Chen Xiu roared angrily, he knew that all this was Irene's dream, Irene's ability was a prophecy, and what disaster was about to happen was reflected in Irene's dream.

Because the dream gave Irene too much stimulation, so Irene subconsciously wrapped Irene, so Emma's mental ability could not be awakened. Of course, the usual method would not work. Fortunately, Chen Xiu has a soul gem. , Chen Xiu's mind moved the power of the Mind Stone, instantly erasing the scene in front of him.

Seeing that everything had returned to darkness, Chen Xiu quit Irene's spiritual sea. Outside, Chen Xiu was holding Irene in his arms.

"Dad, Daddy..."

Irene murmured softly and did not wake up, but she felt Chen Xiu's breath.

"Dad is here, Irene sleeps well..."

Chen Xiu comforted Irene a few words, put Irene on the bed and turned to Liu Qi and Emma.

"When did this happen to Erin?"

"Just today, it's been fine as usual, it's not that you ran into something dirty when you went out, right?"

Liu Qi was concerned and confused, suddenly remembered the ghost story Liu Tong gave him when he was a child, and said subconsciously.

"Your husband, I can control thunder and lightning, even if there are ghosts, you can't dare to stay within ten miles of me, don't think about it.

I just learned about Erin's situation, it's just a nightmare, it won't happen in the future.

By the way, let me tell you a few words, you will tell Xiaoqi tomorrow to tell them, I may have slept for a long time when I go back to sleep, don't worry!" Chen Xiu said lightly, but his tone was uncontrollable. Angry, Liu Qi and Emma could see that Chen Xiu was different, but they didn't say anything more and just nodded.


Back in the room, Chen Xiu did not lie on the bed, but sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth.

He knew that the confused figure in Irene's dream was... Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. Chen Xiu just checked the system. In the new comic, he saw that Apocalypse was about to return with destruction, intending to become a god who controls everything again.

And Irene's ability to predict must have sensed this scene, so she had a nightmare.

Chen Xiu was angry just now, not because of the apocalypse, but because of himself. Since he defeated Killian, Chen Xiu didn't care about the comics that followed. He thought that with his current strength, there was nothing he could do. There are a lot of exchange points.

It is precisely because of this subtle arrogance that Chen Xiu has no ability to exchange new abilities. With Chen Xiu's current strength, he is not an opponent of Apocalypse, so Irene will have nightmares.

More exciting to follow!

Chapter [-] Crazy promotion!

Chapter [-]::: Crazy improvement! Irene's advance payment for the future does not include the system, that is to say, the system may enhance Chen Xiu that Irene cannot perceive. The strength of the time is not the opponent of Apocalypse, so it is very likely that Apocalypse will succeed in the future, and even Chen Xiu may die in Irene's prediction, which is why the reaction is so huge.

Now that he has become a father, Chen Xiu doesn't want his daughter to suffer a little bit of damage. It just so happens that the system has accumulated a huge amount of exchange points, which can be consumed at one time.

"System, how many exchange points do I have now?"

"The total value of the exchange points, may I ask if you want to exchange them!"

The system's response was clear. The ten-digit exchange point made Chen Xiu feel embarrassed. He was probably the first person who could sell seven billion fortune by buying comics.

"Exchange, help me filter out the strength enhancement aspect!"

Now Chen Xiu can exchange a lot of things, and even enough exchange points can be exchanged for infinite gems. The items produced by the system are individual individuals, so if Chen Xiu exchanges infinite gems, it means that there will be one more infinite gems.

"Strengthened plans have been screened based on the host's own capabilities... Unlimited version of the Green Hulk gene, [-] million points.

Enhanced super soldier gene, [-] million points.

Nanomark suit, [-] million points.

Awakened version of Phoenix Power, [-] million points. shock with thunder, realize the sense of Dao, and exchange [-] billion points!" Chen Xiu's eyes lit up when he saw this option, this is what he was looking for.

Chen Xiu had a similar insight when he redeemed the divine power of Thor that awakened the power of Odin. In the Marvel world, most people are always studying how to make their abilities more powerful, but few people go back to the source. , to seek deeper capabilities.

Zhen, in the Eight Trigrams, belongs to the east, the color is green, the shock is thunder, the dragon, the black yellow, the blue, the big road... It is one of the eight categories that make up everything.

