The military band played music quickly, and the honor guard was lined up. Then, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous religious robe was seen walking out of the plane.It is Francis I, well-known to Christians.


The Pope himself is already many years old.. But since he met Christ.He was also given miracles.Now the body is in the prime of life. From the outside, it looks like only about forty years old.

The tall ones greeted them with smiles.Both of them are envious and have a long life and a long life is what they want.”

Immortal.It is the last pursuit of all those in power.How many emperors from ancient times have finally died on the way to find the elixir of life.

All cameras shoot.Then all the people present were faintly excited, because they knew that the one who came out after the Pope must be the Unenvoy!

Sure enough, a man in a nun's robe followed the Pope out of the plane's

Now the reporters are even more crazy, and there are some reporters who believe in Catholicism. At this time, it is already a pious salute.

Sister Myrdal looked kind.Standing on the ground at the hatch of the aircraft, he smiled warmly at everyone.Let those reporters film it.While she is not yet an angel, she is still running around in the world's poor and war-torn countries.She was used to this kind of battle when she went to rescue those poor children and poor people.

At this moment, the breath of the entire airport suddenly froze, and everyone felt a momentary difficulty in breathing.It was as if there were two mountains pressing down on his heart.

Everyone present was panic-stricken.Involuntarily, he looked at the sky behind him, and saw only an old man in Ming Dynasty clothing.It is leisurely stepping into the air and coming to the ground!

Chapter [-] The Clash of Cultures

The figure walking leisurely in the air attracted the attention of countless people. The reporters who were holding the camera to take pictures were stunned, and then excitedly pointed the camera lens at the figure of the old man in the sky. . The shutter pressed like crazy.

No one expected that in this capital airport, when welcoming the ground angel from the Vatican District, the one who had previously made a mighty display in Butin and summoned the shadow of the candle dragon.It is even more so that the immortal old man who greeted the Supreme Taiyi in Fengchan on Mount Tai appeared unexpectedly.

After the senior officials of Huaguo were stunned, what followed was ecstasy.

To be honest, don't look at Hua Guo's strength now, but he is also apprehensive when facing the nun angel from the Vatican.Don't you see the invincible America has been disgraced by extraordinary people. And China, which is centered on economic construction, is still far from America. Facing an angel like a superman, as a mortal high-level country, of course, will be worried and afraid.

But it's different now. This old immortal who should be living in seclusion in Huangshan should come to the imperial capital. Although facing this old immortal, the Huaguo government can't order it and can only serve it respectfully. The elders who are over [-] years old are the ancestors of this country's civilization, and they will never let their descendants be bullied by foreign forces.

Thinking of this, the senior executives who came to greet them at L Airport were all straight and cautious before they disappeared.This is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The Pope of the Vatican and Sister Milda were also a little stunned.Even though Sister Mirdad came here, she had the intention of seeing the old man.But she didn't expect to see the main lord as soon as she got off the plane.

Just when the Pope and the nun were stunned, the old man stepped down from the void and stepped on the ground.

I saw that the old man was dressed in Chinese clothes and had a childish face, even though he was old.But he couldn't see the wrinkles of old age on his face at all. Instead, his skin was as fair as a baby. What are you here for, but this is not your realm after all.Your heaven is not here. "

"""As an angel bestowed by the gods, you are very lucky, but you can be regarded as your senior when you are old. I would like to warn you here not to get involved too much in the world. Mortals belong to mortals, and gods belong to gods. This = must be clearly distinguished."

The old man's words were a warning but more like a threat. At the same time, an overwhelming momentum suddenly burst out from the old man's seemingly thin body, and the special plane glass that the Vatican Pope was riding was instantly shattered. Then everyone was terrified: under the bright light, this super-large Boeing airliner actually began to twist like dough under the air cushion of the old man, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a ball of scrap iron!

"Hey, so scary!"

"You didn't even do it. You turned the second plane into a milling ball with just one look?"

