I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

Chapter 125 Longevity (2)

In the dark room, the air was filled with the smell of ashes and charred, and the crimson formation was glowing fiercely. Abraham sat on the ground and closed his eyes tightly. There was an enlarged crystal ball in the palm of his hands.

After a long time, Abraham opened his eyes, "The absorption efficiency of soul particles has increased by 32%, and the effect of using white jade bones is really good."

"Well, my side has increased by 30.51% compared to the last time. It seems that it is not an exception. The effect of this batch of new formations is generally better than before." Lynn said.

"It seems that we are about to reach the goal. We can select the materials after this experiment is completed. What materials do you want?" Abraham said relaxedly.

"I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it." Lynn said casually.

Glancing at Abraham beside him, Lynn shook his head slightly in his heart. When he was unfamiliar with him at first, he thought he was a lonely character, but after getting in touch with him for a long time, Lynn found that he seemed aloof. On the outside, in fact, he is also a chatterbox inside, simply speaking, it is a boring show + social fear.

This guy has a lot of inner drama. He has lived for more than 60 years. He doesn't even have friends in the city of demons. He always sneaks into the laboratory to conduct experiments on weekdays.

Although he has lived for a long time, his heart is no different from that of young people.

But I seem to be the same. I have been in the city of demons for so long, and I have spent most of my time in the laboratory.

"Come and sit in my laboratory after the end. Last time you commented on my alchemy creation, I went back and experimented, and found that it was really effective." Abraham looked at Lynn with admiration in his eyes.

Lynn is not only better qualified than him, but also has a deeper research on alchemy than him. After finishing the experiment here in Doragon, he will communicate with Lynn. Originally, he brought some exams and The meaning of showing off.

But the more he communicated, the more shocked he was. Lynn's knowledge of alchemy was completely crushing for him.

He even had the illusion of listening to those official wizards in class.

"No, I have something else to do." Lynn evaded and refused.

Hearing Lynn's refusal, Abraham felt a little regretful.

Tomorrow is the time when the Abyss Bazaar opens again. Lynn promised Toby to go to the bazaar to buy that item.

And during this period of time, Lynn has also studied the horn of evil that Toby gave him. Naturally, this material can not be used directly by plugging it into the wizard tower like a house, but also to study the energy nodes inside. , and build the relevant magic array to guide the energy inside, and connect the constructed magic array with the energy node system of the abyss furnace and the entire wizard tower.

Among them, the knowledge of the magic circle and the knowledge of runes needs to be applied, and how to guide the evil horn of Dalfin is also a troublesome thing. Recently, Lynn has been having a headache for this matter.

Like other materials before, such as the Abyss Furnace, there are ready-made production methods, and Lynn can directly apply to check how others have done it.

This is not copying, at most it can only be called reference.

However, materials such as the Horn of Evil, which had never been used before, required Lynn to manually create the whole process. The only good news is that although no other wizard has used the Horn of Evil, there are wizards who have used similar items. For example, Lynn found a wizard who used the horn of the Unicorn of Heaven in his wizard tower. Crafted attack module.

This wizard is still an acquaintance, it is Maybe Tessa who has had contact twice before.

It's a pity that there is only the construction method of this attack module in the wizard tower atlas, and there are no other data such as process ideas. Lynn is a little regretful.

It's like an exercise question that has only the answer but no steps. You can only copy the answer, but there is no process, steps, or related knowledge points about how the answer was obtained.

It would be great if Ms. Maybe Tessa would show herself the construction process of her Paradise Unicorn module in the first-level wizard tower stage, Lynn would be sorry.

Of course, I just thought about it, how could someone else, an official wizard, pay attention to this rude request of myself.

Even if I know Xiaoye myself, it is impossible. Although this kind of thing is not important, it is still a building idea of ​​a module. If it is given to a professional person, maybe something can be derived from it. Thinking differently, Lynn himself would never show this kind of data to anyone.

The next day, Lin En, who had made sufficient preparations, came to the plane where the Abyss Market was located again.

The four-armed brute force demon was still behind him, and this time it was still needed to act as an interpreter.

Taking out the egg from the space ring, crushing the egg, a strong stench dripped down the red gravel floor along the egg liquid.

Lin En took out a silk scarf from his pocket and slowly wiped his palms. The Fly Demon didn't tell him that the egg would be so stinky.

He raised his head and looked at the dim sky.

There was a ground vibration behind him, and Lin En turned his head, and two huge abyssal giant rhinoceros galloped behind him, with a demon sitting on the back of the giant rhinoceros.

"It's him!" The demon sitting on the back of the abyssal giant rhino pointed at Lin En.

He waited here for two days just to squat with Lin En. The last time he came to the market, he was directly thrown out by Lin En.

This time he specially called his elder brother, a fourth-order horned demon.

It is to be able to teach Lynn a good lesson today! To make a fool of this human being.

The four-armed brute demon took a step forward to protect Lin En, his left and right arms stretched out at the same time, and the sprinting speed of the abyssal giant rhino suddenly stopped. But he only persisted for a moment, and a force far beyond his limit came from his arm, and the next moment, even the abyssal giant rhino under him were thrown high into the air.


