Chen Xiu was stunned for a long time before crawling off the ground, scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "That...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it."

Lingdie is going crazy, her eyes can kill people.

I have never been touched by any man in my life, but this bastard took my first kiss away.

But when she wanted to stand up and defend her dignity to the death, she found that there was a surge of power in her body, and this power filled her whole body, which was purer and more powerful than the power given to her by the apocalypse before.

And she can feel that this power can be transformed into her own strength, that is to say, it can be transformed.

Lingdie was completely shocked.

"Well, this introduction is not bad, right?"

Chen Xiu said with a smile.

He injected a force into Spirit Butterfly's body, and it needed an introduction to activate it.

This time Lingdie's eyes became complicated: she originally thought that Chen Xiu was trying to take advantage of her, but unexpectedly, the other party gave her a big gift bag.

"Actually, you have great potential, but what can you do with Apocalypse? His ideal is to rebuild a world and overthrow all current ruling systems, but think about it, if the world order is really completely disrupted by him , then what will the world be like?"

Chen Xiu asked unhurriedly.

Lingdie was stunned for a moment, she just thought that following the apocalypse was equivalent to following a more powerful force. As for the world order, she never thought about this issue.

Chapter [-] Chasing and Killing Apocalypse

Chapter [-]::: Chasing Apocalypse "I know you want to pursue more powerful power, but the power of power is not based on how many people sacrificed because of you, in order to get a so-called power, and Do you think it is right to go against the entire human race?"

Lingdie was asked again and fell silent for a moment.

"I don't mean to blame you, it's not wrong for a person to want to be stronger.

It's just that you shouldn't let others pay the price for becoming stronger, if you really want to become stronger, then I can help you, but it's not unconditional."

Lingdie raised her head and looked at Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu thought about it and said, "As long as you go with us to deal with Apocalypse, as long as you are willing to change your ways, then you will be a member of the mutant academy in the future, or you can be called a soldier."

Lingdie frowned and thought for a while, then tentatively asked: "I... can I?"

Seeing hope, Chen Xiu quickly turned his face straight and said, "Of course you can, as long as you have the heart."

"Thank you... thank you."

Lingdie said with a serious face.

Chen Xiu didn't say anything. He didn't know if Lingdie had any regrets, but he had the ability to control the situation.

And he determined where the apocalypse is now.

Just... in the Amazon jungle.

But he didn't know exactly where it was. He only knew that there was a very big tree there, and there was a river beside the tree.

Chen Xiu told Tony the news, and Tony immediately called the Avengers, and by the way called the police.

The two fighter jets set off at the same time, bound for the Amazon forest in South America.

The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, and its area is larger than that of Europe, with 700 million square kilometers.

It stretches from the low slopes of the Andes to the Atlantic coast of Brazil.

The Amazon rainforest is vital to the health of the world and all living things that live in it.

Forests absorb carbon dioxide, and the abundance of this gas warms the planet and harms the climate, causing the polar ice caps to melt and cause flooding.

Trees also produce oxygen, which is necessary for the life of humans and all animals.

Some rainforest trees grow very high, reaching more than 60 meters.

their leaves form a "canopy"

, like an umbrella, blocking the light.

Therefore, almost no low plants grow under the tree.

Apart from these...natural features, the scariest thing about the Amazon rainforest is the variety of terrifying creatures it breeds.

Jungle pythons, piranhas, and piranhas are all terrifying creatures.

But Apocalypse and Magneto are not ordinary people. At this time, the two of them are sitting cross-legged under a big tree.

Apocalypse is absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth contained in the Amazon jungle, while Magneto is looking for various supplements to restore his wounds.

Moreover, Tian Qi also activated the intelligence of the two giant pythons. At this time, the two giant pythons with a length of more than ten meters were obediently lying in front of the two of them.

Tian Qi slowly opened his eyes, he sighed, and Wang said: "Someone is tracking our whereabouts, I think we have been discovered."


Magneto asked in surprise: "We didn't know we would be here, did others know in advance?"

Tian Qi shook his head and said:

Someone must have caught my subordinate, felt my breath in her mind, and found this place."

Magneto suddenly became restless, and he asked, "Could it be that kid?"

Apocalypse nodded.

"Let's change places first."

After a long while, Tian Qi said.

