Six suits and leather shoes, but the temperament seemed fluent, like a black person entering Xue Mingjie's noodle restaurant.

   I couldn't hear the sound from a distance, but from the physical movement, there was obviously a conflict. It seemed that the six people headed by Yao Dawu were forcing Xue Mingjie to do.

   Without exception, the fate of these six people is the same [supporting role: people who are about to die].

   And as Xia Xu checked the attribute panels of these six people one by one, although the protagonist was still not found for the time being, there was an unexpected joy.

["The Dying Man": Zhang Jianmin, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer and only one month of life left, was heartbroken. Thinking that he hadn't done anything honestly in his entire life, and hadn't enjoyed anything, he decided to die before he died. Indulge yourself.

  After a night of drinking and sorrow, Zhang Jianmin, who woke up from a hangover, was walking on the road. He happened to meet Yao Dawu and Xue Mingjie gambling, and join them regardless...]

   A paragraph of text like a synopsis appeared in the details interface of the supporting character's fate, it seems that this is part of the plot of "Dying Man".

   It's a pity that there are only so many texts, and they are all covered by an ellipsis at one stroke. The reference value that can be given is relatively limited.

   "Should be encountered enough plot characters, so the unlocking found a plot clue?"

   Xia Xu is a little bit worried about gains and losses.

   Checking the fate details of the supporting characters of these plots before showed question marks, but after checking the attributes of Yao Dawu and the others, the plot brief was displayed. The causal relationship among them is not difficult to guess.

   What makes him a little entangled is the ellipsis at the back of the plot introduction. Is it because the others are omitted and only show so much, or is it possible to view a more complete plot introduction after finding more plot characters or plot protagonists?

   If you can unlock the complete plot introduction, even just a preview of the plot introduction is enough for him to grasp the advantage of the prophet, and make many plans and arrangements like the reborn.

   But if it's just such a little bit of background explanation and plot introduction, then it will play a very limited role, let alone planning according to the plot, and even judging whether it is dangerous or not can be completely determined.

   Of course, the reference value of this introduction is still there, and even if it is all based on the ‘movie’ routine, a lot of things can be vaguely guessed, but it is impossible to determine it.

   "The dying person was shocked by this name before. Looking at the introduction, this should actually be a comedy..."

   Xia Xu repeatedly watched the synopsis of "The Dying Man" word by word, and made some guesses based on his years of ‘movie-watching experience’.

   The little man found out that he was dead soon and began to indulge himself, no longer worrying about the consequences, no longer considering whether it is dangerous or not, all kinds of stunned.

   But the result is often in contrast. All kinds of coincidences and good luck create miracles and jokes. The more you are not afraid of death, the more you will not die. In the end, everyone is usually happy and finds that their serious illness is just a misdiagnosis. It is a very old comedy routine.

   But this is just a movie routine. Although these supporting characters are followed by a title, there is no direct evidence that this must be a movie or the like.

Even if it is really a movie, it does not rule out the possibility of playing anti-routines, and many comedies are even more dangerous than tragedies, because many times in order to create jokes, they often do not care about moral, legal and logic. too much.

   "Anyway, at least it can be determined that the protagonist of the dying person is Zhang Jianmin, and Xue Mingjie and Yao Dawu will be the characters in the first act..."

   "If you follow the routine, basically Zhang Jianmin, who is willing to go out, wants to try gambling and forcibly participates in the gambling game between Xue Mingjie and Yao Dawu. As a result, Leng Touqing, who should have gone bankrupt, relies on bad luck to win crazy money..."

   Xia Xu’s mind has always been very good, and he has watched a lot of movies with similar routines. According to a small part of the plot summary, he guessed the plot vaguely. As for the inaccuracy, it can only be left to the back.

   "Although there are uncertainties and risks in many places, it is not impossible to operate it. It is fine to make a small amount of money."

   figured out the ‘story’, Xia Xu had a decision in his heart.

   Continue to observe for a while, Yao Dawu and others did not stay in Xue Mingjie's store for long, instead they kicked over a few tables and benches and walked away like a brutal threat. The whole process took less than ten minutes.

   It can also be seen from this that the gambling mentioned in the plot is not today. It is only Yao Dawu coming to ‘sell the war’, and he should have another appointment for the time and place.

   This is a good thing for Xia Xu. He also needs to make some preparations, and the next two days happen to be the weekend, so if you want to follow up, you don’t have to worry about absenteeism.

   He also thinks that he can enjoy his college life. That is a happy life. If it can not affect the life of the school, it is better not to affect the life of the school.


   Watching Yao Dawu and his party leave, it is only a minute or two before Xia Xu retracted his gaze from the gate of the noodle restaurant, turned to join the crowd and returned to the classroom.

   There are very few people in the classroom, less than ten.

The ten-minute break between classes is not long, but it is still a rare relaxation time. In addition, after the lunch break, most people go out for activities such as going to the bathroom and buying snacks. The bell rings before class. Won't be back.

   However, as soon as Xia Xu arrived at the back door of the classroom, he saw a petite figure walking up to his seat like a thief, squatting down and reaching into the open desk.

   "Sneaky, what are you doing?"

   Xia Xu grabbed Tang Youxin's back collar from behind, lifted her from a squatting position to a standing position, and turned her timid little face.

   Tang Youxin dodges: "No...nothing."

   "Really? Then what did you sneak up on in my seat? I have good reason to suspect you stealing things now."

   Xia Xu scowled, but there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

   It is obvious that Tang Youxin's temperament would not be the kind of petty thief, and he just noticed a little bit. Tang Youxin was not taking things, but stuffed something into his desk.

  The reason for saying this is to scare this little white flower and to know what she wants to do.

   "No no, not like this, I just...just..."

   Xia Xu's words are obviously very effective.

   A person who has such a strong self-esteem that he would not even accept a small favor from someone else’s meal, how could it be possible to steal, let alone be charged with the unreasonable ‘thief’ charge.

   Tang Youxin was suddenly anxious when she heard that she suspected that she was stealing something.

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