"I have seen too many kinds of Diming recently, which made me have the illusion that this old Chinese immortal is not strong in blood. In fact, for the moon people, inviting an old man is almost like a god. "lb.rg

"Is this a warning to Christianity?

The fairy said before the text.Disputes between gods are cultural disputes.It seems to be true now. "y


Since the welcome to the Vatican Pope this time was live broadcast, this picture was broadcast directly.Many people who were watching the news on TV and computers were talking about it, and some people who were afraid that the world would not be in chaos even clamored for this fairy to fight with the angel from the Vatican.

However, the senior officials and reporters at the scene were complaining a lot. This is really a fight between gods and mortals. Fortunately, the person who this old man's aura is right is Sister Milda. Your body will explode and become mashed.

Thinking of Sister Mirda, everyone's eyes were looking at the plane that was twisted into an iron ball. The goddess Xiu was pale, and she involuntarily took two steps back and even let out a painful grunt in her throat. Obviously, the old man The aura made her feel uncomfortable.

And this -= screen is undoubtedly telling others that as a senior, this immortal is indeed stronger than a nun.Just relying on her aura made the nun go backwards.

But if you think about it carefully, you take it for granted. After all, the nun is the divine power directly bestowed by Christ, and the power of this person must be obtained through penance. The efforts of the two are completely different.There is definitely a huge experience gap in combat experience and power usage. It is normal for nuns to beat the old man.

It's just that even the "plane" was turned into scrap metal under the momentum and eyes of the old man. But the nun who faced all this only took a few steps back. The strength of this nun is also evident. It is definitely beyond the countless mortals. exist.

Since Louis has become a god of medium power, the character has been very simple. All the supernatural powers in this world.,Whether it is a god or the evil god L or this old man is actually his incarnation, but now on this stage .But there is also something out of his control

Such as this Sister Mirdad, such as those little wizards who have learned some magic tricks.

Those little wizards don't talk about it for the time being.Because a mage of that level is not very dangerous whether in the world of Saint Soren or on Earth, but this Sister Mirda, who was directly empowered by Louis, is an uncontrollable figure.

Hearts are complicated and no one knows what Sister Mirdad will choose to do.What's happening now is no longer a script designed by Louis, but a big drama that is played at will.No

Someone knows how the plot is going.. everyone is an improv actor.

However, all of this is still under the control of Louis. If Sister Milda does not meet his interests in some options, then Louis is also ready to take back Sister Milda's power at any time. At that time, only one sentence of what the nun does is not in line with his interests. Doctrine will do.You can also take this opportunity to let the world know that God cannot be disobeyed.

God can give you the power of miracles. It can also be withdrawn at any time.Makes Lou more fearful of God.

Louis looked forward to the nun's answer, and this nun was indeed the two devout believers that Louis had chosen.In fact, Christian teachings also persuade people to be kind. In the case that the fairy old man played by Louis did not insult the god she believed in, the nun was not angry with the old man for being overly strong and aggressive.Instead, he said calmly, ":.Thank you for your teaching, you taught me a lesson.".

". The strength God gave me is not for me to fight with people, but for me to save the world and let the glory of the Lord shine into the hearts of more people. To dispel the haze and darkness, and let the demons of hell not exist among people. _

"I won't use this power to fight for anger, nor will I influence the power of the world, the gods belong to the gods, and the mortals regulate people, and I'm just shepherding the lambs for the Lord.

"Whoever believes in the Lord, you and your family will be saved, enter Amen"

The nun reverently crossed her chest and everyone heard the nun's gentle voice like water, and their expressions were all moved, and at that moment they had the meaning of being influenced.

And the old immortal from China also - smiled and praised, " know how to do it. No wonder you are favored by God, you are close to your Lord"

No one expected that this Chinese old man would praise Sister Milda and fall with the old man's voice.The whole tense atmosphere immediately dissipated.

At this moment, there was a very strange, strange English with a Southeast Asian accent. ."=Tan Yue ah., you still do things

Chapter [-] Primitive Buddhism

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