I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 150 147. Dumbledore, come out and collect the corpse!

Hearing the sound of the ball in his hand, Jerry was stunned.

He held the ball composed of the Soul Seal to his face, and a transparent thing could vaguely be seen floating in it.

"Where is Mrs Cole? What are you doing? What have you done to me? It's illegal to abduct and sell children in the UK, you know!" the young voice kept shouting in the little ball.

Jerry stared blankly at the ball in his hand, and suddenly asked a question.

"Is your name Tom Riddle? Eleven years old and living in the Wu's Orphanage?"

Hearing his question, the boy's voice in the small ball said viciously.

"I'm eight years old this year! Also, since you already know that I'm an orphan, let me go quickly, no one will give you a ransom even if you catch me!"

Jerry was silent for a long time, he didn't know why he became like this, Voldemort was caught by him, but he really turned into little Tom!

When he was thinking, he subconsciously flattened and rounded the ball like plasticine, causing little Tom inside the ball to scream.

"Did we succeed or fail?" Marsol and Teffi surrounded Jerry

Jerry said hesitantly, "We should be considered a success."

Hagrid was standing beside them, and at the same time he heard the conversation between Jerry and little Tom in the ball just now, and he looked at the ball in Jerry's hand in disbelief.

"Is this really the mysterious man? You caught the mysterious man!"

Seeing that the battle was over, Hagrid did not clash with the three black-robed men, and Harry and Hermione also ran out from behind the tree.

The two of them hid by Hagrid's side, just in time to hear what he said.

Harry shuddered.

"Voldemort? Where is Voldemort?"

Hagrid pointed his finger at the ball that was crumpled into Jerry's hand.

Harry was instantly stunned.

Although a little disrespectful, such an idea still popped into his mind.

So his parents died in the hands of such a ball?

Hermione didn't pay attention to Voldemort. Ever since she ran to Hagrid, she'd been staring at the black-robed man who claimed to be Jerry.

For some reason, she felt that the black-robed man's behavior was very similar to Lynn's.

But Hermione didn't say anything or ask. She is a smart girl. Since Lynn wants to hide her identity, she has his own intentions. What if she exposes him at this time and causes him trouble?

Then the little girl looked away from Jerry, and she stared at the black-robed man named Taifei, so who was this woman who acted with Lynn?

When a group of six people were having their own thoughts, a voice suddenly rang out.

"You really gave me a big surprise, Bellock."

All eyes turned to the direction from which the voice came.

Under a tree, an old man with a fluffy white beard and moon glasses was standing there. He seemed to have been there for a long time, but no one around him noticed him.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Hagrid and Harry called out.

And Hermione ran to Lynn's side immediately. Now that Professor Dumbledore has revealed his identity, Hermione is naturally not afraid that she will destroy Lynn's plan.

"Take your hat off!"

The little girl's voice was a little unhappy.

Lynn pulled down his hat, revealing his original face. He rubbed Hermione's head, and Hermione struggled, but didn't break free.

Dumbledore walked up to Lynn, he didn't seem to be pretending, he was really surprised.

"I really didn't expect it would end up like this."

Lynn didn't show any timidity in front of Dumbledore. He didn't intend to hide it from Dumbledore. It was better for him to see everything that had just happened.

"Deng, Professor Dumbledore, is that really Voldemort?" Harry stammered while standing beside Dumbledore, pointing to the ball in Lynn's hand.

Dumbledore shook his head, his blue eyes that seemed to be able to read people's hearts stared at the small ball that had sensed that the situation around him was wrong, and quieted down to eavesdrop on their speech, with a complicated expression on his face.

"To be precise, Voldemort is dead, and now Tom Riddle is alive."

Harry had a blank look on his face, he didn't understand what that meant.

Dumbledore didn't explain much to him, he looked around at everyone present and said.

"I know you still have a lot of questions, but it's very late today, so let's all go back to sleep first. For everything that just happened, just pretend nothing happened, don't tell anyone, remember it's any people."

Then he extended his hand towards Lynn.

"Belok, can you give me this little boy in your hands first?"

As long as Voldemort is caught, no matter what he becomes, Lynn doesn't care. He originally wanted to use this thing as a certificate, and he wished Dumbledore would ask him for it.

"Of course I can teach." Tom was handed to Dumbledore by him. "Can I go to your office tomorrow morning and talk to you?"

Dumbledore did not reject him.

"You are always welcome in my office. The password for tomorrow is lemonade, and I will be waiting for you."

On the way back to the castle, Hermione followed Lynn.

She had already seen that the black-robed man named Tai Fei was actually played by Lynn's friend Ian, so the vigilance in her heart was naturally gone, but she was still angry.

"So, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were going to do such a dangerous thing? What do you mean by hiding it from me?"

Lynn listened to Hermione's tantrums, and he not only didn't find it annoying, but found it very interesting.

"I'm afraid to tell you because it's dangerous, didn't you see that the three of us are hiding our identities? If we fail in the end and let Voldemort run away, then we'll be in big trouble."

Hermione wrinkled her nose, she was not a vexatious girl, Lynn said so, of course she would not continue to lose her temper.

At this moment, Harry, who had been silently beside them, said suddenly hesitantly.

"Senior Belloc"

Lynn corrected his title: "Just call me Lynn, I'm just one level older than you, and it's a bit twisted when you call senior."

"Then Lynn, that means it was Professor Quirrell who had been trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone?"

Lynn knew exactly what Harry wanted to ask.

"Professor Quirrell indeed. You wanted to ask something about Professor Snape, right?"

Harry nodded, he actually wanted to ask a lot, not just Snape, but Lord Voldemort tonight.

"I can't answer this for you. When you have a chance, you should ask Professor Dumbledore, and he will tell you."

Harry didn't get an answer from him, and walked back to the Gryffindor lounge with Hermione in disappointment.

Hermione made an appointment with Lynn before leaving.

"See you in the library tomorrow afternoon."

At the castle gate, before the three parted, Lynn smiled and looked at Cedric and Ian.

"Whether or not what happened tonight will be recorded in the history of magic, whether we will be known to future generations because of this matter, but now we have succeeded."

"Yes, we succeeded." Cedric also said relaxedly, "We caught the Dark Lord who made the entire magic world fall into darkness."

Even Ian's rare mouth is slightly upturned, and he and his friends have worked hard to accomplish a big thing. This feels really good.

Lynn put an arm around a man's shoulder, and the three of them walked into the Hogwarts castle.

"I can't predict, and I can't see our future clearly, but I know it must be bright!"

The promised side story of Xiaobu will be added at the end of this volume, Voldemort becomes Little Tom, this should be considered a show operation, right?

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