I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

Chapter 170 Deep Sea (2)

The hatch of the airship opened, and a figure who seemed a little too young appeared from the hatch.

"It's him!?"

An apprentice couldn't control his emotions and couldn't help but exclaim.

Because there is almost no change between Lynn now and that year, and what Lynn did on the landing island back then is really impressive.

"Do you know Wizard Lynn?" The wizard in front of the middle-aged man was a little surprised. He didn't expect his juniors to know this wizard. It is a chance to make friends.

"Wizard Lynn used to be the group that disembarked with me." The apprentice said.

Lynn also heard the apprentice's words, and looking along the voice, he saw a red-haired middle-aged man standing behind a wizard who looked somewhat similar to him.

The appearance was a bit unfamiliar, but Lin En searched for himself, and seemed to find a face that seemed to be right.

"I remember your name is Bimti Buxton." Lynn said.

At the beginning, he also introduced himself, but there was no contact afterwards.

Hmm. The apprentices who had a deep contact with me on the landing island were basically dead. Only those who have not had such a deep contact are still alive.

Buxton's eyes lit up, and Wizard Lynn still remembered my name.

After a brief greeting, Lynn communicated with the other wizards present.

Between the wizard and the apprentice, there is an invisible and invisible gap.

Although everyone is standing in the same place, the circle of communication cannot be integrated.

Buxton's eyes dimmed as he looked at Lynn, who was in high spirits not far away.

He thought of himself, if only he could have this kind of talent, he wouldn't have to return home from the Wizarding Continent in embarrassment like a dog with a broken tail.

After he joined the wizarding forces, he accidentally got a toxin in an adventure to obtain resources. Because he had no money, he delayed for a while. The non-healing injury has greatly affected his follow-up, at least at his current level, he cannot access the medicine that can heal.

The setbacks he suffered gave him the idea of ​​returning to his hometown. Even if he is only a second-level wizard apprentice, he can immediately become a master after returning to his hometown. It is better than shrinking here in the cold basement of the college, living like a slave to be better.

The road that I can't walk, maybe one of my descendants will be able to finish it for me in the future.

Buxton suddenly thought of the meaning of the look in the eyes of the ancestor who is said to have lived in the family for more than two hundred years when he left his hometown.

Lynn boarded the boat.


A storm arose on the sea.

Lightning made up the sky, and the ship was bumping.

Some wizard apprentices standing on the deck turned pale, and hid back in the cabin with some fear. For them, this natural mighty power, which can be called a natural disaster, made them awed.

However, this natural disaster did not have much impact on Lynn.

Nature, which is extremely dangerous to apprentice wizards, at this moment, unless it is a disaster with extraordinary power, normal natural storms will hardly harm him.

Lin En stood on the deck with a normal expression, looking at the huge waves on the sea, it actually gave Lin En a new inspiration.

For ordinary people, these natural disasters are terrifying, but for wizards, the threat is limited, but if these natural disasters are mixed with a lot of energy, it will be different.

For example, lightning mixed with strong energy is staggered lightning. If it can contain more abundant and advanced energy, it is a more advanced spell.

So in essence, the essence of spells is the manipulation of energy in nature, but if you want to manipulate these energies and make them change according to your own wishes, you still need some troubles and methods.

Thinking of this, Lynn couldn't help thinking.

Therefore, the essence of spells is to manipulate energy. If you can arrange the order of energy, does it mean that you have reached a higher level of manipulation of spells?

Thinking of this, Lin En's heart moved.

The principle of spell creation should be based on this kind of thinking!

If you can understand the principles of spells, understand the laws of energy movement in nature, and understand the laws of energy arrangement and structure, then you can use these energies!

Thinking of this, Lin En was ecstatic in his heart, as if he understood something.

It seems that magic and energy structure are things that I need to try to learn in the next step.

Sure enough, there is no useless subject for wizards, and any subject has its own value.

Lynn took out the introductory books on energy science from the ring. In fact, Lynn bought a lot of introductory books on any subject and put them in the ring. Prepare yourself to find out.

Anyway, it's not too expensive for him now, just a little money.

Perhaps it was really because of inspiration. Lynn, who was sitting on the deck, was fascinated by watching it. This content would take several months for apprentice wizards to learn, but Lynn read it all in just a few hours.

The ship bumped suddenly, and suddenly a huge wave rolled over.

But a transparent film emerged around Lynn's body, blocking the huge wave.

This is the talent that Lynn possesses now, and it is also an ability possessed by Lynn's bloodline after awakening. It is a bloodline spell similar to a passive skill-God Magic Field.

This is a bloodline talent that can grow. It can automatically generate a magical force field near Lynn's body. This magical force field can block energy, mental power, and physical attacks.

Sitting at the bow of the boat, Lynn put down the book in his hands. Lynn's eyes were shining with wisdom. On his talent page, he didn't know when there was an extra subject - Energetics.

With the deepening of his understanding of energy science, Lin En found that his casting speed became faster. However, all the spells he currently mastered can be cast instantly with the blessing of blood.

In fact, when casting the spell, it also proved one of Lynn's previous thoughts.

That is the casting speed!

Casting speed is very important for a mage profession!

Even if it is a less powerful spell, if my casting speed is faster than yours, you will be killed by me.

All mage professions basically have one thing in common, that is, high attack, high defense and low blood volume.

For wizards, the speed of casting spells is also an important part.

And the casting speed why some spells are fast and some are slow. With a study of energetics, Lynn had a rough idea of ​​why.

Because the skill frame of a spell is fixed, but it is also limited to the energy in nature.

Consuming mental power to cast a spell is essentially using one's mental power like a fuse to walk through the entire spell frame, and then activate the spell frame to activate the spell.

However, if you practice spells for a long time, you will be more proficient in mastering spells. After you become more proficient, the release speed of spells will be faster. too much change.

If I use a more easy-to-understand example to explain, it is that a racing driver goes to the track for drag racing. If he is very familiar with this track, he can naturally drive very fast, because when he needs to turn and when he needs to accelerate, the whole The details of the track came alive in his mind like a living map.

So he drives very fast, but if you let this racer go to a completely unfamiliar track, would he dare to drive like a familiar track?

A slight rollover of the high-speed racing car on the track without paying attention is the end of the car crash.

And understanding energetics is to let the spell understand the skill framework better in the process of casting the spell, which is to essentially increase the speed.

It is equivalent to reducing the difficulty of the track! From a track with nine bends and eighteen turns to a straight track.

Fast in a straight line is not fast, but fast in a curve is really fast.

Who can't accelerate in a straight line, just step on the accelerator and stride forward, and it's enough to rush forward.

Just as Lynn was thinking, the ghost captain on the deck suddenly stood up. He didn't appear when he was hit by the storm in the ocean just now, because he knew that it would not have any impact on the ghost ship, but at this moment he looked into the distance with a solemn expression. place.

There are waves on the surface of the sea, and the monsters hidden under the sea swim in the deep sea.

A group of undulating dense shadows gradually enlarged in the undulating waves.

In the deep sea ahead, a large vortex was created on the surface of the vortex. In the center of the vortex, the black shadow became thicker and thicker. The huge spine piercing through the sea surface rushed out of the sea surface, and the wide and island-like back rose from the sea surface.

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