Huaxia has always liked to concentrate. In ancient times, everything in the universe was summed up in gossip and displayed in the form of yin and yang.

It's not that the system is produced by Huaxia, and the way to exchange power should be in accordance with Huaxia's style, this is just to make Chen Xiu understand it better.

All things belong to Dao, Dao is just a symbol, some people call him Buddha, some people call him God, but in any case, it is the highest meaning of human research on the universe.

In Chen Xiu's understanding of the power of earthquakes, all kinetic energy belongs to earthquakes, people's walking belongs to earthquakes, the autobiography of the earth and even the expansion of the universe belong to earthquakes. But Chen Xiu knew that this was his best choice. He wanted to be stronger, but his strength and quantity were at a higher level.

"Exchange to thunder!"

No need to think, Chen Xiu directly confirmed the option, although the five billion exchange points is much higher than other abilities, the strength that can be obtained is even more immeasurable.

"Before the exchange, it is necessary to remind the host that the shock is not a kind of energy, but a kind of feeling. You need a deeper understanding of your own in order to exert a stronger power. Of course, the system can simulate the opening of heaven and earth and the separation of yin and yang on this basis. The scene, help the host to understand, the gift time is one hour, it can be extended, the extended time is one hour, and the [-] million exchange points will be deducted!"

Hearing the system's words, Chen Xiuyun smiled lightly, and he knew that the system was a scam. He worked so hard to praise the exchange points. If the system didn't give him a trick, he would still be a human! "Exchange!"

"The redemption is successful, may the host begin to feel it!"


After Chen Xiu was confirmed, he suddenly felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and everything returned to nothing, either darkness, or... pure nothingness, this feeling is difficult to describe, as if Chen Xiu himself had disappeared.

Chen Xiu had a feeling for a long time. The last time he exchanged for the power of Thor, he realized it for a while. This time, the time spent in exchange for a higher ability will not be less, so he has already arranged the back-end, and will not delay things. .

In the scene simulated by the system, I don't know how much time has passed, Chen Xiu finally realized that he exists again, and the nothing in front of him has become a chaos, and then the chaos began to separate and become the complete opposite, but they tolerated each other. Two parts, yin and yang... The feeling of morality is so wonderful, so wonderful that one can forget the passage of time.

The outside world is bright and clear, and it has been a night since Chen Xiu entered the state of realization. Liu Qi and Emma were a little worried and wanted to see Chen Xiu's condition. When they entered Chen Xiu's room, they found that Chen Xiu was meditating. Thinking of Chen Xiu's words, people realized that Chen Xiu was in a strange state, and without disturbing him, he slowly exited the room.

"Received a call request, caller Charles, please answer."

At noon, the professors who had already gathered at the Marvel Genius School, Beast and others were waiting for Chen Xiu. Chen Xiu is the actual controller of this school. The school has been built, and it is natural for Chen Xiu to decide the next move. But Chen Xiu didn't show up for a long time, and Charles wanted to contact Chen Xiu to ask about the situation.

"Hello, you are Professor Charles."

Liu Qi answered the phone.

"Yes, you are Mr. Chen Xiu's wife, I think..."

"Oh, Chen Xiu is still sleeping, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. He asked me to tell you that the school is normally recruiting students. By the way, use the master brain to check if there is anything... special, mutants are waiting for him. I'll deal with it after waking up..."

Liu Qi repeated what Chen Xiu said to Charles last night. She couldn't understand what state Chen Xiu was in now, she could only say that Chen Xiu was sleeping.

Although Charles was a little puzzled, he also knew that Chen Xiu, a prophet, must have something magical, and he did some incomprehensible things normally. After thanking Liu Qi, he hung up the phone.

"How about when will Chen Xiu come?"

Jean beside Charles asked.

"It was Chen Xiu's wife who answered the phone just now, saying that Mr. Chen Xiu is sleeping, let's..."

"go to bed"

Qin's expression is weird. Are prophets so sleepy? "It's hard for us to understand Mr. Chen Xiu's abilities. Let's do as he ordered first. I think he will wake up soon."