A large cloud of dust was splashed.

The fourth-order horned demon got up, looked at the four-armed brute force demon in fear, then turned to look at his little brother, grabbed his body without saying a word, twisted his neck like a chicken, and put it on the ground Beg Lynn for mercy.

Although its brain is not good, it can still tell who is the master.

"You can deal with it according to the method of the abyss." Lynn said.

The four-armed brute looked at Lin En, smiled shyly and honestly, and grabbed a horned demon with both arms.

The fourth-level horned demon still wants to resist, but its ability is somewhat similar to that of the brute force demon. In this case, the four-armed brute force demon, which is a full level higher than it, will be trampled without any resistance.

It's like eating freshly squeezed fruit, throwing it into your mouth one by one.

Fresh blood splattered everywhere.

What a down-to-earth solution.

Lynn suddenly fell in love with it.

Going to the market with Brute Force Demon, a black shadow on the hill in front kept approaching, like running, and like gliding at low altitude, extremely fast.

Listening to the buzzing sound, a smile appeared on Lynn's plain face.

Open your arms, "Oh, here comes my dear friend."

The Fly Demon fell from the sky and gave Lin En a warm hug. It carefully put away the spikes on its body.

"You came so fast." Lynn smiled.

"Haha, I'm at the market next door. I guess you will definitely come. I've collected a lot of good things in the past few years." The Fly Demon said.

"I've also prepared a lot of good things. I'll talk about it later." Lynn patted the Swatter's... back because it had many thorns on its shoulders and arms.

After coming to the market with the Fly Demon, Lynn found the market administrator in the middle and bought a market stall certificate from the administrator.

"I heard that you can buy things here." Lynn looked at the administrator sitting behind the booth.

The administrator put down the magic book in his hand, "It's not me, it's him."

The administrator pointed to the back, and Lynn followed the administrator's line of sight, only to find that there was another person sitting there.

If he hadn't pointed in that direction, Lynn wouldn't even have noticed that there was another person here from the beginning to the end, but Lynn can be sure that he definitely didn't ignore this place from the beginning to the end, and thinking of this, Lynn felt a little palpitating.

The ground was covered with yellow linen, and an old man was sitting on the linen. The old man's beard and hair were very long, entangled on the ground, forming a thick layer.

The old man's facial features were stiff. He lowered his head and looked at the ground numbly with cloudy eyes.

Lynn walked through the gap beside the booth and squatted in front of the old man.

Lin En looked at the things on the booth without showing any traces. There were dilapidated kettles, precious stones covered with a thick layer of dirt, and colorful snakeskin pockets...

Soon, Lynn saw a pink stone in the pile of gems. It was unknown how long it had been piled here, and it was covered with a thick layer of dust.

Lynn picked up the pink stone, and then he felt something watching him.

Lin En quickly took out a thousand magic stones from the ring and put them on the ground.

The strange thing is that these magic stones magically disappear after touching the yellow linen cloth of the booth.

The feeling of being watched also disappeared.

As for other things, Lin En didn't even look at them and just skipped them.

He is very good at his own eyesight, so he should not show off his little knowledge.

"What did you buy?" The Fly Demon asked, looking over his head.

"I bought this for someone else." Lynn casually showed him the pink crystal in his hand.

"This?" The Fly Demon thought for a while, "Is it this?"

Saying that, the Fly Demon took out the same pink crystal from the ring.

The crystal is oval, it doesn't look big, and the color is uniform, but it is the same as the pink crystal in Lynn's hand.

"Where are you from?" Lynn asked.

"I don't know. A demon merchant met and sold it to me in the Pale Plain. I found some demons and looked at it. They said that it might be something for your wizards, and you can't eat it." After finishing speaking, the fly demon threw it to Lynn, " I gave it to you, I don’t know what it is anyway.”

Lynn caught it instinctively, "You are not afraid of being a treasure."

"I've tried all kinds of methods but nothing works, so it's worthless to me." The Fly Demon rolled his eyes, "But I'm curious about what you brought this time."

On top of the boundless mountains, a giant tree stretching from sky to earth supports this world.

Round after round of stars are swaying above the sky like rich fruits hanging on the branches.

On the top of the highest tree, there is a magnificent twelve-column shrine that is difficult to describe in words, and above the shrine, a colorful fruit that seems to have bred infinite mysteries is about to ripen, with a full and attractive smell Float outward.

The smell floated into the shrine, where there were twelve god seats with their backs to the end, and the whole body was burning with magnificent divine fire.

The overflowing smell awakened the sleeping consciousness above the divine seat, and the awakened consciousness captured the information particles overflowing in the void, and remembered all the many things that happened during the sleeping years.

Vague and great consciousness intertwined, and the communication was completed in an instant.

"The actions of those wizards have become more radical over the years, and they want to break the balance that was so hard to establish back then."

"Isn't this a matter of course? Who wouldn't be envious of Him who is about to mature?"

"In fact, some wizards are still moderate, but there are also some radical wizards who have been agitating for war."

"There are still some wizards who have re-entangled with the abyss? What are they trying to do?"

"It's time to teach these wizards a lesson."

Messages were exchanged quickly in the temple.

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