I Found A Wand

Chapter 5 - Ministry of Magic

-Tracking, that f.u.c.k.i.n.g wand have tracking spell in it.

Arthur found on potterwiki, that in 2005 year when Harry Potter, became Head of Auror office - main division of Department of Magical Law Enforcementor. He created wand tracking spell with help of few arithmancy and charm experts. Since 2006 thanks to Olivander monopoly on wand market, every wand is ''improved'' by this charm, and unauthorised use in muggle world, would cause reaction of aurors, who will catch delinquent and bring him to the magical court to be judged, maybe at the end he will be send to jail, depending on the spell and the final result of unauthorized use.

Arthur facepalmed himself.

-It means that now, when I was experimenting, I was also screaming "hey motherf.u.c.kers I'm here. Come to meeee~~!!!"

Potterwiki says:

"Tracking spell can show area with 500 m diameter, where wand had been used. It also can show estimated time of wand use, but as for now it isn't to precise. It can estimate time with error of 2 to 3 hours "

-So it isn't too precise for now. It's activated when magic power is passing through the wand..

-I was using that f.u.c.k.i.n.g stick for several hours.. what to do... Arthur think..

Arthur was depressed. He started to think how he will react to the view of aurors coming into his room. But suddenly young Rite had an idea. He dressed hastily. He ran out from home firmly gripping his wand.

For near 15 minutes Arthur, with help of googlemaps, was circling in 1 km distance from his house. He was using one spell per minute. After full encirclement he went furhter - 1,5 km from his house using the same strategy. He used spell after every 200-400 meters. Arthur wanted to enlarge search field for aurors as much as he can, as fast as it was possible. He had just 2-3hours time window thanks to inaccuracy of tracking spell. After 1,5h of running Arthur enlarged search area from diameter 500 m to 2,5km around his house.

-I hope that will be enough..

When he was going home, he went to the shop and bought 50m of copper wire. He had a theory.

-[When I was testing "Pondus Incremento" I put a compass next to the paper ball and when I used spell then compass needle moved. It means that magic is generating some sort of electromagnetic waves, and maybe that tracking spell works in similiar way,to gps or maybe the way how police is locating cellphones. All I need to do, is just prevent this signal from reaching aurors. So the best way to obstruct that signal is creating Faraday cage*!]

When Arthur came back home, he quickly made small cage from copper wire and he placed his wand inside it.

Then he started meditating. He needed to calm down a bit.

Arthur was waiting 30 minutes, then 1 hour, 4hours. He didn't know, if that was enough to mislead aurors. So all he could do now, was waiting. Fortunately, until next morning nothing happened.

-It was close. I need to be more cautious...

Rite thought and decided, that from now he will use wand only in Faraday cage, which he will build in near future. Because his actual creation is too small to enter it.

After waiting all night for aurors, Arthur finally went to sleep, very deep sleep.

At the evening, when he woke up, he was still feeling bad, thanks to that stressful situation.

In the next few days, he he folded bigger version of Faraday cage - 1,5m x 1,5m x 1,5m cube. He also started talking a bit more with his father, but still he was treating him like an enemy.

Things started to go better way. Arthur resumed his tests. He found out few new facts.

"Day 4

Fact No. 8 Magic creates electromagnetical waves.

Fact No. 9 From all european languages latin have the strongest magical properties."

After few days Arthur thought about material on which magic is casted. He had hipothesis, if magic really cause some electromagnetical disturbance, then maybe spell casted on conductors like copper or steel will generate different results?

"Day 6

Fact No. 10 Charm 'Pondus Incremento' casted on copper wire ball with the same mass like paper ball will generate better results than when casted on papperball

Fact No. 11 When I try to cast a spell on paperball, with copper net on the way, my spell doesn't work. Or work with drastically weaker effect.

Fact No. 12 When I try to cast spell on paperball through glass or wood obstacle effect is the same like without glass or wood on the way."

"Day 10

My basic magic strenght increased from value 1 to 4 ( I can increase mass of paper ball to 4,4-5,7g now. At the beggining it was about 1,3g-1,5g without spell and wand) So I can see some kind of improvement.

I also started using wingardium leviosa on paperball. For now I can lift the ball for about 40 minutes, but I need to be fully concentrated on that. Later I will try to move it a bit in the air."

"Day 11

I found information about Ravenclaw's Diadem, which is increasing wisdom /inteligence of wearer. I think about creating it. It will be my near future goal. As for now I need to improve myself."

Few weeks later, when Arthur was shopping, he saw a man. Old man in grey vest. When he was looking at him, he felt that he know him somehow,, but he has no idea how. Old man didn't paid any attention to him, so Rite decided to follow him. After 5 minutes grandpa went to the toilet. He closed himself in the toilet cabin. Arthur entered the next one. Rite pretended he was peeing. Arthur was observing old man shoes, when suddenly old man rised one leg,and after that second one. Youth couldn't see them anymore. Then he heard a flush. 5 minutes passed, 10 minutes..

-What the f.u.c.k ?

Arthur narrowed his eyes and exited his cabin then entered one, which old man used. There were nothing. Old man dissapeared in the air.

Youth took out his phone and checked phrase "toilet" in potter wiki

Arthur Rite grinned widely.

He found something very good.

Entrance to the British Ministry of Magic.

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