at them, and then look at her granddaughter's boyfriend.

It's not expensive to give a birthday present, at least you have to be careful, right? If you don't even have a heart, it's hard to say anything!

Naturally, what surprised the old man even more was the sentence: 'I was very poor before, and I got the certificate secretly! ’.

This is shocking.

Who in Youcheng does not know how big the Qinglin company is?

How could the boss of Qinglin Company be poor?

But now he personally heard from the other party that he used to be very poor, and he had to secretly get the certificate.

It is not that someone on the Internet has skimmed the bottom of Qinglin Company and found that there is no capital involved in Qinglin Company, and the boss behind it is not the second generation or disciple of any capital. The owner of Qinglin Villa may have started from scratch.

It's just that this argument has not been accepted by others.

Because this era simply cannot or does not allow such self-made people to do this in a short period of time.

Now it seems to be confirmed that the owner of Qinglin Villa really started from scratch.

Zhu Wei was getting old, and he was inevitably shocked when he got this news.

Being so young, starting from scratch, and creating Qinglin Laboratory, Qinglin Villa, and Qinglin Food Company in such a short period of time, how evil must it be?

This can be made into a TV drama and movie legend. Naturally, if the deeds of this Boss Qin are not announced, the TV movie may be sprayed.

Because no one dared to believe it.

Maybe the director will be sprayed out of his head, and the story cannot be made up logically.

Zhu Wei also walked to the jewelry box. Although he was shocked, he did not forget that he was an appraiser. This time, he mainly appraised jewelry.

"Boss Qin, is this the emperor green and the blood beauty?" Zhu Wei observed the emperor green bracelet and the blood beauty pendant. Even though he already had the answer, he still asked this question.

After all, this was the first time he had seen two pieces of jade jewelry of this level at the same time.

"Yeah!" Qin Lin nodded affirmatively.

Zhu Wei exclaimed: "This imperial green bracelet and the blood beauty pendant have reached the level of ice, and the market price of jewelry of this level is difficult to set the tone, I can only say that this level of jade, coupled with excellent craftsmanship In terms of value and valuation, both pieces of jewelry will be above 30 million."

Even Qin Lin was a little surprised at this price.

If Ranch Story is not a farming game, but a mining game, this alone can make a fortune.

However, compared to the farming industry, this mining is also risky and there is no guarantee.

When Zhu Qin heard her grandfather's words, she completely covered her mouth.

What would it feel like to wear a 30 million bracelet and a 30 million pendant?

This should be something that 99.99% of women can only imagine.

After spending a lot of time, Zhu Wei also identified other jadeite jewelry. The price of the high-end jadeite jewelry in Yanyang Green is not low, and it basically exceeds the value of several million.

And those ordinary jewelry are basically not worth 50,000 yuan. No matter how much these jewelry are, compared to those high-end jadeite, as well as imperial green and blood beauty, they can only be used as a foil.

After all these jewelry have been appraised, Zhu Wei is obviously a little out of spirit. After all, he is old. Therefore, after Qin Lin paid the appraisal fee, he also invited him to say: "Master, if you don't mind, stay for a meal!"

In the face of the hospitality of the boss of Qinglin Company, no one would refuse.

Zhu Wei is the same, and even feels a little honored.

Qin Lin also instructed Master Lin to prepare an emperor's supreme meal to entertain the old man.

This emperor's supreme set meal also made the grandfather and grandson eat with relish, and finally understood why an emperor's supreme set meal was so valuable.

It's something you'll never forget once you've eaten it.

He is now considering whether to come to Qinglin Manor to recuperate for a month.

Zhu Qin ate in such a hurry that he almost bit his tongue.

Because it's really delicious.

After returning to Yuqixuan, the old man was quite calm, after all, he was quite old.

The little girl Zhu Qin is very restless. After all, she has seen the true face of the boss of Qinglin Company, and she has also seen two pieces of jewelry worth more than 30 million yuan. I don't want to ask anyone to talk about it, just look at the surprised expression on the other side. Some are unreasonable.

She just happened to see someone in a group discussing the boss of Qinglin Company.

She immediately sent a message: "I met the boss of Qinglin Company today. He is very young and handsome. You can't imagine his true identity..."

She also deliberately left a suspense. If these people knew that the Internet celebrity Xiao Qin was the boss of Qinglin's company, they would be shocked.

But no one in the group cooperated with her suspense. Instead, a bunch of replies appeared:

"Another grandstanding. Everyone knows that the owner of Qinglin Villa is in his 40s, but no one has had the chance to meet him." A person whose online name was Liyuqiao immediately retorted and posted a photo of a man in his 40s.

This is also recognized as the owner of Qinglin Villa on the Internet.

