I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 93 Is the Xia Ke Xing plagiarism?

A set of Qiu Yaoyang's emojis, with the popularity of the Xia Ke Xing game, have been virally forwarded.

"Damn it, the emoji must be made of handsome guys!"

"It's so interesting. What kind of hardships have you endured to be so unlovable?"

Many people seem to have discovered a treasure. Following the expression pack, they discovered the game Xia Ke Xing.

"The martial arts-style e-sports game is very unique. I want to participate in it next year!"

"The picture quality is great, and you can build your own appearance?! Why can't it be kryptonite..."

"Voice-controlled gameplay is too shameful, I can't do it, I can't do it..."

"Sure enough, I still need my husband's emoji package to comfort. Qiu Yaoyang's facial paralysis.jpg."

The way players greet each other lately is to send each other Qiu Yaoyang emojis.

This made him face his own photo when he first opened the game discussion area, and the four characters of life without love were added below.

The air froze for a moment, and time seemed to stand still.

Everyone would feel awkward if his appearance was cut off to make an emoji.

Qiu Yaoyang's face turned gloomy little by little.

His hand that was holding the mouse gradually tightened, and the white hand was bluish-white due to the force, making it even more slender.

Looking through the hot searches on Weibo, one after another emojis using him as the protagonist, like mockery.

The knight is on fire, no doubt about it.

But this fire was not caused by the e-sports promotion route, but because of his emoji!

"Today, a group of emoji 390 became popular on the Internet."

"The protagonist of the emoji is Qiu Yaoyang, the designer of a game. He presented the award alone at the game's award ceremony. A loveless emoji fully expresses the scene at that time..."

Qiu Yaoyang suddenly felt that the game became popular, and the emoji became popular, which almost didn't ignite his anger.

Seeing the players who were chatting happily with his emoji on the Internet, Qiu Yaoyang drank a glass of water and sneered.

"The recently collected crafting points are not fast enough, the game should also be updated, let's see how these players are idle..."

As he spoke, his hand suddenly exerted force, and a paper cup was crumpled like this, which is enough to prove how angry the owner of this hand is at the moment.


Just when Qiu Yaoyang saw that his emoji was broken, a new game suddenly appeared among the players.

Huanyu, the largest game manufacturer in the Dragon Kingdom, has also released a new game!

"Blood Rivers and Lakes", a martial arts style voice-controlled game based on the disputes of the rivers and lakes.

Huanyu Company is an old-fashioned game manufacturer in Longguo. Although the games produced are very powerful, at least the games are well done.

For the sake of high-quality games, players can endure and still be able to pay for it.

And the martial arts game just borrowed the style of Xia Ke Xing, and players' interest in this game was suddenly raised.

"(cdfe) Martial arts style! This picture seems to be very beautiful!"

"This voice control is too middle school, release my middle school soul!"

"Is it my illusion? Why do you feel that this game is so similar to Xia Xing Xing?"

"Players of the Knight's Walk don't touch porcelain, okay? The style is similar."

"No, no, no, you feel superior when you play a game? Shouldn't it be the origin?"

When he saw the hot-blooded rivers and lakes, a player of the Xia Ke Xing raised his doubts, and the navy that had been prepared for a long time came out, creating something out of nothing, saying that the players of the Xia Ke Xing were maliciously touching porcelain.

They deliberately exaggerated this point, accusing Xia Ke Xing players of bad character.

How could the players of Xia Ke Xing endure being scolded in vain, and immediately scolded them back, and finally turned into Xia Xing Xing players accusing the blood of plagiarism.

"It's just the same gameplay. Shouldn't all voice-activated games be said to be copied from your family? Are the players of the Xia Ke Xing worm-eaten?"

"It's just a game. It's not going to be a monopoly, right? You can only have one of you in any martial arts game? Origins, I really admire it."

"Can one person make such a large-scale game? You don't need to write drafts to deceive people. It's just a plagiarism dog."

The navy came up to hear the wind, and immediately suppressed the Xia Ke Xing players.

Passers-by were influenced by them, and could not help but wonder whether the Xia Kexing really copied the bloody rivers and lakes.

Just when there was a lot of uproar on the Internet, an announcement was suddenly made in the bloody rivers and lakes.

