Sol compared the Hulk in the comics, if Chen Xiu didn't lie to him, then he is probably not the Hulk's opponent, if he loses to a monster, that person will lose a lot.

"The warriors of Asgard are never afraid of strong enemies, but they will not cause trouble at will."

Sol thought for a while, and euphemistically expressed what he meant, but in fact... he was frightened by Chen Xiu.

Hearing Sol's answer, Chen Xiu nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that there is no need to worry about the Hulk breaking out suddenly.

Chen Xiu took Thor to S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... After that, it was still Coulson's reception, at this time S.H.I.E.L.D.


...The space carrier has been launched, Captain Tony and others have already gone, only Chen Xiu and Sol are left.

Under the leadership of Coulson, Chen Xiu got on the hanger fighter and prepared to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the air base.

"Sir, we have flown 700 nautical miles from land.

According to the signal, the flight to the mothership is about 500 nautical miles away."

The pilot of the fighter reported to the Colson Report.

Coulson nodded, calmly.

"Okay, keep the speed and keep flying."

After Coulson finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the armored Sol sitting on the plane. They had met before. Sol might not remember him, but he had a deep impression on Sol.

"Mr. Sol, do you want to join the Avengers too?"

"That's right."

Coulson's popular appearance and friendly smile make it easy for people to get close, and Saul responded quickly when he heard Coulson's question.

"That's great. I've seen you use a hammer to defeat the Destroyer. That kind of domineering... controlling thunder and lightning is very unforgettable to me."

Coulson looked at Sol yearningly, Chen Xiu naturally knew that this was Coulson's way to win over people, but Saul was more genuine when he heard Coulson say this, and naturally smiled.

Sol and Coulson chatted for a while, and they soon arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the air base.

"Sir, we have reached the mothership location."

Driver's report.

Coulson stood up from his seat on the plane.

"finally reached."

"Is this your air base, S.H.I.E.L.D.

..... your family wealthy?"

Chen Xiu also stood up, came to the front of the fighter plane, looked forward from the glass window, and saw an incomparably huge warship sailing on the sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean.



...the air base is [-] meters long, and the mothership is [-] meters wide.

On the deck of the mothership, there are swarms of 3 fighter jets, Sea Harriers, Quinn transport aircraft and various types of helicopters.

Next to the tower of the mothership, there are also some ship-borne missile launchers and anti-war artillery.

Arriving near the mothership, the pilot got in touch with the mothership and allowed the landing.

Finally landing on the deck of the mothership, the transport plane opened the rear hatch.

Chen Xiu and the others suddenly felt that the sea breeze was blowing towards them for a while, and the sun was shining brightly outside.

Chen Xiu and the others walked out of the cabin door to the deck, and saw that the neat deck was very neat.

The battleship is full of novelty and domineering everywhere.

The metal material used in the hull also makes people feel a kind of hard texture.

On the deck below the feet, there is a big S.H.I.E.L.D.


....that iconic metallic eagle pattern.

Sol didn't like the dullness in the fighter plane, so he stepped out of the fighter plane first, took a deep breath of the sea breeze, and walked to the deck.

Chen Xiu and Coulson followed behind, seeing that no one was paying attention, Coulson whispered to Chen Xiudao.

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Chen Xiu."

Coulson's words were sincere, if Chen Xiu had been busy running around, gathering Tony and the others, and wanting these people to come together, it wouldn't be as simple as it is now.

Originally, with Chen Xiu's character, when others said that, Chen Xiu would only say no, but Chen Xiu was able to accept Coulson's thanks calmly.

"You do have to thank me."

Chen Xiu responded to Coulson, found the positions of Steve and the others, and walked straight over. Coulson heard something in Chen Xiu's words, but couldn't guess what Chen Xiu meant. After thinking for a while, he shrugged helplessly. Report to Nick's office.

Chen Xiu was able to face Coulson's gratitude calmly because after Coulson was killed by Loki, Nick said he had the captain card in his arms.

