I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 483 Prepare to counterattack the antimatter universe

Lu Yuan obviously didn't intend to let go of this guy who had always had an inexplicable hatred for the Superman family.

Sometimes Luthor goes too far. For example, now, all multi-universes are clearly facing a huge crisis, and even everyone has the same enemy.

But he still stole the book of destiny and ran away, and even wanted to rewrite the fate of all Superman, he wanted to kill all Superman.

This is absolutely not allowed by Lu Yuan. He has already crossed the line and touched Lu Yuan's bottom line. Not to mention that Lu Yuan has always protected his shortcomings.

Even if Luthor might still have some important responsibilities and missions, Lu Yuan still used Heat ray and the power of the Omega effect to directly turn Luthor into ashes.

"Complete," Lu Yuan closed the book of destiny in his hand, holding the spine in his left hand and a platinum cane in his right hand, turning around like a gentleman and returning to the place he came from before.

It was some laboratory in The Flash's Earth Universe One, At the moment became the headquarters of the superheroes.

When Lu Yuan came back, some teams had already returned.

First of all, he saw that there were more 06 people in the laboratory.

For example, Superman, who looks exactly like Atom Ray Palmer.

Because he was originally an actor, even everyone present said, why do they look exactly the same?

Well, this is considered breaking the fourth-dimensional wall, right?

The actor of the Superman in front of him used to be the Superman who returned from Superman, but the background setting is more inclined to the Superman of the kingdom of heaven.

Just treat them as a mixture.

The S of Tian Guochao's battle suit is more black, and the battle suit is a bit retro, and he himself is old.

When Tian Guochao and the drama version of Superman stand together, you can tell the difference between the two at once.

Then another team returned with bad news.

This team is looking for the Superman in the Superman prequel, but unfortunately that Superman has given up his super ability and is no longer a Superman.

In that universe, the later Luther became the president.

And the team looking for Batman also failed, and the Batman of that universe was completely plunged into darkness.

I said before when Lu Yuan went to the Injustice Universe that when Batman was out of control, it would be terrible.

And this Batman is out of control.

It's an injustice Batman, and this time it's Batman who gets a taste of it, and when he kills the first life, the second, the third, and the fourth begins.

When he breaks his restraint, when he kills Joker with a heart, he can't stop.

While he didn't become the Laughing Bat, he became the Injustice Batman, who ruled the world with terror that terrified everyone.

He even killed Superman.

In the world of Injustice Universe and Injustice Superman, even in the end, Injustice Superman won't kill Batman.

But in the case of Unrighteous Batman, he didn't care and killed Superman with kryptonite as a weapon.

It is said that at the end of the Injustice game, there are two options, one is that Injustice Super wins, he will only break Batman's spine so that he can no longer fight himself as a superhero, and that's it.

If Batman wins, Superman will be imprisoned forever, and he won't be allowed to go out and make trouble.

Only injustice Batman, too ruthless.

He even wanted to kill Kayla, a super girl from another universe.

As a result, during the fight, Kate accidentally kills the old injustice Batman.

Apart from that, there is a lot to gain.

Let's say they brought in Black Lightning Jefferson.

At the same time they also found another The Flash, the ninety version of The Flash.

That The Flash was old, and by the time he found him, he had been stuck on a Level Universe treadmill for years.

Because the show's The Flash aired in 1990, it was later labeled Earth Ninety.

Although they are all Barry, in order to distinguish the two, the old Barry is called John, after all, this is also the name of the actor.

It took a lot of work to save him from the treadmill.

But it was only later that they learned through John Sheen that he was caught here by the Anti-Monitor, and that he used his Speed ​​Force to create an anti-matter cannon.

It turns out that the anti-monitor is continuously sending out anti-matter energy waves with Barry's power.

Originally they thought that this would end the Anti-Monitor's conspiracy, but then they were told that if it was stopped now, then all Earths would be ended.

As a last resort, they could only put Barry of Earth 90 back on the cosmic treadmill, but they came up with a plan that gave John Dodge a stronger speed force, and he planned to sacrifice himself to destroy the antimatter cannon.

In the end, Barry of Earth Ninety succeeded, but he also died.

"Now that the anti-matter cannons have been destroyed, and the anti-monitor's shadow demon army has also been cleaned up by Lu Yuan, it's time to counterattack," the superhero cheered up and wanted to take the initiative to counterattack.

They don't want to continue to be beaten passively, not to mention this is a really good time.

"But if we want to fight back, we have to go to the antimatter universe, which is the territory of the antimonitor." The monitor had to warn them that once they got to the territory of the antimonitor, they would be dominated by the antimonitor.

Even now, he will be threatened by anti-monitors, not to mention his territory.

When everyone was about to hesitation, Lu Yuan opened the book of fate in his left hand and said, "This is simple. Now fate is in my hands, and I will bless you even if you are in the antimatter universe and will not be threatened. I admit that you are in the antimatter universe. The antimatter universe will also move freely."

For a time, everyone felt a power blessing on them, which was a guarantee to protect them from antimatter energy in the antimatter universe.

Then, seeing that they didn't listen to the advice, the monitor insisted on going to the anti-monitor to take revenge, and took the initiative to start the final battle. He could only sigh and open the portal to the anti-matter universe.

The superhero immediately headed straight for the antimatter universe.

Lu Yuan fell at the end, glanced at the monitor, and with a meaningful smile, also passed by.

Just when only the watchers were left here, suddenly, a white light flashed, and the pioneer Laila suddenly returned.

But her return came with a deadly murderous intent.

She came to end the monitor. After being controlled by the anti-monitor, and with the power of the anti-monitor, she finally ended the monitor successfully when everyone left.

As a result, the anti-monitor, who was the opposite, immediately gained even greater power.

Earth Three, this is the opposite world to the main world.

Here, the entire Justice League are villains who call themselves crime syndicates and now work for the anti-surveillance.

They also ambushed the superhero who came on Earth.

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