"A glass of wine in the spring breeze of peach and plum, ten years of light in the night and rain in the rivers and lakes."

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, only hoping to cross the sky, but being exhausted by traitors, I hereby announce to all chivalrous men."

An announcement caused an uproar.

"Look at other people's blood, this is honesty, ten years, a complete game team, only to make such a large-scale game, looking at someone, talking about one person boldly..."

"It's shameless to plagiarize the dog. What kind of e-sports competition is there? I'm drunk. I really don't know if you copied the game and would have nightmares at night."

Hot-blooded rivers and lakes publish games from naval guidance to player attack.

After a wave of operations, even the players of Xia Ke Xing were blinded, and could not help but doubt.

"Could it be that Xia Ke Xing is really a plagiarism game..."

They began to hesitate, and they no longer refuted the accusations of the enthusiastic players.

Huanyu Company, in the president's office, President Cui Hongye saw the trend on the Internet, he was satisfied, and sighed with emotion.

"That's right, games are tools for making money. Games that don't make money don't need to exist at all."

"Anything about e-sports is all about children playing the house. Alas, after this incident, this Qiu Yaoyang will be able to recognize the reality. This is all our painstaking efforts."

After he finished speaking, game designer Wu Haoguang nodded quickly and answered carefully.

"Mr. Cui is right. Young people are naive."

Cui Hongye had no sympathy for this man who nodded and bowed his head, and snorted coldly with a bad tone.

"Have the charges for props been fixed?"

"It's done, it's done."

Getting an affirmative answer, Cui Hongye nodded.

Domestic games are extremely introverted in terms of krypton gold.

Huanyu's games are the best in the industry, and they vow to squeeze out the last bit of money savings from players.

Xia Ke Xing, a high-quality and inexpensive game, is simply blocking their way!

If you don't get rid of it, there will be endless troubles!

Inside the PDD live room.

"Glory is supreme, fight to the death."

"Sitting in front of you, the first champion of the Xia Ke Xing! PDD"

PDD wiped a handful of hair proudly, and was very embarrassed, revealing the plaque behind him that "just happened" into the mirror, intentionally or unintentionally.

Inscribed, glory first, fight to the death.

Phnom Penh with a black background, if it is placed in the ancient government office, it is very suitable for identity, and it is placed in the live broadcast room...

Hot eyes, these are really hot eyes!

The audience who entered his live broadcast room will be pissed off by this guy's rudeness.

"I'm going! Sao pig is really the most saucy one."

"Glory first, fight to the death? It's a good word, but isn't it a bit too much for you to make it into a plaque?"

"Knowing that you are the champion, you don't have to!"

"Can you care about plagiarism?"

PDD hummed twice, pretended to be hot, and fanned with the championship certificate issued by the Xia Ke Xing.

The audience was almost blinded by his bragging rights.

"Knight Xing, eternal god..."

But seeing someone say plagiarism, PDD gave a slight pause, and in one sentence, he expressed his position.

And this made many fans stunned.

"Knight's Walk, always drop God."

In an instant, a very eager response, PDD also stood up, ready to show off the eight characters behind it again...

At this moment, there are some people who are paying attention to the official website of Xia Kexing.

"Xia Ke Xing has issued a new announcement! It should be in response to plagiarism!"

"Go and see."

Fans all ran away in a rush, and PDD's face turned black.

"I'm such a big plaque, it's not as good as responding to the plagiarism announcement?!" PDD said, pondered for a while, and his body was still very honest and opened the official website of the knight's line. .

Chapter 94 Respond to plagiarism? No, it's just Xianxia here

The fact that the Xia Ke Xing copied the bloody rivers and lakes has already caused a stir in the game circle.

Among the players who are commenting hotly in the game discussion forum.

Suddenly someone exploded a thunder.

"The Xia Kexing has made an announcement!

"Damn it! There was an announcement at this time."

"This is the rhythm of the ring!"

The players were so excited that they logged in to the Xia Kexing to read the announcement.

PDD is also on the game.

In the live broadcast room, some viewers who were induced by the Navy have been plagiarizing, and he frowned when he saw it. He didn't care, but it wasn't a thing going on like this.

After pondering for a while, he said.

"Brothers, good people are always - always envied."

