I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 947: : The origin of the system is revealed


Given the complexity of the universe today, how could it be so easy to solve it by relying on the rules on a piece of paper.

If it can be solved, I'm afraid that Qi Lei and Shen Yi will solve it directly.

Why leave this piece of paper with him?

Thousands of thoughts quickly appeared in Shen Yi's mind, and finally fell silent again.

He put his eyes on the envelope.


"Shen Yi, I'm sorry for not being able to wait for you to come back. I've already realized that my existence will bring too many uncertain factors to this world. If I don't die, maybe even a hundred thousand times of retrospect will still wait. Not until your return."

This is the first sentence.

Just looking at this sentence, Shen Yi understood that in the first reincarnation, his existence was erased, and in the following many reincarnations, Lao Hu and his friends and family don't have to worry about his mystery People, I'm afraid it's this Qi Lei.

"I'm very afraid of death, I don't want to die, even after creating all this despair, all sadness, and all pain, I still don't want to die. After all, I am such a selfish, incompetent, arrogant, and stupid person."

Shen Yi could feel a strong sense of guilt and despair from these fonts.

It's no wonder that this person will crash one after another in the back.

With the most basic moral bottom line, but not enough ability, even if you want to be a complete destroyer, you will always be tormented by your inner moral bottom line.

Simply put, it is good but not strong enough, bad and not thorough enough.

Such a person, the will and this uncontrollable power, are not matched at all.

Not to mention, this power itself is difficult to apply - what is really important is not the realization of a certain fantasy at all, but the impact on the universe in the process of realizing this fantasy, the birth of What kind of principle logic.

This is the power, this paper, and those places that are truly terrified.

It can be said that since Qi Lei obtained the mysterious notebook, tragedy has been doomed.

Shen Yi continued to read.

"But now, I also have to die. I can't escape this universe like you. If I don't die, I will meet my fate and be buried with all mankind and this universe."

After reading this sentence, Shen Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Can't escape?

It's not difficult to understand. In the memory he obtained, there was such a picture - in order to obtain more powerful power, Qi Lei bound himself to a certain rule of this universe.

This is the result of his brutal attempt to make himself the master of the universe, the only true God of the universe, and then failed.

After all, this kind of discourse, there is too much understanding.

In this case, why the evolution of the doomsday elements of the first few reincarnations has been so fast, and there is already an answer - with such a "true god", there are many extremely advanced "rules" in the universe itself, and these rules, Not only does it speed up the evolution of the apocalypse, but it also speeds up the coming of the collapse of the universe.

At this moment, Shen Yi already understood Qi Lei's choice.

He is immortal, in the end the universe collapses, and the number of times of going back is used up, he is still going to die, and when he is dead, civilization can at least rely on the world to go back to the back for a while, until Shen Yi returns.

After all, they are all dead. If they die sooner, they can also give civilization a chance to make up for his fault.

This is what Shen Yi said, "Bad but not bad to the end".

But no matter what, Shen Yi was grateful for his choice at this time.

"Although I want to die bravely, and then tell myself, and even tell all human beings, that I died for them, but presumably, at the end, I must burst into tears and cry, after all, I am the same as always. It's that useless bad boy who likes to show off."

"Shen Yi, I really envy you, really!"

"You are so good, no matter what kind of situation you face, you seem to be able to solve it in a way that I can't think of, and a way that I can't do. Even when I'm in despair, you can still come up with a solution, I can see that line of life.”

"I thought more than once that if you were the one who got the wishing notebook in the first place, maybe the world wouldn't be like this."

"You will definitely use it carefully and test it step by step to make it a treasure for mankind, and make you a **** that countless people admire."

"And I firmly believe that when you come back, you must have become such a great person, who can bring hope to all mankind and who can bring them out of this **** created by me!"

"This is your strength, the place where I can't compare to you anyway!"

"Finally, I hope that the name Qi Lei, don't let the second person know it, just treat it as my last fig leaf, and let me gradually forget it in your memory."

"—Your best friend forever, Qi Lei."

The contents of the envelope are over here.

It seemed that it was just what Qi Lei left behind to his friends.

And the emotions between the lines, in addition to guilt and pain, the strongest one is envy.

It seems that he is really envious of "Shen Yi"'s ability.

In fact, the ability can grow and the character can be changed, but this jealousy pushes everything into the abyss of irrationality - he wants to surpass Shen Yi too much.

Unfortunately, there is still not much information disclosed.

But Shen Yi quickly discovered that there was another letter in the envelope.

"Shen Yiqi".

It was still three words, but it made Shen Yi's eyes shrink slightly.

Because of this font, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com he was all too familiar with!

These are his own words!


Shen Yi had guessed for a long time that it was impossible for him not to leave himself some useful information. In fact, he came here not to find what Qi Lei left him, but to think that "Shen Yi" ", will definitely leave him with enough information!

Sure enough, after opening the envelope, except for the sentence "Take care of family and friends", the rest is all about what happened to him and the rules for using the so-called "Wish Notebook"!

Even the origin of the system is explained.

That's right, the system was designed by him.

He even came up with the idea of ​​the world going backwards.

Including the birth of the root, it is also the one Shen Yi who created it.

Shen Yi has always had this guess. After all, after learning about Qi Lei's character and person, he doesn't quite believe it. This system has perfect rules, and the rules revealed in the rules show a very good understanding of his character and ability. , designed by Qi Lei, because no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like Qi Lei can do it.

Only he himself can understand himself like this!

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