Fortunately, Charles himself is very capable. After planning the tasks of a few people, the college began to formally recruit students, and Charles himself began to use the master brain according to Chen Xiu's wishes.

"It's a whole new world!"

Charles saw the light spots in the main brain and knew that those... were... the epitome of all human beings on the earth. It was very shocking. Through this main brain, he could hear everyone's voice and control everyone. movement, and even killed them instantly.

Of course this is only theoretical, Charles will never attempt such a dehumanizing thing in his life.

It's getting better and better!!!

Chapter [-] Is the meat ball dead? !

Chapter [-]:::Meatball is not dead! "Scott's eyes can release shock waves, interesting, angel, with white feather wings..."

According to Chen Xiu's meaning, Charles is looking for special mutants, and recorded them one by one. The abilities of mutants are diverse, which also makes Charles very novel.

"Eric... a steel worker, his mood swings are a bit strange, record it first."

"So deep hatred, called Meatball... Wait...! Isn't Meatball already dead!"

As he looked, Charles was stunned when he suddenly tracked down a man who should have died.

And the near-infinite anger in Meatball's heart was something that Charles had never seen before. Meatball's anger was the kind of anger that would give up everything, even his life could be thrown away, just thinking of revenge.


When Charles perceives the other party's mentality, he will also be influenced by the other party. Charles thinks that the meat ball is strange, and the meat ball is also very threatening. He wants to take a deeper look, but he does not expect to be infected by the meat ball's emotions, and suddenly rises A nameless rage roared and cut off the connection.

"Sure enough, even if there is a mastermind, there are still some things that I can't grasp. The world is too big, and there are too many unknowns..."

Charles took off his helmet and sighed. The things that Chen Xiu asked him to inquire about had almost been completed. He took out his notebook to record it, and Charles quit the mastermind.


In a dilapidated house in New York, Meatball is drinking suffocating wine. He has lost some memories. He only has a few familiar figures in his heart. ..he didn't know why he didn't die, maybe he was already dead, he didn't know what he was going to do, he only knew that there was infinite anger in his heart, he wanted to take revenge and destroy everything he could see, but whenever he thought of that Like a god-like figure, he would shrink back, and in desperation, he once again lived a life of drinking wine to drown his sorrows.

Just when he was confused, he suddenly heard a roar in his head. He knew that it was not an illusion. Meatball knew something about Emma. He knew that it was probably invaded by someone with spiritual power just now. brain.

"What did you see? I don't know if it... terrified you, if you let me see you again..."

As the meatball said, his body suddenly turned red, and the surrounding furniture began to burn violently.

"Looks like I can't stay here any longer."

As the meat ball said, it walked through the flames, slowly disappearing as the night faded, leaving only a fire, a house burned to ashes.

......When the night came, at Chen Xiu's house, Irene slept soundly that night, with a smile on her face, Liu Qi stroked Irene's hair, she was happy, but also a little worried. .

"Are you worried about Chen Xiu? Everyone says he's a god, and it's normal for him to be in an abnormal state. I remember that when I woke up, I was also very sleepy."

Liu Qi didn't know about some strange events, but Emma had a lot of looks, and she had a faint feeling in her heart that Chen Xiu was going through a transformation. Seeing Liu Qi's worried look, he said comfortably.

"Sister Emma, ​​is Chen Xiu doing this because of Irene? If only I could help him!"

Liu Qi was a little sad, she said that Chen Xiu was strong, but she was getting weaker and weaker, whether it was Irene or Chen Xiu's weird performance, she couldn't help at all.

"Don't think like this, I have researched that in your China, only when a man has a home can he have a root, so that he can grow up with peace of mind, until he becomes a towering tree, you have always been the root of Chen Xiu: it is his life. the most important part of it.”

Emma looked at Liu Qi, who was somewhat helpless, and said comforting words.

"Then he has two roots now."

Liu Qi has long been accustomed to Emma's existence, at least he thinks it is good to have such a sister, so it is acceptable for Emma.


"Sister Emma, ​​I have something to tell you."


"Based on what I know about Chen Xiu, he won't give up. According to the research results of the highest research association in the United States, men are all big pigs' hooves, so..."

"So I also think that he has two roots: enough!"

The two women finally began to talk about the most secret topics in their hearts, and neither of them wanted to share their love with too many people.

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