I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 273 Kree Empire, Harrah, and Venom?

Hala, the name of a planet, is the home planet of the Kree people and the headquarters of the Kree Empire.

The planet Hara is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which in turn revolves around the Milky Way, with a distance of about 160,000 light-years and a diameter of about one-fifth of the Milky Way. The number of Fixed Stars is about 20 billion.

Therefore, the Large Magellanic Cloud is considered to be a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, which is equivalent to the relationship between the moon and the earth, and is also called a companion galaxy.

By the way, as mentioned earlier, the brightness is 8.7 million times that of the sun, and it is the 'R136a1' of the brightest Fixed Star known to Earth, which is the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

But later Lu Yuan discovered a brighter Fixed Star.

The Kree Empire is a military powerhouse with a super advanced alien civilization.

It is said that as early as more than six million years ago, the Xorrians of the gods used their own DNA to create the Cree, so the Cree are also one of the most intelligent races in the universe.

And originally on the Hara star, 06 first had two races, one was the Cree, and the other was the semi-plant race Kotati.

It's just that the Kotati people have disappeared inexplicably, and only the Kree are left.

At the same time, the Kree are also belligerent. They once launched an attack on the Skrull Empire, forcing the peaceful Skrulls to become belligerent to defend themselves.

At the same time, it also led to the occurrence of the secret invasion of the big event. It was the Skrulls who lost their hometown and had to choose to turn the earth into a second hometown.

It is such an alien race that also poses a threat to the earth, including the setting of the inhuman race that has not yet appeared in the movie universe, and it is also a product created by their experiments.

Gamora said let them go? how is this possible.

Lu Yuan didn't believe that the Cree people would come to their senses, a warlike race can never be changed from eating shit.

The only way to teach them the precious way of peace is to make them feel the pain, and the only way to make them have peace is to kill them first before they attack others.

Can't they really stop Ronan from attacking Xandar?

An entire empire cannot stop an army?

In fact, they just didn't want to care, anyway, if Ronan could destroy Xandar Star, they would be happy to see it happen.

"This race must die," Lu Yuan hugged Ganata's shoulders with one hand, and the two came to the atmosphere of Hara, where the Kree Empire is located.

The gravity of Hara is much higher than that of the earth, which makes the physical quality and structure of the people here stronger than those of the earth. If the Kree people go to the earth, it is equivalent to that everyone can lift a ton of things.

But this is on their own planet, just like the Kryptonians are just ordinary people on Krypton, they are just ordinary people.

On the contrary, Lu Yuan and Ganata are not ordinary.

Ganata's eyes lit up at the Kree people everywhere on the planet, as if remembering the crunchy texture, the corners of her mouth were drooling, and she quickly raised her hand to wipe it off.

"Can I eat it this time?" Ganata asked Lu Yuan obediently and sensible first.

Lu Yuan nodded with a smile, but did not forget to remind: "But you must be careful not to eat dirty things, such as parasites."

"Parasite?" Ganata tilted her head to look at Lu Yuan with a puzzled look on her face.

Lu Yuan shook his head, suddenly raised his hand and waved at Hala Star, and a certain Cree was taken into his hand out of thin air.

The Kree still doesn't know what's going on. He is a member of the team. He is usually in charge of outer space patrols. He just returned today and is ready to return to the team to rest.

But suddenly, a black line suddenly appeared from the Kree's body, and finally formed a huge amount of blood, which illuminated Lu Yuan's head and bit it.

"Hmph, what a big gut," Lu Yuan let out a cold snort, and the huge amounts of sound waves directly shattered the big mouth made up of black threads in front of him.

Lu Yuan quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and pulled out a black mass of something from the Kree's body.

Even Ganata looked over curiously.

Lu Yuan took his hand away and warned, "This can't be eaten."

Ganata immediately lost interest and gestured to the Kree in front of her with her eyes.

After Lu Yuan nodded, she happily pulled the blank-faced Kree to the side, and then heard a scream.

Lu Yuan shook his head, unable to bear to look directly, and put his attention in his hands.

This black thing is still twisting, and even wants to stick to Lu Yuan's body.

But Lu Yuan could not let it succeed, and bound it tightly with a ball of golden energy, showing an expression of interest.

In fact, Lu Yuan has already seen what it is. This is a kind of parasitic life. If you use a relatively easy-to-understand name, everyone should know what it is.

In fact it is venom.

That's right, this is the famous and evil venom.

Lu Yuan was observing the venom in his hand, and he found one thing, At the moment's venom is still in its infancy, so it can't be said to be bad, and it's not good at the same time.

In fact, Venom and other symbiotes are not evil in nature, and Venom and his descendants have turned bad because of Venom's first alien host.

It turns out that the first host of Venom was the Cree.

Who would have thought that Lu Yuan happened to encounter venom here?

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan didn't choose to wipe away the life of the venom, because he hasn't had time to possess the Kree before, so it shouldn't be bad, right?


And Venom is more often played as an anti-hero, and an anti-hero is also a hero, but the method is a bit cruel.

But it just fits Lu Yuan's mind.

So he thought about it, opened a portal beside him, threw the venom in, and closed the portal.

"It's done, the Venom movie can be shot."

Well, it looks like he helped film the 'Venom: Deadly Asgardian' movie?

At least this Venom movie is said to have nothing to do with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's no wonder he's opening a cosmic portal.


"Gannata?" Lu Yuan suddenly noticed that the Ganata beside him was gone.

The next second, he shocked Roar and said, "No, don't eat the supreme wisdom, that guy has a lot of bad intentions."

Lu Yuan immediately found the whereabouts of Ganata. It turned out that after she ate the Kree, she saw that Lu Yuan only cared about the little things in the palm of her hand, so she simply sneaked away and ran to Harrah.

But she went to find the supreme wisdom, which was a supercomputer built by the Cree people. It was originally to assist the system of helping the Cree people, but it gradually evolved into the god of the Cree people.

In the end, he was turned into the master of the Kree by the supreme wisdom.

Lu Yuan was worried that Ganata would become bad or infected after eating Supreme Wisdom, so he hurried over at super-light speed.

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