I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 243 Get started, Lu Yuan's plan

In the current situation, it was actually the best choice to call Tony and Thor.

But for Lu Yuan, it was obviously not necessary.

"We need to stop the Insight program and also open the S.H.I.E.L.D database and make all the information about HYDRA public, so we're going to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, and we're still fugitives," future Falcon Sam is now with Steve and them .

It had nothing to do with him, it is said that before this, Steve and Sam were strong because of the morning run.

Sam helped a little later when Steve and Natasha Romanoff were out to investigate Project Insight.

And Sam showed off his gear.

So he has been mixed up now, and if the current situation is not resolved, he will not be able to clear his suspicions.

But Sam will never regret it because he is fighting alongside his idol.

His idols are Captain America and Superman.

That is Steve and Lu Yuan.

In the end, Lu Yuan still signed for Sam, because this guy actually carried one of his cards with him.

It is not the image of Superman in the comics, but Lu Yuan was photographed in a certain instant 06 during the previous war, very handsome.

Lu Yuan also muttered: "Who is selling this? Did you pay me for the copyright and portrait rights?"

Others can't laugh or cry, is this the time to say this?

Natasha Romanoff also complained: "You can't calculate your current net worth, what's the difference?"

Only later did Lu Yuan find out that the Stark Group, the company responsible for the management of Pepper, has monopolized the global market in the field of Internet.

Although other mobile phone manufacturers have also launched smartphones one after another, they are always one step behind.

Then, according to the plan mentioned by Lu Yuan, Shi Stark Group has also repeatedly seized the opportunity, such as its own exclusive application store, as well as a series of APP software, and even mobile games.

If others want to develop software to make money, they have to put it in their store, and for every dollar they make, they have to pay half of it.

There are many, many more.

Even the Stark Group has begun to build a complete set of home smart devices.

Many people say that the future belongs to the Stark Group.

As for former rival Hammer Industries?

It is no longer a grade.

Pull away.

The crowd began to focus on Lu Yuan.

Their original plan was to replace the chips on InSight's ships with some kind of chip, and then take control in their hands by taking control of the backend.

Not only would HYDRA's plan fail, but they would also allow Insight's devices to shoot at each other to the detrimental effect.

But Lu Yuan didn't think so: "Where is the need for such trouble. Steve, Bucky will be handed over to you. Natasha Romanoff and Peggy, you will be responsible for disclosing the information when the time comes, and I will also ask Tony to help you hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. System. Sam, you are adaptable, where you need to go. As for other questions, leave it to me."

Lu Yuan felt that it was too much trouble, and he had absolute confidence that he could solve the problem.

It is better to say that if he does not even have this confidence, then he will live in vain, and OAA should not train him, and cannot afford to lose that person.

So under Lu Yuan's advice, everyone was ready to set off.

Lu Yuan started to draw a circle in front of him, and immediately opened a golden portal.

"Wow, what is this?" Sam was surprised, it was the first time he had seen such a trick.

Lu Yuan said casually, "This is definitely the power of magic."

Not to mention Sam's star-chasing behavior, everyone took action one after another, and they went straight to the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters after crossing the portal.

Natasha Romanoff was last, comforting Barton's wife: "Don't worry, we'll bring Clint back intact, since he promised that."

Natasha Romanoff glanced at Lu Yuan, only full of trust and infinite tenderness in his eyes.

Hawkeye's full name is Clint Barton, the legal name is also referred to as Clinton Barton, and the full name is Clinton. Francis. Barton.

Generally, foreigners will not use Roar's first name, but call Roar by their surname.

For example, Lu Yuan is usually called Barton, and Natasha Romanoff and their family have been friends for many years, and they are similar to family members, so they are naturally called Clint.

"Let's go Xiaona," Lu Yuan also called Natasha Romanoff by the nickname Roar.

Natasha Romanoff came here, and finally crossed the portal with Lu Yuan.

Just when they came to the other side, in the corridor of a certain floor of the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, two groups of heavily armed soldiers suddenly appeared and surrounded them.

"Wait, this is your plan? You don't want us to die here, right?" Sam suddenly complained again.

Lu Yuan shook his head, rare and strange. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and said, "Okay, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D stay, and the people from HYDRA can die."

Suddenly, the law came into being, and the big world law came into being. It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire universe, all the people of S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA were included in it, and then they were screened out. The people of S.H.I.E.L.D can stay, but The people of HYDRA will be wiped out.

Lu Yuan was also taken aback, good guy, there is still a scene to be done in front of him, so he quickly added: "I mean the person in front of me."

Once again, following the law, the law of the big world immediately enveloped only Lu Yuan's surroundings.

Looking at the soldiers on both sides of the passage, suddenly one by one, they were concentrated by some kind of power, and then they disappeared into flying ash.

No one was spared because these people were HYDRA people.

Good guy, in the huge S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, there are two teams composed of HYDRA people.

Lu Yuanzhi said, "Good guy."

There is no way to do this. After all, Pierce, the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D, is the boss of HYDRA in S.H.I.E.L.D. It is not easy for him to move personnel.

Even the idiot that Lu Yuan met at first, who dared to keep the HYDRA tattoo on his body, could join S.H.I.E.L.D.

Your product, fine product.

Even Steve was surprised and said, "You're getting stronger and stronger."

It's been a long time since I saw him, and he's actually stronger than before.

Lu Yuan looked at Natasha Romanoff and repeated his previous words: "Because I have become a god."


"Those like Thor?"

"Damn, how can he compare to me?"

Thor, who had already left, sneezed, feeling that someone was slandering him behind his back.

"Okay, let's start splitting up, everyone remember their mission, the five winter warriors are awakened because of me, and I will be responsible for making them sleep forever. There is also the insight plan, leave the task of destroying the enemy to me, and the rest. Leave it to you, GOGOGO, I'm going to have a good hunt today.".

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