Without saying anything, he must be on the side of the Xia Kexing.

The players of Xia Ke Xing also expressed their opinions one after another. They did not believe that such an excellent game was actually plagiarized!

But some fans who are new to the game do not know about Qiu Yaoyang, they are uneasy, and they are not sure whether Xia Kexing is really plagiarizing.

Indeed, how can one person make such a large-scale game? The content is rich, the gameplay is novel, and the occupation is highly balanced...

It can't be done by one person.

Fans keep denying themselves in their hearts, but feel that it is a pity that such a good game, even if an announcement is made to clarify plagiarism, will always be a stumbling block in the hearts of players.

If you die sooner or later, you will die. Whether it is plagiarism or not, Qiu Yaoyang will definitely give them an explanation.

PDD thought, with a hint of nervousness in his heart, and opened the announcement.

"There are more grains in the sea, and the accumulation of storage is endless. Heroes from all over the world, red generals are full of battles everywhere. The drums are roaring and the north wind is rising, the sword is rushing and the southern mountains are flat.

"Today, there is a shortage of knights, and heroes from all walks of life are invited to come and help..."

After the eerie silence, PDD raised his head with an unbelievable black question mark face.

"Damn it! Laozi made so much mental preparation, TM's pants were taken off, just show me this? It's okay if TM doesn't respond, so TM is recruiting?"

His tone was filled with the grief of a grief-stricken woman.

Before opening the announcement, no one thought that Qiu Yaoyang's announcement was not a response to plagiarism.

At this node, he actually made an announcement to recruit people? !

"Qiu Yaoyang, are you polite. jpg, we were beaten to death because of plagiarism. As a result, you told me that you were hiring?"

"This is completely disregarding the opponent."

"Isn't it? No? Thief Qiu finally couldn't help but want to recruit people?"

After PDD was shocked, he came back to his senses and looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and he was also extremely angry and laughed.

"Recruiting? I think it's just so that he doesn't have to award awards."

"Brothers, listen to my advice, don't go."

"In the future, I will let him go to the awards alone. Brothers, the famous scene! We must unite at this time. Look at this little emoji, you will have your emoji next time. .."

When he talked about his excitement, he clicked on a video of an awards ceremony.

Happy bgm, with fast-forward award ceremony.

The camera focuses on Qiu Yaoyang. From peacefulness to doubt to life without love, that handsome face has changed many expressions in a short period of time, and any one part is a classic expression pack.

This is simply the funniest video of the year!

In the live broadcast room, the audience was crazy with joy.

Their attention was all attracted by this announcement, and they didn't care about plagiarism at all.

"[Qiu Yaoyang is born without love.jpg], Sao Zhu has a set, this TM put on the bgm god."

"Creating a famous scene starts with us. As long as everyone doesn't go, there will be one more game designer who can't be loved at the awards ceremony."

The players regained their energy instantly because of Qiu Yaoyang's announcement.

They also saw Qiu Yaoyang's attitude towards plagiarism.

Don't suffer Laozi, Laozi just wants to recruit people!

The navy looked at it, and the wind was in the wrong direction! I hurriedly wanted to correct it, and tried my best to brush the sense of existence.

"A plagiarism game still wants to recruit people?"

"No skin and no face is also a realm."

"Don't think that this will change the subject, plagiarism dog BS!"

The passers-by were led by the navy and deliberately bought and downloaded the download of Xia Ke Xing, just to play the skills of a keyboard warrior in the game, and scolded Qiu Yaoyang to the point of bloody head.

But Qiu Yaoyang didn't even notice the group of clowns jumping on the beam, and didn't even know about plagiarism.

He was looking intently at the various data in the knight's line in front of him.

Today is the day to update the expansion pack and the day to open the world of Xianxia.

There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, and he couldn't wait to see the big change in Xia Ke Xing!

[Do you want to open a new expansion? 】

【Yes! 】


When the navy and the players who were used as gunners by them were trying to swipe the screen in the chat channel.

In the group of the four-person anchor team.

"This is the worst navy I've ever seen!"

"Alas... can't blame them, it's not that they've become weaker, it's that we've become stronger."

"Indeed, I don't even think about it. Qiu Yaoyang, that straight man, is still plagiarizing? He obviously just hangs up!"

