I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 255 Avengers alliance party, Banner appeared

The more powerful people are, the more they care about breaking the rules, because breaking the rules is very dangerous.

For example, Transcender, as he was continuously weakened and changed his settings, he has already made an exception. Let’s look at Transcender after that. There are even only incomplete settings of the Cosmos Cube, and he has become a larva of Transcendence Protoss. .

However, the original transcender surpassed the universe originally, and the universe cube was nothing to him.

The original transcender, who was only a little weaker than OAA, was constantly abused because of his exception.

"So OAA needs me to make an exception, not to make an exception for him, but to make an exception for OBA. Only in this way will OBA be unable to match OAA, or even destroy that hell."

"Similarly, OBA also needs to break the rules. He has to break his own shackles. Only then can he become the master of this almighty universe."

"DC God will also make exceptions, especially the beasts."

When the giant beast first appeared, it could be said to be invincible in the world.

Any powerful character would crumble before him.

When the beast came, even hell was divided into two factions that supported the return of the Lord and opposed the return of darkness. The Angel Legion went down to the world, ready to snipe the strongest enemy.

As for the heroes of the mortal world, they have already been prepared to fight with all their strength.

The first to bear the brunt is the demon knight Eldragon, who can't do anything to hinder the giant 483 beast.

Then Doctor Fate challenged the beast, and the result was also an immediate failure.

The Angel Legion also launched an attack on the giant beasts, but they still failed miserably.

In the end, Ghost also appeared and turned into the last guard of the world, but after struggling for a moment, he also fell in front of the giant beast.

But it was later said that the author had personally said that the Ghost at that time was not in a complete state. If it was a complete Ghost, it could defeat the beast.

This is the hidden danger of breaking.

As we all know, Ghost is the incarnation of DC God, representing God's wrath and spirit of vengeance. No matter who you are, as long as Ghost judges you for your sins, you will be judged eventually.

If even the incarnation of God can defeat the beast, then he can't be called the opposite of God.

What's more, more and more ruthless characters appeared later.

For example, Papetua, the death metal event of today's dark night is caused by her single-handedly, and she is also called the goddess of creation, and even the setting of the DC universe has been changed to be created by her.

Not to mention the Hand of the Void and the Hand of Creation and so on.

The breaking of the giant beast is imminent.

"For them, breaking the rules means everything. Once they are breaking the rules, they can never go back," Lu Yuan said.

Like Superman, Superman is invincible at first, but once he starts to be defeated, more and more stories about Superman's death will keep popping up.

Even Supergirl Kayla can beat up her cousin when she first appears.

Although it was later said that Superman did not dare to fight with all his strength, fearing that the earth would suffer, he was beaten by Kayla.

Lu Yuan didn't hear the conversation between OAA and the original transcendence at that time, he just speculated based on the information he had now.

But it's also inseparable.

Why did the four supreme beings suddenly go to war?

DC God and the beast have already shaken hands and made peace. Is there really such a big conflict between OAA and OBA? It would be better to say that OBA has actually been broken, and was defeated by the Hulk Hulk.

But he can still threaten the OAA.

This is also not allowed by the OAA.

Don't think of OAA as a good person, what is the definition of good and bad for this level of God? At least not by human values.

"Okay, don't think too much, I'll just worry about it alone, your task is to raise your baby at home with peace of mind," Lu Yuan didn't continue, because saying too much won't help, it will only upset Natasha Romanoff chaos.

His priority now is only one thing, and that is to complete the next plan, and enter the ranks of the Almighty Universe Level completely.

And this matter is a bit urgent, and Lu Yuan doesn't know when the future war will break out.

"But before that, let's sleep first, it's time to rest."

"Brother, it's only three o'clock in the afternoon, okay? It's time for God to rest."

They had just returned from The Avengers Base, and even if Lu Yuan spent a lot of time explaining it, it was only in the afternoon.

But she really couldn't stand Lu Yuan. Just when she was about to obey, a phone call interrupted the two of them.

It turned out that Hawkeye Barton wanted to invite them to dinner. One was to congratulate them, and the other was to thank Lu Yuan for bringing Barton back to life.

"Damn, do you want to thank me or to disrupt the situation?" Lu Yuan scolded angrily.

The opposite Barton was dumbfounded, what?

Natasha Romanoff hurriedly hung up the phone, fearing that Lu Yuan would go too far.

No way, the two had to go to Barton's house for a party, and held a BBQ on the lawn of Barton's farm.

Because they knew that Lu Yuan was going to retire, and even to leave the earth for a while, other people came one after another.

Fury, Hill, and Sharon Cutt.

It was said that Hill and Sharon were very cunning. They used this banquet as an excuse to think that they had already dated Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan had a bad seizure in front of Natasha Romanoff, thinking that he was waiting for his brother to come back.

Naturally, the Avengers all came, Tony, Steve, Thor, they also brought their families and their girlfriends with them.

Even Sam and Rhodes were invited.

It turns out that Sam has been invited by Tony and the others to join the Avengers. After all, he has also made a contribution this time.

There is also Rhodes, who has been out of roles for a long time and has almost zero sense of existence. He was also invited as a War Machine and plans to join the Avengers.

In the end, Lu Yuan specially asked someone to call Betty's house.

As a result, they found that Banner did not disappear, but after a circle outside, he secretly returned home and hid at home.

This guy, don't you know everyone is worried about him?

It was discovered by Lu Yuan.

Banner and Betty also came, and everyone persuaded Banner that the truth of the matter had been announced, and everyone would trust him again.

Banner was just talking about it, and it could be seen that he no longer trusted others, or even himself.

"Banner," Lu Yuan suddenly said to Banner, "Why don't we try to understand each other with Hulk, how about accepting each other?"

Banner was puzzled.

Lu Yuan was actually the one who was really puzzled, and asked curiously, "I really don't know if you are smart or a fool. You and Hulk are not two people, and Hulk is not someone else, Hulk is your other personality. Ah. Do you really think he is your enemy?"

At least the movie universe is not the immortal Hulk setting in the comics, so Hulk is another personality of Banner.

"Why would you rather be a schizophrenic than try to cure yourself? Once you can stay sane in the form of the Hulk, people won't be afraid of you anymore. I'm different.".

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