I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 443 The bloody revenge of the year should be reported

Lu Yuan has always said that he wants to seek revenge for Apocalypse and the new Protoss, and he has never forgotten his grievances and grievances with Darkseid.

But before that, he didn't want to take revenge himself, but to lead Krypton to take revenge.

Among the survivors of Cando City before, there were only 500,000 soldiers who actually served as warriors, and none of them actually met Lu Yuan's requirements.

Later, he led his own 100,000 confidants back from 100,000 years ago, and then let these 100,000 people lead the 500,000 people, and each of them was at least a team leader.

After a period of "rebuild", the army of 600,000 Superman is finally ready.

After all, it has been so long, and it is time to set off to complete this 'fetter'.

So Lu Yuan returned to his almighty universe again and came to the new Krypton galaxy.

When Lu Yuan returned to Cando City, the army of 600,000 people was ready.

A larger-scale army formation had already been prepared, just waiting for Lu Yuan to come to see it.

One after another, the Superman warriors put on the Superman battle suits, lined up in a huge army formation of 06 neatly, every 100,000 people is an army formation, and there are a total of six such army formations.

They were in a neat row horizontally and in a neat row vertically, each of them just silently paying attention to Lu Yuan, meticulously.

They all have the brand S mark on their chests, symbolizing that they belong to the El family.

Even Druzord had to transfer the Zod family crest to the cloak behind him, and put the S mark on his chest.

As one of the original generals, Druzord is now a general of one of the six army formations.

In addition, Alice also got in at some point. She was also the general of the First Army. The First Army had the most Lu Yuan's confidants, especially Alice's female warriors all standing behind her.

Lu Yuan glared at Alice.

Alice was unmoved, but stood there like a javelin, with her head held high, and a gust of breeze blew through, which could only move her cloak and long golden hair.

"Go back," Lu Yuan frowned, different from his usual attitude of humility. At the moment, there is a sense of arrogance and self-righteousness, and even his confidants will tremble in his heart.

But Alice shouted righteously: "It's not your wife who is standing here, but your adjutant, and your most trusted General Zod. Does the deep blood feud 100,000 years ago have nothing to do with me?"

Lu Yuan was speechless, this guy has to fight against himself in front of so many people, right? Waiting to go home.

But no one dared to laugh at Lu Yuan, unless he was tired and crooked.

Lu Yuan's subordinates know very well that if they dare to show a little performance at this time, it will be over, and you will definitely regret this ghost.

Lu Yuan really had no choice but to let her go. He would take good care of Alice anyway.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the other army formations.

The second column was led by Druzord, and the third column was Fiora. She used to be Druzord's adjutant, but now, she has become an independent general and is also Druzord's wife. .

The fourth column is Joel, and the fifth column is Zoelle.

Don't look at Brother El's identity as scientists, but in terms of combat, even they are no worse than Druzord.

Joel also once suppressed Deruzod, which is evident.

Then only the sixth army formation still has no leader of its own.

"I personally command the sixth squadron," Lu Yuan will personally command the sixth army formation.

It's not that no one of his 100,000 subordinates can take on the big responsibility, but that the 100,000 subordinates volunteered, and they will take the lead and launch the first and most direct charge against Apocalypse with other kinsmen.

Each of them wants to hide behind, and the general will definitely not hide behind, but more people want to lead the way.

All were filled with resentment against Apocalypse.

If it weren't for Apocalypse and Darkseid, Krypton would have had the opportunity to become a Superman.

Do you know how many soldiers Lu Yuan had at the time when he had the most?

Tens of millions.

And they all admire Lu Yuan the most and are also the most powerful warriors.

Tens of millions are less, and that is still the elite among them.

Refer to the military power of the countries of the earth and the number of professional soldiers serving.

As long as Lu Yuan gave the order of retired soldiers, the total number of soldiers including the previous ten years could easily exceed one billion.

Such a scale really wants to make Krypton develop. Within a year, Lu Yuan will have enough confidence and capital to challenge Apocalypse, and with more than 80% probability, he is confident that Krypton will become a family. Become a god.

This grievance is too great.

Moreover, the Apocalypse star almost emptied the combat power of Krypton, except for these 100,000 warriors, all other warriors died.

And because Lu Yuan's supporters are gone, can the villains of the Presbyterian Church successfully complete their ambitions and plans?

This bloody revenge, they will definitely take revenge with their own hands.

"Let's go," Lu Yuan didn't have the habit of wasting saliva. His pre-war mobilization was very simple. After arranging the tasks to be arranged, he set off.

When power can crush all intrigues and tricks, the so-called wise generals can also not care about the so-called strategy, and it will be over by directly destroying the dead.

Lu Yuan raised his hand and drew six huge amounts of golden portals in front of the six army formations, leading directly to the center of the DC universe.

In other words, the other side is right in front of Ou Axing.

A full 600,000 Superman warriors, a full 600,000 Kryptonian army, At the moment silently, spontaneously flew to that piece of space.

At that time, Ou Axing was like a big enemy, and more than three thousand green 657 Lanterns came from their respective sectors, but they looked dumbfounded at the terrifying army that suddenly appeared in front of them.

"I suddenly remembered 100,000 years ago," Ganser looked up at the Superman army outside Ou Axing, and couldn't help recalling that 100,000 years ago, he led the Green Lantern Corps to intercept Lu Yuan.

At that time, Lu Yuan only had 100,000 people.

But today, Lu Yuan already has 600,000 soldiers.

Lu Yuan was the last to come, and he also sealed off his almighty universe tightly, preventing the other troublemakers from coming over.

Otherwise, Esther Zod El (that is, the fifth-year-old Lu Xiaoai) is likely to come after him secretly.

There are also Ancient One and the others who said they would help, because they were already Lu Yuan's wife and Lu Yuan's family.

But in the end, Lu Yuan politely declined. After all, Ancient Ones are from the Marvel universe, and their soul roots, that is, the origin of their birth, is still in the Marvel universe.

If it involves the relationship between the two universes, it is very likely that even DC God and OAA will be involved.

Not worth the trouble.

As for why even DC God may be involved, it is because few people know that not only Superman is blessed by a great existence, but even Darkseid is actually blessed by the DC universe.

Darkseid is also an extraordinary existence.

Today, Lu Yuan's goal will be directed at Darkseid's body.

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