After saying this, he felt a little embarrassed. For thousands of years, he had feared that someone would be forced into this deserted place by a young man.

However, he also found a way to increase his own strength, and it can only be achieved in this huge Amazon forest, which is a blessing in disguise.

The two continued walking towards the depths of the forest.

...On the other hand, a fighter plane has sent the Avengers and the police to the city closest to the Amazon forest.

This place can't even be called a city, there are only a few shabby buildings, and the people of Latin America are actually quite poor.

Tony asked many local people, but when Tony mentioned the big tree by the river, the faces of those people changed.

He asked several people, but none of them...the locals were willing to answer his questions.

There is no way, Tony, you can only use a trick, just take out a few hundred dollars and put it into the hands of a young man, who told them.

It turns out that the big tree by the river is a legend of the Amazon rainforest.

In the depths of the Amazon forest, there is a big tree, which is at the meeting point of the branches of the Amazon River, rooted in the depths of the Amazon, and according to rumors, two ancient zombies lived in this tree.

The status of the snake god is supreme, and the birds in the sky, the beasts on the ground, and the swimming fish in the water all come to worship them.

If anyone arrives there accidentally, they will be eaten by the snake god as a sacrifice, and some of them have suffered such bad luck here.

After listening to these legends, the superheroes did not feel afraid, but even less interested.

Tony wanted to find someone to lead them, but no one wanted to.

Then he found the young man again.

Even if Tony paid a few thousand dollars, the young man was reluctant to take them there.

There is no way, everyone can only show their strength.

Tony first asked if there was... an old house. After he asked clearly, he raised his palm and the red laser cannon shot out, directly blasting the abandoned two-story building into shards.

All the locals were stunned:.

Scott also showed his ability. After taking off the anti-laser glasses, the red electric light that burst out of his eyes knocked down another small building.

Not to be outdone, Hulk raised his fist after transforming: smashed, and demolished an abandoned small building.

The locals were stunned for a moment, but soon two old men ran up and said a lot to Tony, Scott and the others.

They seem to be very afraid and respectful of people, and they only dare to speak from a distance and dare not approach.

Through Jarvis' translation, everyone knew that these three cottages belonged to the buildings to be demolished, but it took some effort to demolish these houses locally, and Tony and the others helped.

At the same time, they also knew the strength of Tony and others, so the village chief forced the following to let the young man lead them, and said something in the ears of the young man.

After the translation, they realized that the village chief wanted the young man to ask Tony for more money.

Everyone couldn't help laughing and laughing, but Tony took out another tens of thousands of dollars, and this time, the eyes of the whole village were straightened.

Chapter [-] Enhanced Edition Apocalypse

Chapter [-]:::Enhanced version of the apocalypse, but the young man made a request before he left, he could only tell them the general scope, and he would never pass.

Tony and the others agreed to this request, so they took the young man on the plane.

The plane flies all the way.

Fortunately, it is a specially made plane that is not disturbed by the outside world, otherwise it would be a bit laborious to travel through this Amazon jungle.

After flying over the forest for nearly an hour, the young man suddenly spoke, saying that he had reached his destination.

Tony put on his battle suit, and saw a particularly tall tree with the technology binoculars.

As required, he sent the young man back first, and the others jumped off the fighter plane one after another.

It was noon, and the dense woods blocked most of the sunlight, and these trees were extraordinarily sturdy, which together made people feel eerie.

Captain America and Hank lead the way, and the others follow.

There are many thorns in the jungle, and they encountered many beasts along the way.

There were poisonous snakes, scorpions, and wolves, and the scary thing was that they encountered a... tiger-like beast, and even Captain America's shield didn't kill it all at once.

After walking for about half an hour, we finally reached the river.

The Amazon River is a long river that runs through the entire Amazon jungle. The waters are wide and bottomless, and I don't know how many live under the water... Strange animals, and even scary piranhas.

This river is difficult for everyone, how to get there now? The only people who can fly here are Nightcrawlers, and they have the ability to transfer space, but he can't bring so many people over at once.

The location of the apocalypse cannot be determined now, it should be safer to stay together.

And if the fighter plane stops there for another half an hour, will it be troublesome to walk over, and Tony is not here.

At this time, Hulk and Banner ran aside for a while to discuss something, and then the two of them knocked down several trees one after another in the woods.

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