I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 249 Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

In fact, these two people are the future Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, but they haven't got the title yet, and even the super ability has just been obtained, and they can't control it freely.

And the two people in the power universe are not Mutants. Because of copyright issues, they were changed to become Superman.

Baron Strucker started human experiments when he got Mind Gem.

But with so many experimental subjects, in the end, only this pair of brothers and sisters succeeded.

It has to be said that they are destined to return.

Lu Yuan was mainly observing Wanda in front of him.

Their names have remained the same, Pietro Maximov for Quicksilver and Wanda. Maximov for Scarlet Witch.

Originally they were supposed to be sisters, but here they are brothers and sisters.

"Why don't you leave?" Lu Yuan asked.

He has opened the doors of all the cells and killed the HYDRA people, but why haven't they left?

As a result, the two siblings just looked at Lu Yuan coldly.

"We know that you, Lu Yuan, are also the Superman of the Avengers, and you are still the second largest shareholder of the Stark Group." Quicksilver Pietro launched the Ability he was not yet familiar with, and instantly came from his cell to Wanda's cell. He stood in front of Wanda and looked at Lu Yuan without fear.

Lu Yuan tilted his head, wanting to continue to look at the beauties behind him.

As a result, Pietro took a step forward and continued to block Lu Yuan.

He really has no eyesight.

Lu Yuan was a little annoyed, if it wasn't for his sister's sake, he wouldn't be too lazy to speak.

At this time, Wanda came to Pietro's side and stared at Lu Yuan: "Although you are trying your best to play the role of superhero, only we know that you are murderers."

Facing Wanda's sudden accusation, Lu Yuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "You are right."

Wanda couldn't help but opened her mouth and stared at Lu Yuan in a stunned manner.

Did he admit it?

Lu Yuan spread his hands: "There's nothing hard to admit, right? When Chitauri invaded the earth, I almost wiped out Chitauri in order to protect the earth ¨' ."

In fact, it is completely destroyed.

"More than a million people died at that time."

This is still Lu Yuan dare not say the real number.

Otherwise, for a race that has developed into outer space technology, the entire army is only a million people?

It's just that you don't have to count them all, so it's casual.

Lu Yuan continued: "Then, another accident happened recently. Maybe you will get the news in a few days. I killed HYDRA, and there are tens of thousands of people including this base."

"So you're right, I've killed a lot of people," Lu Yuan said simply and took the initiative to admit Wanda's accusation.

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other, and for a while they didn't know how to speak again, and they didn't know what Lu Yuan's brain circuit was thinking.

"But doesn't this conflict with me trying to save people? It's like the people from HYDRA fooled you into being the guinea pigs for human experiments, saying that it was to give you the strength to resist, but in fact? How many people died because of this experiment? "Lu Yuan started to fight back.

The two brothers and sisters in front of them are only two children. It stands to reason that they should still be in school.

Lu Yuan has long been an old frenzy, and he couldn't help but feel amused, and asked: "So in your eyes, the people killed by HYDRA are nothing, and we have to kill the enemy to protect you?"

"No," Wanda anxiously wanted to refute something, but she didn't know how to refute it.

The setting of the two brothers and sisters is terrible, because the place where they live is still at war.

Maybe they are SOKOVIA people, or somewhere else.

In short, their life is not good. To put it bluntly, their education level is not high. There are a lot of things in their hearts to say, but they are blocked by Lu Yuan in a clever way.

Lu Yuan smiled proudly, ignoring Wanda's anxiety at all, and continued: "And let me ask again, you at least know about World War II, right? And HYDRA is the culprit who started World War II."

At least that's how it's set up.

Because of HYDRA, the battle is even more brutal and dangerous.

Later, the captain led the Roaring Squad to defeat HYDRA, which affected the whole battle in one fell swoop.

"How many people died in World War II? How many people died in the world? You are not only free guinea pigs for HYDRA, you don't even want your life, but you dare to question me?" Lu Yuan sneered: "Even you know, right here Today, HYDRA intends to launch a program that can kill hundreds of millions of people in one fell swoop."

His words sounded like a thunderbolt, making Wanda's ears buzz.

In fact, Baron Strucker is very cunning. What he promised to the two brothers and sisters was to give them the power to bring peace.

So the two brothers and sisters ignored their own lives and dangers.

But now Lu Yuan suddenly told them: "Do you know, once HYDRA gets the successful materials, how many army of Superman can they create? How many people will die by then?"

Wanda was attacked by Lu Yuan and retreated again and again. She sat there in disbelief, hugging her knees, her face full of fear, and muttered: "'What the hell did I do? It's really right to do this. Is it?"

She was already starting to doubt herself.

Pietro glanced at his sister, snorted coldly, and shouted at Lu Yuan: "Stop being hypocritical, I already feel like throwing up after seeing your hypocritical face. Don't you want to know why we should be HYDRA's experimental subjects for nothing? No No, we just want the power to defeat you, the Iron Man Stark."

"Shi Stark?"

"Tony. Stark, don't you not know? After all, you are best friends," Pietro curled his lips with a disdainful expression.

As for the relationship between Lu Yuan, that is, Superman and Iron Man Tony, it has been known to outsiders, and they are undoubtedly best friends.

Then Pietro said something, more than (Ling Long) ⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78⒉ like when their brother and sister were ten years old, they were almost killed by a missile.

For three whole days they dared not move, but fortunately it was a dud.

Then they saw that the missile was made by the Stark Group, so they started to resent Tony, always wanted revenge, and even thought that Tony was the culprit of the world's strife.

Lu Yuan was about to laugh, no, he already laughed: "No, are you here to make me laugh? Even if it's Tony's missile, but Tony only sells weapons, is it the one who really hit the missile into your house? Wasn't anyone else interested?"

"But he made the weapons."

"Okay, then we don't make weapons anymore, we sell mobile phones, old iron, let's support you with two? Now it's Hammer Industries that sells weapons. If you have revenge and complaints, you can go to them. "

Facing Lu Yuan's shameless stinking, the two siblings were speechless.

You are a superhero, so shameless? .

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