I Developed Battlefield to Drive Players Around the World Crazy

Chapter 267 Promo, \"Red Dead Redemption: Redemption\"

After Nahua and Naga set up a project.

The project of 'Journey to the West' is also progressing quite fast.

After all, this is a game based on a movie.

Although games are different from movies.

But the general direction of the game's plot has basically been determined.

And considering the content of the sequel to "Journey to the West", the writing team is basically a two-line development.

Based on an overall story, it is divided into two different performance media: movies and games.

The various settings of the Western era, such as clothing, habits, laws, etc., are basically the same.

Finally, with Nahua's money offensive, most of the work can be completely handled by the outsourcing team.

It didn't take long for online players to discuss Chen Xu's Mystery Western game.

Nahua's game department also started publicity.

It is a large media group itself, and Nahua is not only promoted in the game circle, but also in the circle outside the game.

The details of the development, the tidbits of the actors, including some original game paintings have also been disclosed.

After seeing these contents, many players are not calm.

'Fuck, why is Naga's efficiency so high? I used to be unable to hold back a few farts in a year!

'The main reason is that Nahua gave too much. Originally, a Naga game from the main creator to the errands below, a total of hundreds of people will have ghosts if the progress is fast.

'But come back soon, from the performance of these original paintings, it seems to be really good!

'Yes, yes, and you can look forward to the plot performance here, after all, there is a movie there.

'If you can really restore some scenes in the movie, that would be great.

'Naga still has strength, and although there has been no explosion in a few years, the quality is also online, which is still guaranteed. ’

"To be fair, this wave of Naga's acquisition of Naga is really good news. It seems that there are more good games that can be played every year!"

The attention of many players on the Internet has basically been sucked away by Nahua.

After all, the content that Chen Xu has exposed before is really a little less.

There are only a few things in total, except for knowing the background of the game, a few main characters, and the protagonist of a Van der Linde gang.

The rest can be said to be completely unknown.

But Nahua's side is different, there are too many things that can be hyped.

And from the perspective of the development progress, after the other party invested the capital, this is completely taking into account the quality and speed!

Naturally, it attracted the attention of the mainstream media and players.

In Nahua's conference room, watching the growing popularity of the "Western Journey", Kevin also had a look of joy.

What about Nebula Games?

If it is the exact same level, Kevin will still worry about the other party as a giant in the game industry.

But now, their advantage is too great!

What's more, there is a "Journey to the West" movie here, and the follow-up development progress may be able to surpass it!

According to the next plan, that is to make the trip to the west a cash cow, and then open a new route in the era of Nahua IP!

But what Kevin didn't expect was that just when the promotion of "Journey to the West" was getting better, Chen Xu and the official blog account of Nebula Games sent another message.

This time, it is no longer the original concept map or something.

It's a promo.

The content is very simple: "Red Dead Redemption", welcome to Westworld.

Click on the video, a short black screen, accompanied by the sound of the train braking, the picture appears.

under the sunset.

A group of masked robbers wearing gambler hats and guns are robbing a train.

'Listen to me, we don't want to kill any of you...but trust me, if you don't come down, we will!'

'Wake them up!

Dutch, headed, looked at the closed trains and raised his gun.

With the revolving hammer, the screen fell into darkness.

【Nebulas game for you】

'This life is coming to an end, we are hiding in Tibet all day.

Under a big tree, Arthur Morgan was talking to a woman who looked very capable.

【1899 when the west was almost conquered】

'You have to keep your faith! They can't beat us!'

There was some vicissitudes of Dutch in front of the cave, waving his arms to give Arthur Morgan a boost of confidence.

[The era of gunmen and outlaws is coming to an end]

'Old guy Dutch, my best friend...'

'Do you know how I met him?'

Two small traders want to rob each other..."

‘Probably around 1878.

Before the bonfire at night, the members of the Van der Linde gang, with beer in hand, listened to the oldest of the gang.

At the same time, Hosea, who is also the most intelligent, tells the story of his acquaintance with Dutch.

There are old people like Hosea, there are even children, there are women and men.

And from their looks, many people don't even look like outlaws.

'Fire is something you have to love...it's a gift from God.

Cows, sheep and horses running on the grassland.

‘Of course, we can have fire…

A country town dominated by animal husbandry, newsboys who sell newspapers, passers-by driving horse-drawn carriages, and janitors at the door of hotels.

'And we can understand fire...but with that comes the understanding of all things.

In the next second, a modern city will appear.

The carriage is gone, replaced by trams, and street lights on both sides of the road...

It is a stark contrast to the previous town.

In the melodious music, Arthur Morgan, wearing a gambler's hat, lowered his head and couldn't see his expression, and slowly walked away into the distance.

Then, the background music in the game suddenly burst into excitement.

'Ladies and gentlemen, it's robbery. "

With a bang, the closed door was kicked open.

Dutch took the Van der Linde gang, held up the revolver in his hand, and started the robbery.

'We are all under Dutch and that makes us brothers.

In the passionate orchestral background music, the camera is constantly changing.

Riding on running horses, a group of people are chasing the train.

‘Sometimes, there is inevitably some friction between brothers. ’ (of money)

In the wilderness, chasing the carriage ahead.

Then the picture came to the camp, and a group of Pinkerton detectives came over aggressively.

'You guys worship savagery!

Fights, shootouts, robberies, murders...

The sharply edited shots kept switching.

'And will die savagely!

Then countless pictures of the Van der Linde gang being chased and killed continued to appear.

In the snowy night, looking at the tired gang members, Dutch raised his hands.

‘Trust me, be strong! Yuan’

The revolver duels and horse chases are never lacking in Westerns.

In the last sunset, standing among the burning ashes and the ruins, Arthur Morgan turned his head deeply and lightly lit a cigarette for himself.

'Sometimes fire is something you have to love...,

The video stopped abruptly at this point, and the game's LOGO appeared on the screen.

Red Dead Redemption: Redemption

【Nebulas game, presented to you】.

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