For.. a special agent, dying in battle can be said to die well, but he is still used as a bargaining chip after his death, which is a bit sad.

Now that with Chen Xiu, Coulson naturally doesn't have to die, and Nick will not use Coulson as an excuse to appease the captain.

Chapter [-] Mothership, get ready! (Late night plus for subscription!)

Chapter [-]::: Mothership, get ready! Late at night, please subscribe! Chen Xiu walked to the captain and others on the deck, and the black widow was leading the crowd to observe and act as a guide.

"How do you feel about this place? Feel the...military atmosphere."

Natasha said to Captain Rogers.

as S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the hidden fortress, the base stationed in this base is naturally SHIELD.


The elite of .... Rogers also felt a bit of a long-lost feeling when he saw the well-trained and well-organized transportation and some personnel training on the battleship.

"I looked at this place very cordially, and they reminded me of many long-time comrades-in-arms.

They follow the same discipline and train hard.

It's just that the weapons used are newer."

Rogers smiled and said.

Tony and Banner came to the deck and looked at the endless Atlantic Ocean.

There was a gust of wind blowing from the sea, and Tony was wearing sunglasses that he didn't know where he got it.

Chen Xiu also likes the atmosphere here. Although Chen Xiu is very powerful and knows the past and future, he has never experienced many things. Standing on such a powerful and domineering mothership in the sunny Atlantic Ocean, it is really impressive. People have an indescribable kind of feeling...the vast feeling, as if they are integrated with the heaven and the earth.

"Is this... your Earth's battleship?"

Sol finally relieved his sullen mood on the fighter plane, and walked over to Chen Xiu and asked.

"Yes, and the most advanced one."

Chen Xiu nodded and answered Thor's question. As the prince of Asgard, Thor has seen countless warships of all kinds, and even some ethnic groups have transformed warships into residences, S.H.I.E.L.D.


Although the air base of .... is majestic, in Sol's eyes, it is very simple.

Although Sol thought so in his heart, he didn't show it. After all, whether a place is powerful cannot be judged by technology. After seeing all kinds of magical things about the earth, Sol has an instinctive awe for the earth.

"This is... the god of Asgard you are waiting for, I thought it was wearing a holy light, but I didn't expect it to be a bearded man in medieval armor."

The conversation between Chen Xiu and Sol caught Tony's attention. Tony himself is a person who can't be idle, especially if he can cause trouble. When he sees Sol's arrival, he naturally wants to make fun of it.

"You are Tony"

Hearing Tony's sarcasm, Sol frowned and turned around to ask.

"you know me"

Tony was a little interested when he heard that Thor could call his name.

"Of course, I've seen Chen Xiu very much, and I'm very impressed with you, I have to say that your vitality is very tenacious, no matter...

Neither the desert nor the poison can kill you."

Sol was ridiculed by Tony, and naturally he wanted to fight back. It happened that Chen Xiu's Manny had a lot of black material, which also became a condition for Sol to fight back.

"We are each other. Haven't you been on the verge of death many times? What's more interesting is that you were tricked by your own brother. To be honest, I guessed your brother. After all, there shouldn't be such a big relationship between brothers. IQ differences.”

The two seemed to be incompatible with each other, and they started fighting when they first met. Just when Chen Xiu wanted to persuade him, he heard a strong mechanical sound like an engine coming from the side of the mothership's hull for a while.

When the strong mechanical sound came, the tower on the mothership also echoed for a while.

"Everyone, please pay attention, we are about to switch to the sky state, especially those on the deck, please try to stop excessive movement."

As soon as the voice fell, two huge sea vortices appeared on both sides of this behemoth.

At the same time, the personnel on the mothership felt the rhythmic vibrations under their feet reverberating throughout the hull.

The sea seemed to be sinking rapidly.

A huge turbine-powered device gradually emerged from the huge whirlpool that suddenly appeared.

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