Another person named Xie Zhongsheng retorted: "There is a little girl, very young and handsome, which fits her vision of President Ba at her age."

This remark made Zhu Qin a little annoyed. Is she a woman who fantasizes about some domineering president?

She immediately wanted to say that the boss of Qinglin company also invited her and her grandfather to have a meal of the emperor's supreme meal, but a person in the group called Diluted Thought said first: "Haha, the boss of Qinglin company also invited me to dinner at noon. , I can be sure that he is not young and handsome."

This makes people laugh:

The purple mist filled the air: "I can prove it, because I was there, and the boss of Qinglin Company personally arranged it."

Last night Yunyu: "I'm here too, the boss of Qinglin company even gave me a toast, it's Qinglin medicinal wine!"

Press: "Yes, I prove it, because I am the waiter serving the boss!"

Zhu Qin wanted to throw away the phone when she saw those angry words in the group.

What are these bastards?

Everything she said was true.

Now she knows what the truth is in the hands of a few people, and most people will not believe that few people.

Also, which **** posted that picture of a man in his 40s online?

Obviously so young and handsome, he was forced to be called an old man.

Qinglin Manor.

However, Lin Fen took Qin Shuigen to Qin Lin's office to find him. For Qin Lin to make up for these ceremonies with Zhao Moqing, he naturally had to contribute.

"Xiao Lin, your mother has already given me your birthday, and I will let someone choose a good date." Qin Shuigen said as soon as they met: "In addition, my mother and I will prepare the dowry gift slips, you just need to send the marriage gift slips first Give it to me, and then my mother and I will discuss a big dowry gift list, and then send it to the Zhao family together."

Proposing a marriage needs to pay the lottery first, that is, the man's family goes to the woman's house, and then negotiates the dowry and the like. At this time, the south will first issue a large dowry list, and write the value of the hardware and the number of the dowry on the gift list.

If the woman is satisfied, she will accept the gift list and choose a date to get married.

Naturally, under normal circumstances, the woman will rarely accept the gift list happily. Now there is a situation: the woman wants more money, and the man wants to give less money.

Therefore, in modern times, more and more couples are breaking up because of the dowry.

It's not that there is a boring program that has done statistical interviews. Among the ten leftover women and leftover men, except for those who really can't find a match, most of them are left because of the bride price.

The woman felt that her daughter could sell for a better price. Knowing that her friend's daughter sold 300,000 yuan, but she only sold it for 88,800 yuan, she definitely felt dissatisfied and would lose face when she went out.

The man thinks that he can get a wife without spending so much money.

In particular, some parents know that a friend's son only spends 88,800 yuan to marry a wife, and their own family spends 300,000 yuan, so they are definitely not happy.

Therefore, most of the dowry sessions are broken, and then when the daughter and son are older, there are all left, and they are all anxious.

The dowry has also become a mountain for contemporary couples, and it also extends the word that money is fate.

Therefore, contemporary young people are also very confused, and they probably don't know that marriage is a very happy thing, how it has become a matter of half the life of the family.

It can only be said that this society is a little deformed.

"Okay, Uncle Shuigen." Qin Lin also nodded, and then printed out the hardware gift list he prepared, that is, those jade jewelry bright eyes, and handed it to Qin Shuigen.

Qin Shuigen took the list, and then copied the list again on red paper, preferably with a calligraphy brush.

But he was stunned when he saw the items on the list, a row of jade jewelry, imperial green jade bracelet (30 million), blood beauty jade pendant (30 million), sunny green jade pendant...

When Qin Shuigen saw these things, he only felt that he should be glad that his son married early~www.wuxiahere.com~ daughter-in-law gave birth to a granddaughter.

If this specification spreads out, it will greatly increase the dowry and hardware specifications of ordinary people.

Qin Lin's current net worth is normal, but ordinary people in Youcheng don't feel that way. Instead, they will find an excuse to think that other people's daughters can have such specifications, and their daughters can't be too shabby, right?

Qin Shuigen could only sigh with emotion, and then went out with Lin Fen to discuss other matters. In fact, he felt that there was nothing to discuss, just what Qin Lin prepared was enough.

Who can take these out at engagement time?

After Qin Lin sent Qin Shuigen and Lin Fen away, he also sent a message to Zhao Moqing on WeChat: "I'm going to your house to get married soon, are you happy?"

Zhao Moqing replied dutifully, "I'm not sure whether I will marry or not!"

"But I'm married to you!" Qin Lin sent another smug expression, he got the certificate and he was pregnant, so why not marry.

But sometimes couples need such a sweet mood, don't they?

Qin Lin and Zhao Moqing were chatting happily when suddenly someone who gave him a headache came to the door.

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