"You are persecuting! Why do you want to hang up the phone!"

"Get on the game! There are big changes in the game!"

The players in the game laughed like they were watching monkeys, and were still commenting that their swearing was not sharp enough.

At this moment, the screen in the game began to vibrate.

Some people who are sensitive to changes in the picture have begun to have a dizzy reaction.

"Damn it, what's going on? Earthquake?"

"I'm so dizzy..."

"Is the game unstable?"

They were discussing frantically, but the scene did not stop shaking, but intensified.

The whole world was shaking, and the sky was gradually darkening.

Standing on the top of Mount Huashan, PDD looked down, not knowing what happened, and saw countless NPCs flying from all directions in the mainland.

They stood on the top of the mountain with PDD, looked at the sky frantically, and muttered to themselves.

PDD got close enough to hear what they were saying.

"The era of the end of the law is finally coming to an end, my monks, usher in the light!"

"Kowloon appears in the world, Dingding lifts the world, aura recovers, the age of immortals..."

Before PDD had time to think about what this meant, he saw the mainland.

A gust of wind swept across the continent, forming a spectacular tornado, roaring towards Mount Hua.


All the houses and buildings swept up by the tornado were crushed.

A hurricane hundreds of meters high, looking up, can't see the end at all.

In front of nature, human beings are as small as ants.

Unconsciously make people feel fear.

The gray tornado has been moving forward, wrapped in a ferocious aura, all the way to Huashan.

At the top of Huashan Mountain, the huge tornado stayed on the top of the mountain, and the wind was blowing violently.

A thunderstorm suddenly sounded in the sky, causing all players to lose their minds and their courage to collapse.

Then one, two, three!

The timid player will shrink when he hears the thunder.

This scene in front of me is like the end of the world.

"What's the matter? Is this game about to be destroyed?"

"I'm afraid of thunder!"

"This game is so scary wow wow..."

The cries of the players make the game more immersive.

The little girl who was also in the game was also infected with fear by this atmosphere.

...... 0

"Is it really the end of the world?"

Her eyes were lost, and there was a faint hint of despair in her eyes, and she muttered to herself.

Suddenly, the sound of nine dragons resounded across the continent, urging everyone to look up into the sky.

The hurricane was struck by a thunderbolt the size of the mouth of nine bowls, and when the hurricane dissipated, a ferocious stone pillar wrapped in an ancient tree was revealed.

Seeing that stone pillar, many people have a clear understanding, and even know what will happen in the next second.

The sky is far and dark, like an abyss, and there are golden figures looming during the period.

The deafening sound of chains made everyone look at the completely dark sky.

Nine hundred-meter-long five-clawed golden dragons radiate golden light all over their bodies, full of the noble aura of ancient times.

They tossed wantonly in the air, like an indestructible Great Wall, containing extremely terrifying power.

Their scales shone with golden light, lighting up this dark and quiet night sky.

The ends of the nine golden dragons were all tied with huge black iron cables, and they kept colliding with each other because of their tossing. And at the end of the iron cable, a bronze coffin with a length of 20 meters is linked.

When the bronze coffin settled on the top of Mount Huashan, a burst of transparent power quickly spread out.

In different parts of the continent, nine huge bronze cauldrons suddenly fell from the sky, and they were firmly planted on the ground.

The nine giant cauldrons echoed faintly on the mainland, forming a watch.

And since the bronze coffin fell on the top of Mount Hua, no matter how the golden dragon rolled, the coffin hovered there steadily.

The players were silent for a moment, and suddenly burst into greater enthusiasm.

The little sister stayed wide-eyed, her lips trembled, she couldn't believe it.

"Kowloon pulls the coffin! It's the Jiulong pulls the coffin!"

The audience was even more shocked.

"Let's just say that this is the linkage between Xia Kexing and Sekiro, and sure enough, it appeared today."

"Bring the prophet, let's get the knife! However, why do I feel that this is the real Jiulong Lagan, and the wolf is just foreplay?"

"Let's not discuss this for now, what's going on with Jiuding! Hurry up and take a look!"

No one can think of the so-called plagiarism.

Even the specially invited sailors couldn't help but start paying attention to what happened in the game. wide.

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