“Lord Erin, someone has come to pick us up! It’s someone sent by the city lord of North!

In the primeval forest, a child of the wind flew down from the sky and shouted with a very happy face.

“North City? It seems that Burton still did it. Hearing


words of the child of the wind, the originally tired dinosaur Erin’s always tense face finally relaxed.

Following this son of the wind is a people of the black water with three carapaces behind them.

“Lord Irene, I was sent by Lord Burton, we have completely controlled the city of North, and the warriors of the other five sects have all been uprooted, but the situation on the side of the Holy City seems to be very bad, the chief priest of Barton and the priests of the other two races are now all controlled by those careerists, and the chief priest of the son of the near sea and the chief priest of the people of the serpent are all involved in the planning of this turmoil.”

The eyes of the visitors were a little solemn, and a lot of news was said in a row.


Erin thought of the chief priest Barton, and the scene when he expected him to escape from the holy city, and her mood suddenly became lost and worried.

However, she soon picked herself up again.

Because she remembered all the teachings his teacher had taught her since she was a child.

—————— the streets of the

Holy City, watching a child of lava and a child of the near sea fighting each other, Erin, who was still a child, asked the teacher with some fear: “Teacher, why are these uncles fighting?”

“Hehe, this is faith, just because the son of lava said that our great god of lava is the supreme god, then the son of the near sea is not convinced.”

“Huh? Isn’t our Father the strongest god? Ignorant, she asked again.

Barton touched her head with a smile and said softly: “Father God is of course the most powerful god, most of the five races have long agreed, but people are complicated, especially when you face to face to belittle other people’s gods, the gullies and contradictions in the human heart will make them do this.”

“We mortals should be respectful and humble in dealing with any god, but people, it is complicated, and this clan may not actually mean to blaspheme the other gods, but it is difficult for the other party to accept the difference between high and low, or they usually have contradictions.”

“Although order is established, the gulf of race is still difficult to fill, and there will always be contradictions of one kind or another when living together.”

Hearing her teacher’s words, the clever little Erin was a little puzzled: “Teacher, isn’t there a way to stop everyone from fighting?” Erin didn’t want to see everyone like this.

Barton laughed, and happily took Erin Lou, who was holding his thighs, into his arms.

“Of course, and I thought of it too.”

“If you want to truly realize the integration of the five races, faith is a huge gully that cannot be avoided, and the only way is when the five races have a common belief, perhaps the ravines belonging to different races will be filled by then!”

“Shared faith?” Little Erin didn’t understand something.

“It’s very simple, that is, let the five races no longer believe in their own gods alone, when everyone believes in the gods of the five orders, or believe in the order established by the five gods, yes, the belief in the order is the best answer.”

Barton sighed, and then his face straightened, and he looked at Little Irene in his arms very squarely and said:

“Ancient fanatical beliefs can’t tolerate a trace of impurities, little Erin, if you really want to change all this, then go and work hard!” The future belongs to you, don’t be confused, don’t be afraid, try it bravely like a real warrior, the teacher will give you the greatest support.

“The newly emerged Order God Sect little Erin, you may be able to find out, there are many people who think like you.”


“Let’s go! Go for your own truth and change the world you want to change!


Thinking back to everything in the past, Erin’s eyes still couldn’t help but have tears flashing, but she just couldn’t bear to let it flow.

Forced to endure the sorrow in her heart, Erin led the warrior who followed her to a conspicuous cliff at the top of the mountain.

She looked at the

vast land, looked at this world full of ups and downs, cheered herself up, and then continued to ask the visitors:

“How is the situation of our Order God Sect now? How did you inquire? The

person who came respectfully said, “Lord Erin, the situation is actually not very bad.

“Several coastal cities have all fallen into our hands, in addition, our people in Heishui have been late in civilization, and they have also benefited from the four races, so they do not have too extreme thoughts about faith.”

“Now almost all the cities in the territory of the people of Blackwater are under the control of our Order God Sect, and the only three cities in the Children of the Wind are all of the Order, as for the other three races, the situation is probably chaotic now, and it is still in continuous chaos, and it may take a while to know the final result.”

“However, Lord Burton’s idea is that we in the Order God Sect cannot just sit still, and we need to organize fighters as soon as possible to support those people who believe in Order.”

“The original religion of the three races is too crazy, they don’t treat the followers of our Order God Sect as human beings at all, they are killing indiscriminately! We simply do not have the possibility of negotiating peacefully with them now.

“If we don’t act soon, soon we may fall into complete passivity, although this is somewhat contrary to the core doctrine of our Order God Sect to integrate the five races, but now we have no way back.”

When the son of Blackwater said this, his mood was obviously very sad.


five ethnic groups have coexisted peacefully for nearly 3,000 years, why did it become like this? Are they wrong in order to believe in the five gods and eliminate racial contradictions?

No! They are not wrong! It is the diehard fanatics who are wrong, the remnants of the old times blinded by power!

Wasn’t the Lord God of Order, the great and benevolent God of Lava, the first order established so that mortals on earth could live in peace and live better?

And the other gods all followed the lava god, and it was already obvious.

But the ancient belief of ignorance is always so self-righteous, always so ridiculous and arrogant.

They are the ones who blaspheme, and they are simply unforgivable.

The son of Blackwater is very firm in his heart, and at the same time feels that only his Order God Sect is the most correct one, is righteous, and is the most loyal defender under the Five Gods of Order.

Erin listened to the words of the Son of Blackwater, and her heart was full of hesitation.

But when she thought of

her teacher’s teachings to herself, when she thought that there were still many people of order who were being killed innocently, and when she thought of her nearly a thousand years of hard work, she became firm again.

She turned her head and looked at the followers around her, at the Son of Blackwater.

“Let’s go! Since things have come to this point, then the cause of the matter is no longer important, let’s see who is the final winner!

“Go! Go down the mountain to join the people who are supporting and head to North City together!


——Off topic——

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